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Everything posted by CWpredator

  1. CWpredator

    Would you take your kids to hunt down south?

    Haha stay away from the border units then... Death is guaranteed... It's pure heck fire and chaos. You won't make it out alive. Go south of tucson you die.... I can believe some people... Definitely living in fear... It's just as scary living in America under Obama...
  2. CWpredator

    WTB .338 Lapua brass

    I've got 20 brand new unfired hornady 338lm brass if you're interested. 35$ pm me if so
  3. CWpredator

    Mountain Cat

    I love shootin them with my bow. Got more catfish filets than I know what to do with.
  4. CWpredator

    Aug. Archery

    thank god there are more quality archers like myself... That's identical to the group I shot at 20 yards this morning. You should see my groups at 200 yards. I'm definitely ready to kill the first movement in August for deer and bear and September for my unit 9 tag. Can't wait to kill my spike with giant eye guards....................
  5. CWpredator

    We're dead last??

    I make the trip from tucson to Illinois every November to go hunt and It blows my mind the amount of dead deer I see from Texas to Illinois. The first year I went I counted over 260 road kill deer. Most were on the will Rodgers and turner turnpike but I thought to myself if I ever saw that many road kill deer in AZ we wouldn't have a dang deer left in the state. Not to mention that in the 3 day shotgun season in Illinois they kill over 150,000 deer.... Doesnt put a dent in the deer population.... Feel fortunate for what you have AZ residents. There's nothing like the hunting in arizona anywhere else on earth... Work hard and appreciate the resources you have
  6. CWpredator

    Would you take your kids to hunt down south?

    I hunt the border all the time solo... Even camp out of my pack for a few day at a time once in a while. I see mules and illegals all the time. Never any problems. Just use your head and pack some heat ( for that just incase time) common sense goes a long way. That the best tool you can take with you.
  7. CWpredator

    Guided Bowfishing trip?

    I would definitely recommend trying to do a night trip at this point of the year. Day time fishing has been slow. Night time action is definitely picking up! This if from Friday night at Roosevelt lake. Just me and my partner in 6 hours.
  8. CWpredator

    your thoughts?!?!?!

    how are you so sure???? maybe............................not!!!! to stocky and thick in the front shoulders and chest as well as the shape of the head. If you zoom in you can also see the color markings of a badger.
  9. CWpredator

    custom actions

    For the price it's pretty hard to beat stiller actions.
  10. CWpredator

    your thoughts?!?!?!

    Badger 100%
  11. CWpredator

    12lbs 7oz 31" Mirror Carp (Link to Video added)

    im still mad at you for shooting this fish out of my aquarium...
  12. CWpredator


    Common carp not very often over 20lbs. most lakes avrage carp are 5-10lbs. Buffalo on the other hand pretty common to shoot them well over 20lbs and not that unusual 25-30. Our last tournment at Roosevelt the new state record big mouth buffalo was shot at 41lbs. And a ton of buffalo between 20-30lbs
  13. CWpredator


    The one in my avatar is 32lbs shot last year
  14. CWpredator

    Remington 700 & Model 7 Trigger Recall

    I would have 6 that would fall into this but they all have Jewell installed. No worries no recall
  15. CWpredator

    unit 9 archery hunt

    I've got one of the 100 tags. I Should be up there the entire hunt and hopefully the full week prior to opening day. Good luck to you guys on the awesome tag!
  16. CWpredator

    Elk setup

    480gn gold tip kenetic 300. 3" fusion vanes 2" 100gn Swhacker and 308FPS. Should crush my unit 9 bull this year.
  17. CWpredator

    Results are Up!!!

    Hunt # 3131 land of the giants here I come
  18. CWpredator

    Results are Up!!!

    Got through on the 12th try. It's all about the way you push that redial button not the number of times you push it.
  19. CWpredator

    Yo There Up 7w

  20. CWpredator

    the OFFICIAL 2014 elk results thread.

    definitely agree. Only thing they got right in a long time was giving me a tag this year...
  21. CWpredator

    They are starting to hit CC

    Is today the day? Let the morning draw results madness/anticipation/lack of work productivity begin again...
  22. CWpredator

    They are starting to hit CC

    Not happening today...
  23. CWpredator

    They are starting to hit CC

    Thanks G&F.... Work production is at an absolute stand still... Zero getting done till these results drop.
  24. CWpredator

    They are starting to hit CC

    Lots of guys saying by 930 this morning.... T-22 minutes... Let's see if your right...