This is the first year I will be hunting archery in AZ and could use some clarification as to how this affects one's rifle hunt as AZgfd seems to not be very specific about this on their website. My questions are:
1. If I purchase a non-permit tag to hunt archery deer, do I negate the opportunity to draw rifle?
2. If I can still draw rifle then how do the bag limits work? Is it just whichever way you harvest the deer first?
3. Is a non-permit tag good for any of the listed units or only one specific unit that you choose?
4. And can you continue to purchase non-permit tags if unsuccessful the first time?
The Bucks were all nice but the two I shot at were huge, neither had any idea what was going on, they were mostly confused at the rock and dirt thrown up by the bullet. I think wind has been my problem over the last couple days. two of the does I saw flagged and ran off when they got directly down wind of me. I'm just going to have to back off tomorrow and try to stalk in if I see one. I'm not comfortable at 500yds. I know theyre in the area so I'm just gonna stick with it. thanks for the advice
So this is my first time on the site and first year coues hunting, and dont have anyone with experience to answer this question, so I hope someone will have some advice here. Friday morning I started my hunt in 24B. I glassed 9 bucks and a couple does in a dried up water hole. I took a shots a two different bucks at from about 500yds and missed. I,ve been setting up in the same area but about 200yds from where all the activity was on friday. Since then I havent seen a single buck, just does and a spike every morning (havent been there in the evening yet). My question i wasting my time with this spot since I shot at these deer or should I hold fast on that area with only two more days left?