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Everything posted by Adicted

  1. Adicted

    Day One Results

    Boom. 1 so far
  2. Adicted

    Day One Results

    Dont say that
  3. Adicted

    Day One Results

    tic toc tic toc tic toc tic toc
  4. Adicted

    1 Day!!!

  5. Adicted

    1 Day!!!

    Should have a dang good chance! He do north or south or both?South
  6. Adicted

    1 Day!!!

    Have a good buddy with 23 points....putting in for 23 early rifle only
  7. Adicted

    anything outdoors

    friday night fun skeet shooting and fire with the family
  8. Adicted

    Archery Buck from last month

    Holy crap I can see into this deers past thru his eyes....ahahaha Did it score 425!!! Nice buck though
  9. Adicted

    Sons First Big Game hunt

    well hes hooked now. good job dad
  10. Adicted

    Short Hunt

    Is that a rocket launcher
  11. Adicted

    AKC lab pups

    Beautiful dogs. Glws
  12. Adicted

    New pup

    wheres the pic....
  13. Adicted

    Chiappa Tripple Magnum Shotgun

    Thats bad a$$
  14. Adicted

    million dollar camper idea

    sounds pricey as chit to start up....
  15. Adicted

    Yeti Cooler Hopper 18 225$

    I bought this for my RZR 1000 and it didnt fit in the storage compartment like I wanted it. I'm going to take a loss on this but I need a smaller cooler. I used this thing one time. Perfect for your day trips on the boat or just out and about. Amazing little cooler. Shoot me a pm. Will respond in order its recieved. Possible Trades Outdoorsman pistol grip w panner Outdoorsman panhead Outdoorsman Medium Tripod http://www.cabelas.com/product/YETI-HOPPER-FLIP-FOG-GRAY-TAHOE-BLUE/2574146.uts?productVariantId=5329001&WT.tsrc=PPC&WT.mc_id=GoogleProductAds&WT.z_mc_id1=04889013&rid=20&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIh4iBxfui2QIVhwmRCh3EjArhEAQYASABEgITc_D_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds
  16. Adicted

    2007 Dodge ram 2500 5.9 Cummins 4×4

    Post wont delete. Just go under topic and delete it and put sold
  17. Adicted

    Driving to San Carlos MX?

    Safe 7 hrs Awesome fishing
  18. Adicted

    WTS Shooting Gallery

    Thats pretty cool
  19. Killed here in az. Explain please.
  20. When is this and have you dropped the price at all? maybe thats why not selling. I will pass it along to a few people i know
  21. Adicted


    Post some pics and details of rest
  22. Adicted

    More elk for dinner

    that looks like you nailed it....looks good
  23. Adicted

    The perfect end to the day..

    Sweet but dont gonto cabellas go to an archery shop