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mulie hunter

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Everything posted by mulie hunter

  1. mulie hunter

    36A Traffic?

    My 13 year old daughter & 11 year old son had tags in 36 a for the Nov. hunt last year. My son got his first deer a fork horn. Didn't see any illegals but saw a lot of well worn trails & trash. We played it safe and stayed in a motel room.
  2. mulie hunter

    Summer is here

    What kind of bow did you get? I got a AR 37, and have also been shooting better with it!
  3. mulie hunter

    Where to hunt?

    I always thought the best hunting was off I-8 around mohawk valley, unit 41 I believe, I think theres 120inch whitetail there!!
  4. mulie hunter

    Best broadhead for deer

    I currently use Tekan II Mech. broadheads(100 grain) I've had a slight problem with them deploying in my quiver. I am thinking of swicthing to a fixed broadhead and trying the new sonic pro broadheads. I would appreciate everyones input on their tried, true, & tested broadheads.
  5. mulie hunter

    Best broadhead for deer

    It helps, I have always used Mechs., this is the 1st time I am thinking of switching to fixed, so far like the muzzy 100 grain.
  6. mulie hunter

    Best broadhead for deer

    Thanks Redman those links have very helpful info.
  7. mulie hunter

    Best broadhead for deer

    FYI. If you get the practice/target blade with your new muzzys I have noticed that they do not group with the actual broadheads for me. Actually field tips grouped closer to the actual broadheads(1" AT 20 YARDS) than the practice blades. Your results maybe different, but hopefully this info will save you some time. Bob Thanks Bob I'll keep that in mind when I pratice.
  8. mulie hunter

    Yearly Advice

    36A great unit good odds.
  9. mulie hunter

    Shed hunting dogs?

  10. mulie hunter

    Best broadhead for deer

    I definitely going to go buy some muzzys this weekend & try them out. They sound like a very good broadhead!
  11. mulie hunter

    Best broadhead for deer

    Looks like as of right now Muzzys are definetly worth a look!
  12. mulie hunter

    Shed hunting dogs?

    I wonder if I could train my chihuahua to do that.
  13. mulie hunter

    Bow Stolen

    That sucks!!!! And may their arrows not fly true!!!
  14. mulie hunter

    Bear and Mt. Lion Changes

    Hey, a new way to use your home equity loan!!!
  15. mulie hunter

    My sister's first turkey!

    Great job!!! My 13 year old daughter hunts, she likes to see photos of other girls who hunt. Thanks!!!
  16. A draw for the Kaibab is wrong!!! Last year on my Kaibab hunt ,I hunted many spots without seeing other hunters. Yes the area around Jacob lake is very popular but there are deer all over the unit, as well as good turkey hunting! One key is to avoid opening weekend which is always crowded, I like to hunt the week days & after opening week the deer start to calm down again. Good planning is all it takes!!! So I say again , no to a draw on the Kaibab!!!!
  17. I hunt the Kaibab, why would the Kaibab be different than any other unit,(Besides awesome Mulies!!!) They have a hunter check station @ Jacob lake!!! They get it started there it will go state wide in a matter of time!!!
  18. mulie hunter

    Who likes cats?

    That would be good to carry the cats out to the field for coyote bait!!!!
  19. mulie hunter

    Lion arrested

    Funny, very funny.
  20. mulie hunter

    Some More Pics

    Ahh Mule deer heaven!!!
  21. Cool picture!!!! still laughing CHD
  22. mulie hunter

    The AZ One Shot Challenge

    Shot placement is the key. My 11 year old son has asked me in the past about a particular caliber, dad how far can this gun shoot? I tell him its not how far the gun can shoot, but if you can accurately place the shot in vitals shooting at a certain distances , each hunter will have his or her own personal effective shooting distance and wont take a shot beyond, thats good ethics!! Mine is 50 yards, I'm a bowhunter.
  23. mulie hunter

    CHD Returns!

    I could look at pics like that all day!!! Viva mule deer!!!!
  24. mulie hunter

    amazing elk horns

    Awesome find , great pictures. Makes me want to go shed hunting but dont know where to start.
  25. mulie hunter

    huge Az archery mule deer

    Awesome buck!!!!!! I want to know where he came from, he's got some offspring with those genes running around!!!! Where did you miss, unit 10, the strip, Kaibab????