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Everything posted by Adicted

  1. Adicted

    We lost seven Marines today.

    rest in peace brothers.....semper fi
  2. i have the a 2005 also and would love that front bumper but no Dinero for it....good luck on a nice bumper setup
  3. Adicted

    Would you shoot? - Video

  4. Adicted

    Bobcat! 1st.

    Good job bro. Thats a nice bobcat
  5. Adicted

    FREE 3 x 9 scope with rings and base

    Will call u in morning
  6. Adicted

    FREE 3 x 9 scope with rings and base

    I will take it for my kids. If not to far away. Im in waddell
  7. Adicted

    swarovski uta adapter

    How bout selling it
  8. Adicted

    Archery desert buck down

    nice buck..good job
  9. Adicted

    Walkin With the Bears

    nice photoshop
  10. Adicted

    Archery bobcat

    dude thats sweet, good job
  11. Adicted

    B of A shenanigans

    They are the worst bank I have ever done business with..never again
  12. Adicted

    Outdoorsmans Medium Tripod

    Pm sent
  13. Long time veiwer first time poster....Well it was a very tough hunt. This unit in the late hunt is pretty much bumping into them or glassing sycamore canyon with a million other people. Since we were'nt trophy hunting we stayed up high and hit several places where I chased them for the archery bull hunt. Well after making the boy hike about 20 miles in 3 days he got tired. So we went and grabbed the ranger and decided to go glass sycamore for a biggin when out of nowhere this fella decided to peek his head out. Junior yells dad bull, I slam on the ranger brakes and he jumped out and grabbed the 30-06 and i grabbed the bipod. We ran about 30 yds to a fence and there he was. His head and neck were the only thing showing, i'm thinking dang he's gonna run, out of no where junior lets it rip and hits the elk right in the neck and this thing dropped like a brick...small spike thats gonna taste great. the boy is doing good, cow elk at 10, 3 pt deer at 11 now is first bull at 12. Now he wants to archery hunt after experiencing a rut hunt with me where the boys are everywhere...
  14. Adicted

    10 year old scores!!!

    thats forever lasting memories...good job
  15. Adicted

    First Post---My 12 yr olds first bull

    thanks guys we went up to caseys yesterday and picked it up so now he's bragging how he filled the freezer up....lol...
  16. Adicted

    Width of whitetail hind qtrs

    thats a good looking buck right there...
  17. they are all over 6b this past week....
  18. Adicted

    Found Dead Cow Elf

    my 4 year old is devistated that an elf just got shot...way to go!!!!!!!!