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Everything posted by 8OWHUNT247

  1. 8OWHUNT247

    ISO Unwanted old or freezer burned meat.

    I need to check the corners of the freezer but I am sure I can drum up some good meat for those pooch's! Where are you located?
  2. 8OWHUNT247


    I'm a second hand vegetarian.. Animals eat plants, then I eat the animals.
  3. 8OWHUNT247

    Montana Canvas 10 x 14 wall tent w/frame

    pics please... Floor or stove?
  4. 8OWHUNT247

    Question for the taxidermists

    A lot more than just money, that's for sure.
  5. 8OWHUNT247


    Jealous!!! Good Luck again!!
  6. 8OWHUNT247

    Shoot for H.O.P.E.

    Gonna be a good one.
  7. 8OWHUNT247

    Muzzle Brakes

    Man Lance...... Sweet looking rifle!
  8. Nice rig right there... Love the stock.
  9. 8OWHUNT247

    Muzzle Brakes

    Sorry forgot... $150 - $350 depending on labor costs and type of break.
  10. 8OWHUNT247

    Muzzle Brakes

    You will find a reduced recoil with a break. There are many different types breaks. If you do a lot of prone shooting, you may not want ports on the bottom of the barrel, it will blow dirt in your face when you shoot. The sound will drastically increase (won't make friends at the range). There are times when I shoot my wifes .300 WSM that I feel the sound kicks harder than the recoil itself.. For smaller shooters it is a no brainer assuming they are wearing ear protection. When my 10yo shoots it, she has to have ears on (even while shooting on a hunt) but catch what I just said, when my 10yo daughter shoots the 300WSM.. Combine a break with a good recoil pad and you can tame just about any rifle IMO. Have fun!! Congrats to you and your wife on the tag!!
  11. 8OWHUNT247

    Clean vs. Dirty vs. Cold bore

    I clean my barrel every time I shoot EXCEPT right before I hunt, I do not want anything to change between the last cold bore shot and the hunt.. I am a weirdo though so it wouldn't surprise me if that was a bad idea, in any case, its what I do.
  12. 8OWHUNT247

    Kimber Mountain Ascent 270 / Kimber 84m Varmint 204

    Drool.. Good luck on the sale!
  13. 8OWHUNT247

    Unit 8 late Outfitterd

    Nice bull! Well Done!
  14. 8OWHUNT247

    H.O.P.E. shoot!

    Been looking forward to this one for a while!
  15. 8OWHUNT247

    Our thieves up date

    Some folks....
  16. 8OWHUNT247

    Unit 6A Archery Bull Tag

    Quiet area's are not so quiet unless you go more than a mile in. Everyone "wants to get off of the road".. There is a lot of land that is not in a quiet area that holds a butt load of elk. I've a lot of success in this unit. As many have said, if you have trouble PM me, maybe I can help out a little. Congerats on the tag! I am jealous!
  17. 8OWHUNT247


    signed. Thanks!
  18. 8OWHUNT247

    He swore they are starting to hit CC's

    Exactly what a glock is made for.. LOL
  19. 8OWHUNT247


    +1 for Archery Deer tags to be on the elk and Antelope draw.. Would suck if you pulled a strip deer tag and archery bull tag though.
  20. 8OWHUNT247

    The time has come- I "got" a dog (pics added)

    Yes, pics are a must.. I always have room in the house for one more lab!! Lets see the parents too please!
  21. 8OWHUNT247

    The time has come- I "got" a dog (pics added)

    With larger breeds, I feel if you pay a little more up front, it (potentially) saves you on the back end. I have a lab and love him to pieces. I paid $600 for him... And then paid $5K to get him through Parvo.. Muts are usually very healthy dogs, I am sucker for pure breeds and pay for it every time. Either in the original cost or on the health issues later. Perfect example is my dogs growing up. We bought a Rotty for $400 and a year later bought a Rotty for $2K... Fast forward 8 years, the $400 pooch had a $8K hip surgery and still had to beput down a year later due to additional health issues. While the "more expensive" pooch lived until 10yo and got cancer and was put down. So what's softer on a pocket book? $8400 or $2000? Don't say you would just put them down if they have problems either (i used to say the same thing) but I assure you, you will not want to do that to a family member.. Labs are freakin awesome dogs and will not let you down. Just MHO.. Good Luck and be sure to post a pic, I love puppy pics!
  22. 8OWHUNT247

    Is this legal?!?

    Its an illusive "mature spotted" deer..
  23. 8OWHUNT247

    AZ outfitter murdered

  24. 8OWHUNT247

    When? How soon before draw results come out?

    The deadline to change/update credit cards was last Thursday. There was no email sent out. They took the ability to change credit cards down the following day. Yep... Last day to update was the 12th.. No email sent.