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Everything posted by 8OWHUNT247

  1. 8OWHUNT247

    salt or corn?

    Nice pics JLW...
  2. 8OWHUNT247

    My first matching set

    And a good set at that!!! Good Work!
  3. 8OWHUNT247

    Credit Card Hit!!!

    I for some reason think we should all grab a snickers.... Its gonna be a while.
  4. 8OWHUNT247

    salt or corn?

    I wonder what those small town "Holier than now" friends you speak of do to thieves?? That's the only law being broken. Unless these guys are taking the cams, stands, etc while there is someone hunting over it.. That said, two wrongs don't make a right. I am done trying to convince you that you and those you associate with are thieves... Your parents should have done a better job of it. Happy hunting..
  5. Don't post where it is..... "AKASPECIALS" friends might go steal it..
  6. 8OWHUNT247

    salt or corn?

    WOW.. That's what I call a class act right here.. You're a thief and you associate yourself with thieves. Your parents should be ashamed of themselves. Me and my daughter set up a cam a couple miles back (granted a couple miles must be the "lazy" way of hunting) and the look on her face when we returned to find it gone is enough to want to hunt your friends instead of the game we wanted photos of. Wow, some guys say off the walls things on this forum, myself included but you take the cake on this one buddy. You should post your vigilante friends number on here, I'll go get everyones stuff back for them, So, what do your thief friends do with all of the equipment they steal? Turn it in to the officials? I doubt it. How people spend their hard earned time and money is no business of yours, I hope you and your friends end up in jail or better yet, get caught by the men they are stealing from.
  7. 8OWHUNT247


    Just found out from a co-worker that he got a call from G&F to do a correction on the application. Looks like this will go on and on... Come on April 21st!!! LOL
  8. 8OWHUNT247

    Big Thanks CW.com and members!

    Well deserved boss!
  9. 8OWHUNT247


    308nut... Couldn't have said it better myself... Man I love that Mountain Goat in your avatar! What a stud!
  10. 8OWHUNT247

    Can't Fix Stupid

    LOL Tell him to fill the rest of the mag with empty rounds... Thank you, I needed that..
  11. 8OWHUNT247


    Hey, if always plan on getting to work 2 minutes before it starts and there is an accident on the HWY, you're still late right.... Just sayin. Bold letters or not.. You're not sorry for waiting until the last minute and I am not sorry for the drama that comes with a decision like that. (Although your deal sounds like a banking exception, others do not have such an excuse).. For the record.... I wish luck to all CWT members on the draw, last minute or not... Even Bone777
  12. 8OWHUNT247


    Okay, I'll most likely get hammered for this but oh well.. WHY DOES EVERYONE WAIT UNTIL THE LAST DAY??? I mean come on, last day to put in, last day to update info. I don't get it. The system might not shut down if there weren't so many people making last minute changes... Of course there are exceptions from unforeseen card problems, but you'd think that problems like that are very limited. So, for all those last minute folks, thanks for making everyone else that knows how to be prompt wait yet another day.
  13. 8OWHUNT247

    Boquillas Ranch Closed

    Is it checker board up there? That happens a lot in WY where a rancher buys 50% of the land and puts the only access gates on the Private sections so as not to allow access. I am just curious if this is the same case on the Bo. I would force them to buy out the other 50% if they want to really act like its all theirs.. If they couldn't (which I am sure they can't) it would open up the negotiations.
  14. 8OWHUNT247

    Snowmobiler Shoots Moose

    Is that a Blacktail in your photo?? Nice deer, I NEED A BLACKTAIL!!
  15. 8OWHUNT247

    WTB Military MRE's for Missions Trip to Uganda

    if you have a sensitive stomach, MRE's are not the answer!! LOL Wish I could help, Thanks for the good work!
  16. 8OWHUNT247

    Snowmobiler Shoots Moose

    Mixed feelings for sure. All of it could have been avoided, whick kind of says it all.. However, I don't think you need to be on the bottom of a moose before you legally defend yourself. After the first physical contact, i feel he was justified. I hope he didn't just leave the moose there, that young bull looked delicious!! I hope if that ever hapens to me, its a 60 incher!! LOL
  17. 8OWHUNT247

    Big thanks to ROSS Outdoors

    +1 - Scout is man.....
  18. 8OWHUNT247

    Taxidermy Nightmare!

    Talked to Tom yesterday. Poor guy is just trying to make the best out of a crappy situation. Sounds like Tom is going to make it right for everyone. Thanks Kidso.. Needless to say, I had a good nights sleep last night.
  19. 8OWHUNT247

    For Sale - Rifle Railz & Loc Jaw Combo

    ttt- Still no pics because I am lazy.....
  20. I have a brand new Rifle Railz and LocJaw combo that I am looking to get rid of. As a prone shooter, this doesn't work with my style of shooting. $160 cash, pick up or you pay shipping. Open to possible trade. Thanks.
  21. Sounds fun.... I'm in.
  22. 8OWHUNT247

    My 6a cow

    Well done stud! Keep up the good work! You'll get that Bull tag, don't worry!
  23. 8OWHUNT247

    2014 Elk and Antelope Draw Odds

    Flatlander, I can't imagine what a chore this is, but if you can somehow figure out all those 0's and 1's HAHA i just to try and pick your brain. How many points would get you into the bonus pass for the archery cow in 11M (both seasons please). Thanks in advance.
  24. 8OWHUNT247


    $30 / ea on the targets?? Is that correct?
  25. 8OWHUNT247

    Find the Deer

    I for one LOVE this game, it actually got me started here on the site.. Thanks for posting. LOL I didn't see the body standing there but it looks like a head with ears sticking out of a bush just to the right of the body, I was close.. HAHA