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Everything posted by CWpredator

  1. CWpredator

    road hunters

    Isn't this why everyone buys a bow short enough to shoot out of the cab of your truck.... Let them have it. It only means do your homework and put your time in. If you're dedicated you will get on nice bucks no matter how close or far from the road.
  2. CWpredator

    Desert Muley rut

    I got on a probably mid 145-150ish 3x3 muly buck this morning. His neck was all swollen and chasing his group of 9 does like crazy. I missed him at 65 yard which should be a slam dunk shot. I guess my broadhead decided it was more into pruning tree limbs than killing a buck. Also had a big 2x2 coues (probably mid 80s.... Nice 2x2) rutting the heck out of 3 does. I think this weather has got them all screwed up in southern AZ.
  3. CWpredator

    credit card hits

    Long time reader/new member! First time for spring bear putting in and got either 33/34A. I always hunt the August over the counter hunt but this one should be a good one!