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Everything posted by kphunter

  1. What's the story on the pic of the pig? Were you that close to it?
  2. kphunter

    K&K Pistol Grip Tripod Head *PRICE LOWERED*

    Is this head only for spotting scopes?
  3. Nice scope, why are you selling it?
  4. Heard it mentioned during the AES meeting last Saturday. Not a lot of happy campers in So. AZ.
  5. kphunter

    some stuff

    You still have the bench?
  6. kphunter

    Camo choices in Sierra vista az ?

    Natural Gear is a good pattern for the desert. Been using it for years.
  7. kphunter

    Next New Gun

    .223 or .243, maybe even a 22-250.
  8. kphunter


  9. kphunter

    Campout up by Green's Peak

    That mushroom looks like either a leccinum or a king boletus. Both are edible, although the king boletes are much better table fare.
  10. kphunter

    brnton eterna 15x51

    Het Roughcut. My old man has a pair of theses bruntons 15x51. They are pretty good glass for the price. I have no problem looking through the minox 15x58, and eveyone complains about those. My eyes are pretty close together (sometimes crossed). When looking through his i dont even have to adjust them. We can look through em all day with little to no strain. He can spot bedded deer with the best of em. The durability as noted is unknown cause hes only had em for a year. But so far i would reccomend them for the price. How would you compare the Brunton 15x51's to the Minox 15x58's? I'm considering purchasing both of these binocs, but haven't pulled the trigger. I like the price and weight of the Brunton's, but I'm thinking the Minox are better overall glass especially in low light conditions. I'll be using the 15's on a tripod mainly for deer and javelina. For the past few years, I've been renting Swarovski's from Ross Outdoors but over time it will pay to invest in my own glass. Thanks, KP
  11. kphunter

    Draw result contest?

    June 24th, 12:30 PM.
  12. kphunter

    vortex or nikon

    But don't you use the 15x58's exclusively on your tripod so weight isn't much of a factor?
  13. kphunter

    168 grain Berger VLD 7MM

    Not sure where you're at, but try this place they had them last time I was there: http://www.brunoshooters.com/Merchant2/mer...;Store_Code=BSS KP
  14. kphunter


    Quite a collection, and quite a bill to the Taxidermist!
  15. kphunter

    The Rock

    I'm native to the Bay Area and now live in AZ. I do miss some of the sights around the Bay, but I don't miss it enough to want to move back. Great place to visit though. Did you get out to the wine country? KP
  16. kphunter

    House in the Pines (NewPics!)

    Price, pics?
  17. kphunter

    8 foot wooden ladder

    I have an 8 foot wood step ladder for sale - first $25 takes it, OBO. KP
  18. kphunter

    8 foot wooden ladder

    It's not a stand for hunting, it's a regular step ladder made of wood. It looks sort of like this one. http://www.worldofstock.com/slides/PHO1725.jpg
  19. kphunter

    Lion attack

    Was it near Alpine?
  20. kphunter

    Crappie ?

    Instead of Bartlett, for crappie I'd go to Roosevelt for night fishing or San Carlos for day fishing.
  21. kphunter

    Draw 2009

    Probably around the 3rd week in July.
  22. kphunter

    2009 Bull Elk

    This is my first bull tag, however, may hold out for at least a 5x5 but don't think I'll take a spike.
  23. kphunter

    California Fly Fishing Trip

    Well that narrows it down....
  24. kphunter

    California Fly Fishing Trip

    Ok Christian, I get your drift....