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Everything posted by Adicted

  1. Adicted

    found gun

    probably a biker
  2. Adicted

    found gun

  3. Adicted

    Question about "Premier Member"

    hes fake. Wanna be military hero
  4. Adicted

    Question about "Premier Member"

    Hahahahahahah. Now thats funny
  5. Adicted

    Question about "Premier Member"

    And we're still waiting for the pics!!! Pics or you're gay! Ok. But this stays here. No where else. Out in 6b last week http://i.imgur.com/55YEbqU.gifv
  6. Adicted

    Badlands Pack, Verizon S3, Hard bow case

    Badlands pack 50$
  7. Adicted

    Badlands Pack, Verizon S3, Hard bow case

    Bowcase sold, verizon spf
  8. Adicted

    Question about "Premier Member"

    Hahahaha. I was waiting for that.
  9. I will meet up with u this weekend for turkeys.
  10. Adicted

    Powder at Bruno's

    i wouldnt mind paying an extra 10 bucks if something is always in stock. Buy I also the first time I went in there i definately got the cold shoulder from people in ;there...they were not friendly at all and when I was new to reloading i definately had just a few questions and they make it seem like i was bothering them so I never went back....Several other places now have powder and are more than happy to help you out. Its just like going to Ross Outdoors. Doesnt matter how busy they are those dudes will answer your questions as best as they can and also BS with you while they still work on bows. Thats why we only do Archery business with them..
  11. Adicted

    How to DIY Ranger Lift Kit

    im about to do the same to my Teryx....Gonna do a 2.5 inch lift cause I'm bottomoing out when i have 4 adults in there on rocks that are only like 10 inches tall.....
  12. Adicted

    Question about "Premier Member"

    dang im still not a premier member....But i do have a hot ol lady that bow hunts with me and I'm under 40 so I win.... Troll away....
  13. Adicted

    Badlands Pack, Verizon S3, Hard bow case

    Phone, bow case are SPF. Badlands still up
  14. Adicted

    Results by phone

    What date? think I got the same.. oct16th? last year they were still screaming in there...my 10 yr old has this hunt but the non-peaks...gonna be fun
  15. Adicted

    Used Bow Recommendations?

    go on archertalk and look under there classifieds....bought my last 2 bows there at a crazy price
  16. Adicted

    Results available

    Look how we r all friends again. Haha
  17. Adicted

    Results by phone

    Crooked horn good hunt. They rut late usually in there if no storm
  18. Adicted

    Results by phone

    5guys. When does thAt start
  19. Adicted

    Results by phone

    My 14 yr old 6b archery bull My 10yr old 7e cow oct 17th
  20. Adicted

    Need a Live Trap for Coyotes

    where u located?
  21. Adicted

    Results available

    my buddy just called them...the tucson office said today the phoenix office said tomorrow...hahahaha
  22. Adicted

    Results available

    Not sure if i would wanna listen to charles barkley. Haha
  23. Adicted

    Results available

    Soon as the results come out we will all be friends again. Hahahaha
  24. Adicted

    Results available

    They will be today.