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Everything posted by singleshot

  1. singleshot

    Future doctor

    Congratulations! Please remember that everybody's time is valuable. Please don't make people wait hours so that you don't have to wait minutes. Unless they are on AHCCCS, take the people who work for their insurance first!
  2. singleshot

    I believe this is Howard Hill

    My father in law Jim Holder confirmed that this is Howard and was taken at the cabin site in Holder Cienega. A large black bear was treed by dogs and roped by Cleveland and another cowboy and hauled up to the cabin site. Once released Howard shot the bear and it ran up a tree. The next two arrows went through the bear and into the tree and he died hung up. This was all filmed. Cleveland is buried in the Payson Cemetery . His headstone was made from one of the rocks used in the cabins foundation.
  3. If your shooting a fixed blade and are confident in them then don't change anything. Confidence equates to success, it's hard enough to maintain good shooting composure when the shot arises. If your shooting Swhackers and are confident in them, I wouldn't change. Fixed blade or expandable, a shot to the shoulder on a bull elk is a wash. The following pictures show entrance and exit holes from the 125 grain Swhacker. Entrance hole on a big mule deer buck, slightly quartering forward at 65 yards, 70 pound Mathews Z7, 27 inch Beman arrow. Average set-up. Cut through three ribs on the entrance and two ribs on the exit. 20 yard shot on a broadside Javelina. This is the exit hole after severing the spine. The spine was cut completely through at an angle from top to bottom, and also cut one of the ribs off at the point where it attaches to the spine.
  4. singleshot

    strangest thing I have ever seen!

    My daughter called me outside to look at this thing she had found in the driveway. Never seen anything like it. We have a few chickens that free range around the property and I assumed that it had to have come from one of them. Apparently under certain circumstances a chicken can lay a soft shelled egg. The darker orange color is the yolk.
  5. singleshot

    Disturbing Trend on CWT.com

    Very well said ! Growing up my dad always told me to "knock them down as they get up and the big ones will come with the little ones". And thats what my brother and I did. A spike a forkie and every few years a "good" buck. They were all exciting, and took an amount of effort that made you feel like you had really accomplished something, which we had. We daydreamed about the monster buck, and we killed some nice bucks here and there. In 1988 I purchased my first pair of decent glass and that completely changed the playing field. Totally. It was easier to be selective and try to kill an older age classed buck. Its similar to catch and release. When I pass a buck and some fortunate hunter takes him, I hope it creates a great memory. Now bowhunting, thats a completely different story. The close range encounter, and difficulty personally changes the bar. As we all become more and more accepting of technology what disturbs me is the "super gun" mentality. I do shoot a 7 mag. but I also know what a 257 Roberts, 6.5x55, 250 savage or whatever caliber that was available to hunt with, along with desire, is capable of.
  6. singleshot

    strangest thing I have ever seen!

    They get all the egg layer and scratch that they can eat. Whatever the euro doves don't get first anyway. Google says it usually is caused by stress, but diet can be a factor. The three hens average 15 eggs per week combined. Normal, hard shelled eggs.
  7. singleshot

    Southern az

    Man your tearing it up!! Great animals that you have been posting.
  8. singleshot

    Large Steel Tube For Sale

    Make a real nice "pit" for cookouts.
  9. singleshot

    Ruger 257 Roberts For Sale SOLD SOLD SOLD

    Somebody needs to buy this rifle. Best deal I have seen on a firearm in quite awhile. Great caliber for the hand loader.
  10. Rasped out of a blank by hands that have seen over eight decades. Hands that were farmed out around the county during hay season as they could splice rope so tight it would still slide through block and tackle. Hands that never accepted a hand out, or a dime of welfare, were drafted into war, taught thousands of students, and raised four kids. Hands that know hard work, and the finesse of fine checkering...... each one an heirloom. This one is Sarah's.... 7MM-08 built on a Marlin X7, the grip cap and tip are rosewood, Simms pad, 13 inch length of pull. I think Jack woulda shot it...... but he really would have liked the .270 beside it.
  11. That was really awesome. The clicking noise that the second tom made was unreal.
  12. singleshot

    Jack woulda shot it!

    realistically, I wouldn't want to take it out in the field for fear of scratching it. I learned at a very young age to sacrifice myself before my rifle. One of the stipulations of the build is that it is to be used for hunting. My wife fell on her .257 and snapped the stock through the grip, it was an awesome looking rifle. Fortunately my Dad built her another one that is even more wild. This is the first one built on a Marlin X7. I couldn't get into the $650.00 for a 700 just to throw away the tupperware. The X7 has a really good barrel, and an excellent trigger. Great buy for $400.00.
  13. singleshot

    My 2012 Archery Gould's Turkey

    Good write up, great pictures, really nice bird.
  14. singleshot

    Son's 2013 turkey

    Spurs? Those are more like gaffs! Awesome bird.
  15. singleshot

    Angling in

    My heart skipped a beat as the turkey blew up with a gobble just over the edge at 30 yards. I had been working this bird with his lone hen for about an hour as they fed along up a fairly open bottom. Both the tom and his hen would answer just about every time I called but I could not get them to commit and climb the ridge to where I had been setting up. I kept backing out and angling in from ahead of them hoping they would feel that I was coming to them, instead of them coming to me. I once again crawled to the edge and was able to see the tom in full strut about 80 yards away. I backed up and laid in the short grass and scratched the slate call a couple of times and he fired right back. I waited several minutes and while on my stomach scratched the slate once again. He about blew my hat off this time and I silently said a "YEAH BABY" this is fixing to happen. Slowly his blue head and neck appeared over the edge as he angled up the ridge. I thought about holding off and watching the show but at 25 yards, and no cover thought better of it.
  16. singleshot

    Open Weekend Luck

    Incredible! What an accomplishment.
  17. singleshot

    Free laying hens(3)

    Sent you a P.M.
  18. singleshot

    What is the best bow sight out there?

    Spott Hogg 7 deadly pins. Well thought out, precision machined, excellent sight.
  19. singleshot

    Weird deaths!

    A Loggerhead Shrike probably did that. You Tube it.
  20. singleshot

    NM Results Up

    No need to sugarcoat it......big and red...unsuccessful....New Mexico better start handing out "participant" medals before someone gets their feelings hurt and tells Oprah!
  21. singleshot

    Bird Down

    Nice bird and great write up. You sure got to see a lot of country on this hunt.
  22. I have a couple of Harris bipods. Laying down, with the bipod out and the butt stock rested on my daypack, just like Master card. Don't leave home without it!!
  23. singleshot

    Very Curious....how many tags

    First applied in 1989 1991 unit 1 archery bull tag 1994 unit 1 archery bull tag 2003 unit 1 archery bull tag 2010 unit 1 archery bull tag.... sponged off my brothers points and we had 26 between us 22 antelope bonus points.... never been drawn I have never missed a year applying.
  24. I dont have any tupperware in my house. Don't own anything walnut with the hard plastic finish either. Natural oil finish on AAA walnut is what dreams are made of.
  25. singleshot

    End Bonus Points!!

    I like the bonus point system. I have had four unit 1 archery elk tags in 24 years of applying. It sucks, but the average of every six years is better than the odds. At least every year my name is in the hat and I have the chance to draw back to back tags. We don't want to end up like New Mexico with back to back to back bull hunts based on alleged quality and high demand. The last time I drew I had 13 points for elk, I drew unit 1 archery. Their is a guy on here who has drawn 4 archery bull tags in unit 1 in the last six years, and several before that. I wish I was that lucky but I'm not, at least with the current system my name is in the hat every year.