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Everything posted by kphunter

  1. kphunter

    Interesting little comparison we did!!

    Cameraland NY has the Vortex Viper 15x50 demo for $499. http://www.cameralandny.com/optics/vortex....ortexviper15x50 KP
  2. kphunter

    Interesting little comparison we did!!

    Very interesting comparison. I've only looked at the Swarovski's and Vortex, so I don't know about the other two but the Vipers were impressive and cost nearly a 1/4 of the Swarovski's. KP
  3. kphunter

    Good Pair of 15x or 16x

    Optics Planet has had the Brunton's for his price for some time now so I don't know if it's a closeout or if it's just they're discounted price. Anyone see the new Brunton Echo's in 15x63? They're even less expensive then the Eterna's but I'm not sure the glass is as good. KP
  4. kphunter

    21 cubic foot meat freezer

    What year was it made?
  5. kphunter

    Nikon Demo Sports Optics

    That is pretty close. Actually, I'd prefer something with even more magnification like the 15x50 Vipers.
  6. kphunter

    Good Pair of 15x or 16x

    I've been told the Vortex 15's are slightly better than the Brunton 15's, and I've scouted with the Vortex but never with the Brunton's so I can't validate that claim. But looking at the price difference ($599 vs $313) it might be hard to justify the higher price. KP
  7. kphunter

    Nikon Demo Sports Optics

    Do you have any of the deomo 12x56 Monarchs?
  8. kphunter

    Good Pair of 15x or 16x

    Sparky: Which Bruntons, the Eternas? I've been looking at those as well as you can now pick up a pair of 15x51's for a little over $300. KP
  9. kphunter

    What a storm

    That was a nervous night. I'm having my roof worked on, so half the roof had no tile just the new paper!
  10. kphunter

    Robert Dunn's "Skeeter Bull"

    Incredible story and bull of a lifetime! KP
  11. kphunter

    Carrying Handgun while hunting

    I'd have to agree with a revolver. The .357 magnum is a great caliber that will take down just about anything. You can also shoot .38 specials through it if you want a little less bang. KP
  12. kphunter

    Bug repellant

    Mosquitos eat me up. You ever notice how some people never get bit, and others get welts all over their body? Do we just taste better to the squitos? KP
  13. kphunter

    Where's it at??

    Skeleton Canyon. KP
  14. kphunter

    Hannah Montanna

    Missed it, what channel was it on?
  15. kphunter

    30-06 Coues Load?

    True, but I normally use the same bullet/load for all my big game hunting so I don't need to re-sight in. KP
  16. kphunter

    30-06 Coues Load?

    My rifle is sighted in with 165 gr bullets, so I don't departure from them unless I'm hunting something huge like bull elk. KP
  17. kphunter

    Few items / Guns

    How old is the GPS? What map software is currently loaded on it? KP
  18. kphunter

    Time for a name change!

    no its not that at all. Its my email address and I dont care to hunt mulies near as much as coues. Well its up in the air between 4 names now and I will make the decision tomorow It will either be coueswhisperer, azcouesandelk, SHARD or Wolfy Ah, missed the entire point of the post. I thought we were renaming the forum, not just your handle. KP
  19. kphunter

    Time for a name change!

    With Azcouesandelk, you're leaving out mule deer. Are carp really that dis'd on this site? KP
  20. kphunter

    Time for a name change!

  21. kphunter

    Trips to sportsmans

    Funny, I was out there too yesterday. Bought a tripod for my spotting scope, some ammo, targets, and some other stuff. KP
  22. kphunter

    Pretty good bull

    Great pic! How close did he get to that big bull? KP
  23. It is open, drove it up to the Rim last weekend so no worries! KP
  24. kphunter

    Male or Female?

    If I were to guess, I'd say female.
  25. kphunter

    Happy Fathers Day

    Had a good day. Went fishing in the morning for a few hours at the ASU Research Park, landed a real nice catfish. Wife made me breakfast Went to the movies with the wife and daughter, saw the new Indiana Jones movie. Had dinner at Chili's Went home and watched the Lakers vs. Celtics on the big screen Very relaxing day, indeed! KP