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Everything posted by CWpredator

  1. CWpredator

    Updates on Outdoor Writer ???

    If your looking for tuna reports (live or dead) just head up the hill to Pete’s Place...
  2. CWpredator

    G&F actions today "disenfranchised" many

    I almost paid a Non resident price for one tag... hope this sh*t gets figured out. Looks like I’ll be on the phone Monday for quite some time. I could understand if the charges fell back off but all 3 are posted and still only 1 tag for the 3 applications we put in.
  3. CWpredator

    G&F actions today "disenfranchised" many

    I was charged for 3 elk tags on Thursday. Myself, my wife, and my dad. All 3 separate applications. We checked our portals this morning and it only shows I’ve drawn a tag. The other two portals show not drawn. The charges have posted and remain posted to the account. This draw is completely Fu*ked up...
  4. CWpredator

    Pissed off

    Wrong... you have until the 17th.
  5. CWpredator

    Tick Tock

    Sorry this isn’t a Swarovski for sale post. I think you’re in the wrong topic. Repot back with your game and fish Digital pink slip...
  6. CWpredator

    Tick Tock

    I hope that everyone that is crying that G&F didn’t draw them when they expected don’t get tags. Love seeing the impatient suffer.
  7. CWpredator

    Aero precision LR308 complete lower with BCG $650

    pm sent
  8. CWpredator

    Double Pin Fast Eddie Spot Hogg

    PM sent
  9. CWpredator

    Where are all the scouting pictures of velvet bulls????

    Hit all my cameras today and freshened up batteries and cards after sitting since early June. Surprisingly not a single one stolen. Only 400ish pictures worth actually saving. I’m not much help though. I only post they dead ones. 2020 is going to be a solid year for AZ. Should be plenty of 260-280 bulls killed............😅
  10. CWpredator

    Max Bonus points

    Anyone have any recommendations on where I should apply with 5 points in Wyoming? Not concerned with a trophy unit just want good public access. I feel I can dig up a good buck if I have a lot of public land to cover. Any information appreciated as this is my first time applying for WY.
  11. CWpredator


  12. CWpredator

    VORTEX RAZOR 27-60X85 straight

  13. CWpredator

    Looking to upgrade my optics...

    I have a vortex razor spotting scope for sale for a cheap deal if youre looking to add to the Arsenal without breaking the bank if youre interested.
  14. As the title says vortex razor gen two 27-60x85mm straight spotter. Perfect condition. Purchased new in November and only used on my sheep hunt. Come with iPhone 6s phone skope case and scope adapter and vortex soft case. Still have original box and packing for it as well. $1100 located in Tucson. Only pic I currently have of the scope but it is on perfect new condition. Thanks -Travis
  15. CWpredator

    VORTEX RAZOR 27-60x85mm straight spotter price drop

    Bump price drop $1100
  16. Any and all contributions are greatly appreciated and Im sure Andrew (forum member BowfishAZ) and his family will be greatful! Thank you everyone. Link and photo of raffle flyer attached. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1iKziK7Wl4j9XsFvcJcJEJ5ZkPN-zIj5do2p6sFhviLg/edit?usp=drivesdk
  17. CWpredator

    Sheep Clinic

    I'll be there. Gonna go look at beautiful mounts and laugh at the BS G&F tries to feed everyone. After that head to the lake to get some bowfishing in and shoot some carp and Buffalo.
  18. CWpredator

    Good Family Could Use Some Help

    Thanks for posting this here justin. We are also working on a few raffles coming up soon for some bows and other hunting equipment. When we have it all worked out I will add details.
  19. CWpredator

    2017 Draw Results

    Not true... Elk and antelope were Monday.
  20. CWpredator

    2017 Draw Results

    Funny thing is, some people are probably still checking.Cant we have hope?I lost hope by 8am 7/7. Brian at least you were one of the smart ones and have common sense.
  21. CWpredator

    Side x side opinions

    Honda Pioneer 1000 4. Has an actual transmission not belt driven. Honda reliability and plenty of power and can still do about 45-47 mph. 1500lb capacity and a new one comes in around 14-15k
  22. CWpredator

    Card Hits

    you know I'm a desert rat and hunt that desolate garbage country. I think me and my crew will turn up a ram or two
  23. CWpredator

    Card Hits

    Cabeza Prieta either 46AE or 46AW. Time to lace up and get ready for some serious miles.