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Ron G.

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About Ron G.

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    Advanced Member

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    Chandler, AZ

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  1. Ron G.

    Staying cool in a hot blind

    If you're able to bring a small ice chest with you into the blind, put 4-5 ice cubes in zip loc bags and keep them on your head (under your hat). Unzip the plastic bag a bit and you can let cold water trickle down the back of your neck also. 4-5 ice cubes will only last ~30-40 mins, so plan accordingly. If sitting all day you might need a big ice chest to carry enough ice bags...
  2. Ron G.

    Benelli Nova For Sale

    Shotgun has been sold. Thanks!
  3. Ron G.

    Benelli Nova For Sale

  4. Ron G.

    Benelli Nova For Sale

    Correct, as Basser said, it is a pump.
  5. Ron G.

    Elk palmation racks, lets see them!

    Here is a bull my dad shot a while back that had some palmation...
  6. Ron G.

    Benelli Nova For Sale

    Bump... Still available...
  7. Ron G.

    Benelli Nova For Sale

  8. Ron G.

    Benelli Nova For Sale

    Price drop down to $375... Thanks!
  9. Ron G.

    Benelli Nova For Sale

  10. Ron G.

    Benelli Nova For Sale

  11. Ron G.

    Benelli Nova For Sale

  12. Ron G.

    Benelli Nova For Sale

    Yes, as Maximus says, it does shoot 3.5" shells.
  13. Ron G.

    Benelli Nova For Sale

    28" barrell Max4 camo Benelli Nova shotgun has been SOLD... This is the regular Nova, and not the supernova. I'm asking $375 for this shotgun. It comes with 3 chokes (IC, M, and Full) and the choke wrench. Some wear marks on the shotgun. I'm selling it because I have 2 of them, haven't used it in a while, and need more room in my gun safe. Thanks for looking!
  14. Ron G.

    Couldn't relocate the big buck.....soooo

    Good job David! Congrats!