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Everything posted by singleshot

  1. singleshot

    What a toad.

    Nice buck! Better shot.
  2. singleshot

    Muley buck still in velvet

    I have a friend who has 2 mule deer bucks that were killed in the general seasons, mounted, in full hard horned velvet. Both bucks were very old and their teeth showed it. The taxidermist told him that the testosterone level in some old bucks is so low that they lose the urge to rut and don't rub. My brother took a big mulie one year that was hard horned velvet but he was missing his testicles.
  3. singleshot

    Monster dead head

    +1 three fingers coues 4 fingers mulie
  4. singleshot

    December 2012 AZ Coues Hunt.

    Really nice pictures and write up. Two nice bucks to boot. I found myself enjoying the pictures of your camp and tents. Even with bad weather it sure looked like a lot of fun. Thanks for all of your positive posts, and can't wait to read about your adventures in Mexico.
  5. singleshot

    Late Season Rally

    I thought the video was awesome. Great write up and congratulations on 3 fine bucks.
  6. singleshot

    Cabella's Meat Grinder

    I have the 1/2 HP and it will keep a guy really busy.
  7. singleshot

    A gift from "Daddyclaus"

    Great buck, congratulations to your son. I think that being able to transfer your tag to a junior hunter is one of the best things AZDGF has done for our youth. I transferred several over the years and it sure benefited my kids by keeping them interested.
  8. singleshot

    My 2012 Archery Buck

    Great story! I feel really old and puny after reading about your trip. Nice buck also.
  9. singleshot

    Supplemental feed?

    Do as I say! Not as I do.
  10. singleshot

    Anyone like palmation?

    Sounds like that bull had been wintering there for awhile. Cool bull. What's with the 2x6?
  11. Congrats on a nice buck. That Montana canvas will wear the memories of your hunt forever. Beauty Marks!
  12. singleshot

    Euro Mount

    Krylon flat white.
  13. singleshot

    Cabelas and Dick's did what????

    Apparently cabelas has never sold AR type rifles in Connecticut. The only article I could find about Dicks states that they will not be selling any type of rifle, sporting arms included in the vicinity of Newton Connectiut, for "awhile" out of respect for the victims.
  14. singleshot

    Need help identifying this skull

    If it is a goat I feel pretty stupid... but the size of the horn bases in relation to the rest of the skull doesn't seem quite right. The overall size is about that of a softball. I see now what you are saying Amanda and that is the view from the front, pygmy goat!
  15. singleshot

    The Red Barn and First Snow

    Should be a Christmas card, awesome picture.
  16. singleshot

    3 Mule deer bucks finished up

    Really nice work! Thanks for posting the pics.
  17. singleshot

    WTB 9mm compact or subcompact.

    Remington 870 .....20 gauge...have her shoot some skeet loads and then stuff it full of 3 inch #4s. You can get a brand new one for three bills. Better than a pistol in the dark.
  18. singleshot

    Ideas on a quad...

    We have an original 2002 ranger at the ranch. It has been used, and used and used. It has never seen a paved road, sat out in the weather for the first seven years and now has over 2000 dirt road HOURS on it. The drive belt is original. The temperature switch for the fan quit but I wired the fan to come on whenever the engine is running. That happened several years ago. It has been put to the test and passed . I bought my own in 2009. I really can't find much negative to say about it. We have the half windshields on ours and dust doesn't seem to be a problem at all. The clamps for the top are kind of cheesy so I replaced them with 11/2 " one hole conduit clamps. I would recommend a ranger for all around versatility. The rear shocks are also adjustable for payload and ride.
  19. singleshot

    Jaguar-Macho B

    Is a foot snare considered a "leg hold trap" ? Is female jaguar in heat scat considered "sight exposed bait" ? " all traps must be checked at least once in a 24 hour period" ? Classic " do as I say! Not as I do". Tragic turn of events for a very cool carnivore that should have been left alone.
  20. singleshot

    Son's Coues hunt

    Good advice, I remember my son reciting the whole movie " Joe Dirt "on the side of a mountain while I glassed. They grow up fast, and you never get those moments back. Congrats on a fine buck.
  21. singleshot

    First successful Coues hunt

    Nice buck. I really like that tall rack.
  22. singleshot


    The bargain barn on cabelas website often has some great deals.
  23. A flock of Western Blue Birds pitched and rolled out out of the breeze and alit in a nearby Juniper. It was really easy to see the beauty in those little winter visitors but that has not always been the case. Fourty years ago I would roll out of bed and Immediately press my face to the upstairs bedroom window and stare out at the towering cottonwoods that grew along the banks of the canal. If those trees were blowing in the breeze it was going to be a tough day shooting birds. That canal was my playground and the carnage I sent floating down it's muddy water was extreme at best. Rusty grew up a few years later and a few miles away but he aslo had an irrigation canal near his home and we sometimes shared childhood memories of all the good times that tall trees and running water can bring to a boy. As we ascended the ridge we would often stop to catch our breath and swap stories and I laughed out loud when Rusty told me that as a kid whenever he was grounded he had to stay inside and watch T.V., and that he was so hard on the dove population that he felt solely responsible for all of us losing the evening hunt. My dad chained up my Terrier and I had to stay inside also. We both had the acute ability to determine what was in our Christmas gifts by shaking them. The unmistakeable sound of daisy B.B.s rattling in their golden cardboard tubes, the heft of a brick of 22 long rifle Blazers, the sounds of chains that meant #3 longsprings or jumps. Santa pretty much had us figured out. We spoke of our Eberlestock packs, thousands of dollars in optics and my sixteen power scope. How in the world did we ever kill deer afield with just a pack of matches, a canteen of water, a knife and two peanut butter sandwiches down the front of our shirts? Seems like things were so much simpler back then. Eventually we topped out and peered off into a beautiful little pocket thick with Mountain Mahogany and scrub Oak. Both perplexed why no deer had been jumped in such a perfect place. I told Rusty of jumping a huge buck once atop a ridge like this and about how he had gotten out on me. I missed him three times later that same day. Rusty spoke of probably walking past a thousand deer in his life back when we just pounded country and busted brush. The more miles on the boots, the better odds at success. I'm sure that was his plan. To stay bedded in the thick scrub on the knife edge ridge we were on. Ten yards to my left, the route Rusty was taking through the small saddle was just going to be too close for the bucks comfort. He exploded from his bed at fifteen yards and Rusty yelled "buck" as we bolted towards the edge where we were sure he was headed. The Ruger #1 found it's home in my shoulder, a glimpse of width and mass on his left side, he sagged at the shot. Fifty yards away the twitching bear grass marked his passage, just like the old days.
  24. Truly a monster buck. Great story and determination to take such a fine animal.