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About Jdubbs07

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    Mesa, AZ

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  1. Who are the other lucky 58? My brother (non res) and I drew this tag on separate apps this year. Talk about luck! Also, my 2nd late coues tag in 3 years. We are pumped to say the least. I just built a 7mm rem mag. Will be reloading and fine tuning some rounds to see what she likes the best here in the next few weeks. I’ve been watching the weather radar since May down there. Seems like the Chiricahuas have been one of the few places that has been getting some really good moisture during this lack of a monsoon season unlike the rest of the state. We’re excited and can’t wait! December feels so far away haha. Let’s see some past pics of 29 bucks if you got em. We’re holding out for some big boys this year since we have 19 days to hunt. Happy hunting and good luck to all those with hunts upcoming shortly!
  2. Jdubbs07

    Lets see your best

    Wow! This thread is awesome, how am I just seeing this for the first time now!?? My only two coues bucks I have ever shot. Both are from the same unit, and a non-traditional coues unit, 4A. Luckily I have a 33 late December tag this year. Hoping to surpass that 100" mark. 2012 - 82" 2013 - 90"
  3. Selling my Vortex Viper HD 15x50 - Jus got these back form Vortex. Brand new armour, objective lens and eye pieces. Practically brand new. Excellent condition $475 Also selling Leupold RX-600 Rangefinder. Works perfectly and has never failed me - $80
  4. Jdubbs07

    Badlands Monster Fanny Pack

    Badlands Monster Fanny Pack All zippers and buckles function and nothing is broke. Clean inside and out. Great Condition. $70
  5. Jdubbs07

    2016 Archery Velvet Muley Down!!

    Well, it happened it again this weekend! Me and my buddy were able to slip in after a 300 yard stalk to 62 yards. I ranged, he shot, and the hunt was over! The cool thing is i have video of this buck hanging out with my buck before the hunt too. What an awesome feeling to harvest two mature bucks less than 1 mile apart 2 weekends in a row! You can definitely tell they come from the same line of genes. Both their back tines run a little on the small side. What a august it has been!!!
  6. Boy, what an emotional roller coaster ride this hunt was. Let me start from the beginning. I spent 6 weekends in a row before opening weekend scouting my area. This is a unit that isn't known for many deer at all and requires serious scouting but my diligence seemed to have paid off when I found an area with a high density of deer in a relatively small area. Each weekend I spent out there before the hunt I was able to locate bucks. Each weekend was a new bachelor herd recorded. I was pumped and ready when it was time to leave for deer camp as I had a few bucks in mind that I wouldn't mind shooting. (I'm usually not very picky) The day before the opener on Thursday we found a solid bachelor herd of bucks we decided we wanted to chase for opening morning. In the herd I recognized a few bucks from my previous trips but there seemed to be a new buck I had not seen before that joined up with them. He was a solid 5x4 that had great mass at his bases. He was now #1 on our hit-list. We video filmed him in awe and let them be for the evening. Friday morning came and the bucks were no where to be found where we had left them the night before. I was bummed. However we were reluctant to find a another herd with some very bucks. I was able to make a shot on a 4x4 buck, however right before I shot the buck began to get weary and he started to move, and as he began moving my finger pulled the release out of fear. I was a split second too late. The arrow flew it's course perfectly as aimed, but the 4x4 managed to whirl around and the arrow glided swiftly behind his rump at 56 yards. MISS!! I was devastated. Saturday we saw 2 small bucks but that was it along with some does later in the afternoon. Sunday rolled around and as I had planned to hunt through Monday my buddies at camp would all be leaving Sunday afternoon so I planned to leave with them instead of hunting alone the rest of the hunt. That morning we got on a small herd of bucks and there was a decent wide 2x2 that I decided I would try for. At 52 yards I sailed an arrow in his direction only to be disappointed by the sound of my arrow ricocheting off a tree branch. Once again, devastated. I ended up back on the same herd about 20 minutes later making a stalk on my hands and knees quietly approaching them through the trees. Somehow they managed to give me the slip in a thick area where they completely vanished from me. As I returned to the Polaris I noticed my brand new Vortex rangefinder that I had just purchased a few days prior was not in my pocket anymore. I was emotionally distraught by this time. With the help of my buddy and after an hour of searching, we were lucky enough to find my rangefinder. That was a huge relief. After the early morning fiasco we decided to go return to the area where we had seen the 5x4 Thursday night but had not seen the bucks since. We thought we would give it one last shot. Boy, was that the best decision we made all weekend. Bedded less than a mile away from where we found him 3 nights prior was the big 5x4 with his other cronies. They were in a thick of trees on the edge of a canyon. I was able to slip an arrow into the big 5x4 at exactly 55 yards. The arrow tucked right in behind his front shoulder and as he ran off I could see the blood pouring out. I threw my bow to the ground and shouted "Smoked em' baby, smoked em!!!" I was so ecstatic to walk up to this buck. He was bigger than I imagined and it was a awesome feeling knowing I had him on video just a few days earlier. We took pictures and got him cleaned up and caped out. Some of the best hunting memories I have were made this weekend. It was a blast chasing these beautiful monarchs and finally sealing the deal on my first ever archery velvet muley. As my hunt ended and I drove back to the valley I couldn't help but think about everything that had transpired. From the misses I had on the two other bucks, to losing my rangefinder and so much more, it all led me to harvesting the buck I did in its own series of events. It was almost like it was meant to play out this way. I was truly humbled on this hunt and I am so grateful to have been able to harvest such an amazing creature. Good luck to all those still out chasing big velvet muleys!!! Enjoy!!
  7. Jdubbs07

