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Everything posted by Adicted

  1. Adicted

    Neighborhood buck

    Probably a cave creek neighborhood buck that people feed.
  2. Thx biden. Doing a great job
  3. 36b had some issues. Nownothers confirmed. Was just checking what others saw
  4. And this is why im asking. Heard a few things
  5. Adicted

    Where am I ?

    Overlooking the bunny ranch
  6. Adicted

    Spring draw

    5 pts and cant get turkey? And i hate turkeys
  7. I know they’re out there guys I’m not debating that. Just want to see if you guys I’ve been down there this year notice anything different or more active
  8. Adicted

    SIGHTRON Scope!!

    Sweet. Great scopes
  9. Adicted

    36A Muzzleloader Help

    Was at that bar last year. Not bad at all
  10. Adicted

    Cool Trail Cam Pic

    Man those animals are warriors
  11. Borrowed a muzzy for my son muzzy deer hunt. Need 10-20 209 Primers. Anyone?
  12. Adicted

    Looking for muzzy 209 primers

    Not sure. Trying to find out. I dont know chit about muzzy’s
  13. Adicted

    Looking for muzzy 209 primers

    In surprise area
  14. Adicted

    CWT Members in Memorial

    Bill the roofer??????
  15. Adicted

    Midway Ammo Availability

    man wish these prices would go down...
  16. Adicted

    Patagonia Lake 9/25 & 9/26

    Man i need to het out there
  17. Adicted

    AHs for sale

    452b564 go ahead and sell to mogollon. Sounds like he really needs more than me. Enjoy brotha.
  18. Adicted

    AHs for sale

    Mogollon26 if u want i will just take a box. Sounds like u been looking. I pay 55 for a box and u pay 65 for the box and some. If u want to do this let me know.
  19. Adicted

    AHs for sale

    Pm sent
  20. Adicted

    AHs for sale

    All of them
  21. Adicted

    AHs for sale

    I will take bullets if available
  22. Adicted

    Vortex Kaibabs 15X56 $450

    U might want to look into credit fraud if this happening
  23. Adicted

    Vortex Kaibabs 15X56 $450

    Where r the admins to delete that posts.
  24. Adicted

    2021 Rut Activity
