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About CWpredator

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    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 12/05/1989

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  1. CWpredator

    Thinking of selling 116 3/8 shoulder mount

    Not interested in buying it but do you have Any other pictures of it at different angles?
  2. CWpredator

    Petition To Prohibit Hound Hunting In Arizona

    Gaslighting 1000%. Hoping it passes is you in support of taking away peoples livelihood away and opportunities away from people. I would also venture to say you probably have never been on a pursuit/hunt with dogs. Trailing a pack of good working dogs is watching natural art unfold. The shot of a treed animal is 1% of the hunt with dogs. There’s so much more to it. I’d suggest you try something and do it before you speak on something you have no knowledge of besides what you assume the hunt is. Regardless I hope all hunters can support this petition not passing as the last thing hunters need is more opportunities and rights being stripped from them because its something the uneducated public doesn’t support or know anything about. If you truly like hunting coues, mule deer, sheep, antelope, and elk id support the houndsmen as they make a big difference taking the lions and predators they do.
  3. CWpredator

    Petition To Prohibit Hound Hunting In Arizona

    You said “I hope it passes”…. Why not vote for it then and voice your support?
  4. CWpredator

    Petition To Prohibit Hound Hunting In Arizona

    And here is the problem…. Just because it’s not something that you agree with or wish to participate in you automatically want to take someone else’s legal right away from them. Pathetic. Hunters are hunters worst enemies. Always looking to take away another hunters method of take or way they hunt. I don’t understand why people can’t just live and let live.
  5. My daughter turned 10 this year and was time to get her hunting big game. She got her first javelina in February. After that it was time for the fall draw. We were hopeful she would draw an early rifle tag. My Dad, wife, and myself all drew deer tags and she didn’t draw to our surprise. I was able to get her a leftover muzzleloader tag after the fact that we made the best of. She missed one buck the 2nd day we were out. The following day she passed on a couple 2x2 bucks. I found this buck shortly after bedded and the pursuit was on. Took us 2 hours to get up to the buck and get her in position for the shot. She killed this buck at 190 yards. Broke his G2 tumbling into the canyon below. She was a trooper and got herself a great first deer.
  6. CWpredator

    Good start to deer season

    Thank you everyone. We are both very pleased with the bucks and the outcome of the hunt as we know the plan doesn’t always come together like it did this time.
  7. CWpredator

    Good start to deer season

    Wife was using a 6.5PRC I used my .50cal inline muzzleloader
  8. Wife and I had a few fun days in the heat filling some deer tags to start the season off. Wife killed her buck at 469 yards one shot and dropped him in his tracks. Shot my buck at 250 yards. Nice to have some coues meat in the freezer. We have our 10 year old daughter’s first deer tag to look forward to in 3 weeks which is the one we are truly excited about to get her her first buck
  9. CWpredator

    Traditional Working Line Airedale Pups Available

    Price, any males left.
  10. CWpredator

    super raffle big bull

  11. CWpredator


  12. CWpredator

    5B Coues

    Got them on cameras a few years back handful of times in various areas around 5BN. They are scattered around the unit
  13. CWpredator

    Savage Ultralight 6.5 PRC

    PM sent
  14. CWpredator

