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Everything posted by CWpredator

  1. CWpredator

    Big Buck Down!!!

    That's awesome! This is about the 4th buck I've seen so far this morning that's taken a dirt nap! Guys aren't messin around!
  2. CWpredator


    Stuck at work today really sucks! 3:00pm can't roll around fast enough! Straight from work to the hills for bears and bucks! Good luck to everyone this weekend and shoot straight!!!
  3. CWpredator

    Binos, Good,Ok,dont bother

    Try and find a pair of older Doctor 15x60s great quality glass and every once in A while you can find a pair for 5-600$
  4. CWpredator


    Would you be interested in selling the dies separate? I would be interested in them if you would
  5. CWpredator

    USO preparing for the hunt?

    Lets the unit 9 rumors begin.... Every year I hear some crazy hearsay of outfitters doing crazy things in the premier units/hunts.... BS 90% of the time....
  6. CWpredator

    Help me score some bulls! Added another picture

    All nice bulls. The last bull I would say will gross in the mid 330 range maybe might push 340. Definitely a bull most hunters would love to harvest.
  7. CWpredator

    Who's Not Afraid to Hunt Down South?

    I hunt the 36s every winter and a lot of the time by myself. I glass up and and see illegals all the time and smugglers once in a while. It's no big deal just keep your distance and be aware. That being said its all awesome area to hunt and none of that could even come close to bothering me enough to keep me from hunting down there. I think Most people that are scared to hunt down there have never hunted down there...
  8. CWpredator

    Tags mailed yet?

    Just got all of our tags
  9. CWpredator

    Tags mailed yet?

    Regular draw for me and the whole family and no tags here yet.
  10. I haven't tried any of the ram shot for my 338 lapua but I used it in some 223 and 22-250 stuff(not the magnum powder of corse) and had good results. For the lapua I tried retumbo and had avrage 1moa groups. H1000 has been awesome producing .489 5 shot groups with SMK300s and .505 5 shot groups with the 300bergers. Check on the snipers hide form for h1000 if that's what your looking for usually someone has got a little for sale or people post where they find it avaliable online on some oddball sites. Good luck finding components for reloading it right now as bullets primers and powder are real high demand!
  11. CWpredator

    Remove Freezer Odor

    If its already thawed out hose it out and bleach it then hose again. Then go to the baking powder/ coffee steps. It will definitely make it useable again!
  12. CWpredator


    Wish I had the funds right now. I'd give my hind teeth for if if I still had them. Good luck on the sale
  13. 15b west in July!!! That is the most ideal IMO!! Maybe 36a as a backup...
  14. CWpredator

    Pocket Full of Tags

    Here's a little something to get you guys with Illinois tags blood pumping. A deer we watched 2 days before the season opened and never saw him again untill the last evening of the hunt. My stepdad was lucky enough to have him come in front of him and he smoked him. Here's a picture of him hanging on the wall. Sorry I can't get the picture to rotate right
  15. CWpredator

    Pocket Full of Tags

    I've got family in Illinois and have been heading back there yearly the past few years to chase some giant whitetail in substitute of the 2 weeks I'd take off every year for an elk tag (that I can never seem to draw)... I've seen some giant bucks and tons of beautiful country back there. I hunt in Fayette county in southern IL and I feel very fortunate that I have the opportunity to go back there and hunt every year. 1000% different hunt then chasing deer here in AZ but its a blast in its own right!
  16. CWpredator

    6x45 vs .223

    I recently started building a AR15 platform rifle since the 338 lapua is done. I just finished the Seekins lower with national match Geiselle trigger and colt lower parts kit. Would the 6x45 beat the .223 be worth the jump considering I'm just looking for something for 400 yards or less.... you know to make them prairie dogs pop. I'm looking for a Varmint platform with a 20" barrel. anyone have an opinion on what parts to go with right now considering lead times for uppers is pushing a year with all the madness... Anyone have any other suggestions because I'm looking at going with a vltor upper krieger barrel DTI gas block les Baer chromed bolt carrier group, but looking at what I want is going to be a year before I recieve everything. Anyone have any other suggestions on uppers that I could pick up now with great accuracy without the wait time? Any suggestions help on what I can get quick will help. Building a custom will be something ill work up in the mean time
  17. CWpredator

    Loaded Remington 870 *$350 local pickup*

    I got a buddy that might be interested. Ill talk to him tomorrow and see.
  18. CWpredator

    Loaded Remington 870 *$350 local pickup*

    Where are you located?
  19. CWpredator

    Future 100"er

    Baby axis deer... Haha sweet picture!
  20. CWpredator

    WTB Benchrest rifle scope

    Gonna be a tough one to find one of the nightforce used. Usually when someone gets one they don't sell unless the rifle is commin with it! Good luck on finding one. You won't regret it I've got a NXS 5.5-25x56 in NP-R1 and its as nice as it gets. Next one is gonna be the new nightforce B.E.A.S.T 5-25x56 in MOAR. If your willing to spend that kind of money on one I'd look at that or just go wild and look into the Schmidt & Bender scopes!
  21. CWpredator

    Kidso fedish

    That blonde bear is gorgeous! I had one that looked similar in 34a I was hunting. Was fortunate to draw the 34a tag the past season and was hunting that bear hard. Well I put my buddy that also had the tag in the area where I had been seeing it and his first day out he shoots it. Was super excited for him. I never ended up tagging one but the OTC hunt is close so I should be able to get it done one one of the other bears i located. Good luck on tagging one of them Yogies!
  22. CWpredator

    Ever mess up someone's hunt?

    hahaha no shame there that's funny!
  23. CWpredator

    Range finder

    The Leica 1600 CRF and the swaro 8x30 laser guide are by far the best non binocular models. They will both range 1500+ yards consistently. Optic quality with both are great. I lean more towards the Leica one because the reticle is a little sharper, unit is a little smaller and lighter and a plus is it has built in ballistics. Either one of them you can't go wrong with for between 7-800$. The vortex range finder works well but doesn't reach out half as far and is far less consistent at longer yardages. For a few hundred more you're getting way more bang for your buck with the Leica or swaro. Kind of a buy once cry once sorta deal.
  24. CWpredator

    guide or no guide

    If you're looking for help on your hunt but don't want to deal with hiring a guide just get a couple of buddies to go with you and help glass and such. More sets of eyes on the hills the higher the chances of finding your buck. that saves you the money of hiring a guide and will be a great time. No permits required doing that...
  25. CWpredator

    AZ Unit 33 Junior

    The AZGFD has some good starting points for 33 on their website. Be prepared for a tough hunt as there are 2 hunts prior to the jr hunt and the deer are usually holding up pretty good by then. 33 holds a lot of great deer. You guys will get to see some awesome country an lots of animals... And people...