    Binos, GPS, Rangefinder - FOR SALE

    Already sold the binos and GPS brotha. Just selling the rangefinder. Hence why I dropped it to 100.
  8. Jdubbs07

    Binos, GPS, Rangefinder - FOR SALE

    Archery season starts Friday. Price drop on rangefinder. $100.
  9. Jdubbs07

    Is this Lupine?

    Hey guys, I took a scouting trip this weekend up to my favorite archery unit and I found pockets of these flowers. I was under the assumption that it was lupine. Can anyone help me confirm this? I have heard that mule deer love lupine and it's the best way to find deer is around this type of feed, however after searching online multiple sites say that lupine is a deer resistant plant and that they don't particularly prefer it. Here are a few pics...
  10. Hey fellow hunters. Hunting season is right around the corner. I have a few itmes that I am in no longer need of because I have since upgraded. Here they are: 1. Oculus 5.0 10x42 Binoculars. Comes with case, box, strap, and warranty info. These are excellent condition. They have only been used in the field 3-4 times. Oculus provides a unlimited lifetime warranty just like Vortex. No receipt or product registration needed to apply for warranty. Great glass for a great price. Asking $180. 2. Luepold RX-600 Rangefinder. Comes with case. Excellent working condition. I have used these for the past several years and they have never let me down. Perfect rangefinder for the archery enthusiast. Asking $120. 3. Garmin Handheld GPS. This is a great little GPS. Very user friendly and easy to navigate through. Garmin has never let me down. I have upgraded to the Rino series and no longer need this one. Asking $100. All 3 items are a value of $400 total. If you would like all the itmes listed above I will separate with them for $375. If interested. Please PM me or call or text. Thank you. 480-216-4679
  11. Jdubbs07

    Portal Results Available

    I just checked my portal account and it has updated my elk and antelope results for 2016. I was unsuccessful however, but if you have a portal account it should tell you your results. Good luck to all. Im trying to post a picture of my account but can't seem to figure it out.
  12. Jdubbs07

    Badlands bino harness

    PM sent
  13. Jdubbs07

    Jeep YJ Hard Top

    Hey everyone, selling my Bestop two piece hardtop off my Jeep yj. It is in excellent condition. With insulated carpet on the inside this makes for a very quiet ride. Also has rubber mesh storage. Windows are tinted and in great condition. Will fit jeep wrangler 1987-1995. perfect for winter months or long hunting/camping trips. Asking $1250 cash or a possible trade for a small teardrop camper or pop up camper. Something of equal value. thanks, 480-216-4679 call/text anytime
  14. I have no ill feelings or comments in this post so don't take this the wrong way. However, I do find it remarkably funny how you put down and trash G&F for being so incompetent when your claims are not only false, and ignorant, but your grammar shows you are just as "incompetent". In your comment above it's *waste not waist. Before trashing someone, it would be wise to show some knowledge and maturity. I'm sure all the guys down at the G&F offices know the difference between waste and waist.
  15. Jdubbs07

    Elk & Antelope Draw Odds

    Thanks for all the help you give Flatlander. 2 resident applicants 4bp each. Early archery bull unit 1 and 4a 1 resident applicant 4bp rifle antelope unit 4a and archery antelope 4a 1 resident applicant 20bp unit 10 rifle antelope 1 non-resident applicant 4bp early archery bull unit 9 and 4a Thanks again!!!!