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Everything posted by singleshot

  1. singleshot

    Crunch Time Bucks

    But steak fingers are good!
  2. singleshot

    Hunting for a Giant.

    Great job on a couple of really nice bucks. That wind and low temps the last week were no joke but persistence pays off. Dig the music you chose for your video. Overall just awesome!
  3. singleshot


    Roughly two feet of snow on Mt Graham since Monday night, more expected tonight. Be nice to see twenty feet for the season again like the early 80's.
  4. singleshot

    Highs and Lows….. Sarah's Bull

    I never have been much for scouting, probably why I will never take a truly great trophy. Preseason scouting for Coues deer is hot, the older I get the less I like the heat, nope not really into it. Hit it hard during the hunt and leave no regrets on the table for lack of effort usually has brought about the smiles of success. Works for us. Scratch all that. My daughter Sarah drew a late season bull tag and my son and I spent a few days before her hunt poking around in some of our old honey holes and a couple of new ones. Coues79 had just taken a really nice bull in the late archery hunt and shared some insight on what he had been seeing, and he had been into them hard. Hunting solo he tagged out on the third day of the hunt and brought out his bull alone. Dane, my son and I had a group of four bulls patterned or so we thought and then " Whitey Bullger" showed up. Changed everything. We hunted Whitey the first two mornings and never could locate him again…or the four other bulls. So much for our scouting. The change in weather may have had something to do with all that, cold and extreme wind. But hey it's an elk hunt, so we pushed through it and saw elk, even a few bulls. Sarah getting some snuggle time with Kolt, man that sun feels good at 15 degrees! Took a big walk in the dark one morning and picked up 3 mature bulls about an hour into light and put a vertical stalk on them. When we got to where they were I ranged them at 305 yards. 355 yards into disappointment, but we walk the line. We have always managed to get it done without a truly long range rifle, have always been able to close that gap, but I'm going to put the wheels in motion after watching a handful of truly big bulls bed, and feed from 500 to 750 yards. We set up on a nice bull at 423 yards in his bed but got greedy when a stud came down the ridge at about 475 yards and we willed him to come down about fifty yards closer. Didn't work, they both ended up feeding over the top. Heres some toads at 650. Biggest bull has his head down, of course. Grind on…up several hours before light, cold… leave the truck and it's a vertical hike, always. Back after dark, do it again. Can't imagine being prouder of Sarah, she toughed it out for five days, walking 8-10 miles each day, passed a boat load of bulls, some solid five points and small sixes, ( I strongly suggested one five in particular, heavy antlered bull, nope…. killing me) But she has confidence in her rifle. And we all knew what she could do when it's crunch time. I like a Bipod on a rifle, when you get that opportunity, but there is something to be said about an off hand shot at a moving bull 150 yards through the trees. Can't believe she inherited that from her grandpa, Sarah gets it done! 139 Grain Hornady Interbond out of a 7mm - 0Lark, found under the skin on the far side, weighed out at 144 grains, must have picked up a little bone going through. Nice entrance! Beautiful girl… beautiful rifle! Like to thank my brother Brian, Son Dane, Sarahs boyfriend Kolt, and Coues79 Jeff, for all of their help and selflessness to make this happen. It was good!
  5. singleshot

    Checkering tools

    Talked to him this morning and he said that unless you sharpen your left, right and single lines to exactly the same angle and depth you can create a mess in a big hurry. Makes sense
  6. singleshot

    Checkering tools

    The ones he uses have replaceable heads.
  7. singleshot

    Checkering tools

    I will ask him but as far as I know it seems like he resharpened his. Probably by rubbing the first two nickels he ever made against it. My Brother and I got him an El Tigre 1892 in 44-40 for christmas this year. Nice seeing an 84 year old acting like he got a Red Ryder.
  8. Forest Gump was right! I think Im going to name my new rifle JENNY!
  9. singleshot

    Pretty Awesome First 13 Months of Hunting!

    Looks like you have done a fine job on "starting the fire".
  10. singleshot

    Family camping tent??

    Montana Canvas 12 x 17 for our family of six. Kwik Kamp frame. Screen doors in each end, tarp for the floor with indoor outdoor carpet over that. 17 years old been through all kinds of weather, never have had to reseal it. Does not leak anywhere. Heavy and time consuming but spend the money once and never regret it.
  11. singleshot

    Archery 4x4

    Thats a really nice buck! and a great shot at that.
  12. singleshot

    Hornandy sst

    Check out terminalballistics.com they shot all kinds of New Zealand goats, pigs and other animals on depredation hunts and their findings on the SST bullet performance was pretty much better than basically..... everything.... at all velocities. I know you cant believe everything on the net but they stacked up a lot of data and the results speak for themselves.
  13. singleshot

    Hornandy sst

    I like them in my .284's both 7 mm mag and 7mm-08. I shoot 139's in the 7-08 and 154's in the 7 mag. They do a lot of damage while still achieving great penetration.
  14. singleshot

    Highs and Lows….. Sarah's Bull

    That explains everything..... I'm the only kid without red hair!
  15. singleshot

    Savage Axis??

    Have the original in .243. The trigger sucks. Mine won't shoot factory 100 grain core lokts very well which I was hoping it would. Basically bought it to loan out to my daughters boyfriends etc. Shoots 85 grain hollow points really well, very accurate.
  16. singleshot

    Great hunt with my dad

    Nice job on the video, I like the cameo also. Looks like you guys had a good time. Made me realize I took my first deer with my dad over 40 years ago. He's slowed down some since but small game still keeps him entertained.
  17. singleshot

    Chasing a specific buck.

    Tenacity like a pit bull! That took a lot of dedication to put in that much time…. but what a great buck.
  18. Off subject, kind of, but awhile back somebody posted job opportunities in the erection of cell towers and was looking for candidates. Anybody remember who the contact was?
  19. singleshot

    Hodgdon Hybrid 100v

    My Ruger #1 in 7MM Rem. Mag is pretty finicky. I have been using Hybrid 100 for several years now in this rifle and was able to work up a very accurate load with 154 grain Hornady's. Meters really consistently also through a dispenser. I think it would be an excellent choice for your 6.5x.284.
  20. singleshot

    mass and trash

    Thats what dreams are made of. What a great buck.
  21. singleshot

    Got Jaycie's Gould's Back.

    That turned out really nice.
  22. singleshot

    My Solo Adventure

    Best write up I have read in quite awhile. Cool pictures and a nice buck. Thanks for sharing your adventure.
  23. singleshot

    Ford 150 ecoboost 4X4

    I looked into buying a Ford Edge with an Ecoboost a few years ago. The power band seemed kind of sketchy, and the added cost worked out to be nearly 100,000 miles before you would break even on the gas savings. Went with the gas motor.
  24. singleshot

    Tire chains?

    I have been shopping for some myself. About the most aggressive chain I could find for the money was actually through Cabelas. Similar chains at Etrailer and Tire chain .com are about $50 a set more. One drawback is that the Cabelas chains don't have the cam tighteners, they utilize a T bar system. Bought two sets. By doing this I actually saved a ton of money, I was thinking about lifting my truck and bigger tires. Bought the chains first so now I will continue to roll with the tire size it came with. Daughter has a late bull hunt also.