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mulie hunter

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Everything posted by mulie hunter

  1. mulie hunter

    2011 Archery Deer

    Lark he will fit real good in the frying pan! He's at Casey's in Flagstaff right now. I'll be picking up the burger, steaks and roasts Thursday!
  2. mulie hunter

    My 2011 Archery Mule Deer

    Awesome Buck!
  3. mulie hunter

    June trail cam pics

    The dates are wrong. Pics are from first week of June. Picked up cam Last week, batteries were dead and the last pics were from june! He's rubbing it in! He knows I didn't get Drawn! Something scared this little guy!
  4. mulie hunter

    What broadhead do you use?

    Slick Trick 100 Grain Magnums! Excellent flight! Produce devastating wounds! Great price!
  5. mulie hunter

    Bow Season is Upon Us

    Just baddest bow on the Planet "PSE X FORCE AXE 6 IN SKULZ CAMO!" 30" draw @ 70lbs. Ripcord arrow rest. Copper John Dead Nuts 2 Supreme 6 pin Sight! 4 arrow Quiver. 29 inch Carbon Express Maxima Hunter 350's tipped with the deadliest broadheads in the World "Slick Trick 100 grain Magnums!" And of course the one thing I have learned to never leave home or in the truck! My Range Snap which is attached to my rangefinder. I have 3 trail cams set up on salt licks. Now all that is needed is that this Archer is as effective as his equipment!
  6. mulie hunter

    Making a Salt Lick

    I'm heading up to my archery unit to get a couple salt licks going for the August-Sept. Deer Season. I'm looking for your expertise in making salt licks. Such as: I'm considering using deer caine, Is it a Good product? How often do you need to maintain them?(Such as adding more, salt, deer caine etc...) Should I make multiple licks in one location, or just a single lick? Do tree stands or ground blinds work better on a lick? I'm a novice at salt licks. So I appreciate any and all advice. Thanks in advance.
  7. mulie hunter

    Making a Salt Lick

    Ok I went up this weekend and made multiple licks. I made 3 using salt and deer caine, and 2 with just salt. I set up cams on 3 of the licks and will be going back in a month to check them. Thanks for the advice on how to make them, I felt kinda like I knew what I was doing when I was making them!
  8. mulie hunter

    Which broadheads??

    +1 Slick Tricks! I have had great results with the Slick Trick 100 grain Magnum!
  9. mulie hunter

    Velvet Bucks

    I have seen Hard horned bucks in Sept during archery season on the North Kaibab.
  10. mulie hunter

    12a Tukeys

    Hey thanks for the Info! I primarily hunt the west side, but will check out the east side.
  11. mulie hunter

    Bowhunting Rabbits

    I'm using Carbon Arrows (Carbon Express Mayhem 350). I haven't had any problems with the arrows cracking after hitting the jack and then the ground.
  12. mulie hunter

    Bowhunting Rabbits

    Amanda, The Antelope Jack in the first photo is really good eating! The blacktail's are not as tasty!
  13. mulie hunter

    Moultrie D55IR Game Cameras

    I'll take one! PM Sent.
  14. mulie hunter

    lets pretend

    Pse is the way to go! I Purchased the Pse X force Axe 6 in February and love it! Pse X Force Axe 6 in Skulz camo 70 lbs Rip Cord drop away rest Copper John Dead nuts 2 Supreme 6 pin Sight Carbon Express Maxima Hunter arrows Slick trick 100 grain broadheads All for under $1200 bucks!
  15. mulie hunter

    The RattleSnake and The Rabbit

    The past two Saturdays I've been going out doing some Rabbit hunting with my New PSE X Force AXE 6 Bow. Gotta stay tuned up for the upcoming seasons! Contrary to popular belief Archery is a year round sport! Anyway the previous Saturday I arrowed a Jack @ 60 yards my personal best to date. 40 yards was my previous best Jack! This past Saturday as I was out in pursuit of yet another Jack, I approached a Wash, when I thought I heard a Rattle snake, but thought to myself, no... no snake... as I proceeding to walk into the wash the Buzzing sound got louder and sure enough 5 yards away was a Nice big old rattler... But something didnt look right... It looked like there was a ground squirrel right in the middle of this coiled up hissing wanting to strike me Rattler. I drew my bow back and let the arrow fly hitting the snake just above his tail as he tried to crawl away,but the arrow pinned him to the ground! It wasn't a ground squirrel that was gonna be Mr Snakes lunch but a little baby cottontail, who took advantage of his good fortune and hopped off! I sent another arrow into the mean ol Rattler feeling Good I had saved a cute little bunny rabbit! 60 Yard Jack Mr RattleSnake
  16. mulie hunter

    Easton Flatlines, CE Maximas

    pm sent
  17. mulie hunter


    Went out this morning this morning with my 15 year old son and my Hunting buddy Steve who is on his first ever javelina hunt. We got out to our hunting area about 830am. Park the truck about 1/2 mile away from where we think the pigs will be. We get to the area no pigs, no sign.... Wow I think, this sucks! But I tell them they are in here let's keep looking! Less than a 1/4 mile away, we find them a nice herd of about 15 pigs! So now I'm going to show them my pig hunting expertise! I say I'm going to call them right to us, with my electronic call! It worked great last year! So I hit the call button and it goes to screammin' and pigs go to running! The wrong way though, they are running away from us! Oh no! I turn the call off quick! But not before I hit the coyote howl button accidently! Lucky a javelina stops broadside at 40 yards from Steve and he nails him with a 100 grain montec! 1 down 2 to go!And it's not even 10am yet! To make a long story short, me and my son hike about 2miles around noon, looking for these elusive creatures with no luck! We get back to the truck a little after 2pm,. My Son says he is tired, I tell him I want to check one more spot. He says go ahead he's staying at the truck. Off I go.... not more than 400 yards from the truck.... Javelina.... there's one 30 yards... The slick trick flew true and the Javelina ran about 100 yards and is down! My son was a bit upset at himself for staying at the truck. But I told him its the first day, and he will get one! Happy Hunters! Steve Packing his pig out! My Pig! My son showing off the Teeth! 15 yard Jackrabbit!
  18. mulie hunter

    Archery Muley!!

    Awesome buck!
  19. mulie hunter

    Opening Day Success

    Way to get it done!
  20. mulie hunter

    GOT HIM!

    Congrats! Nice pig!
  21. mulie hunter


    duplicate post
  22. mulie hunter

    Bowhunting the Tucson Mountains

    I'm gonna give it a try, not sure about it though. Due to limited amount of time I have to hunt in Jan, I'm going to try hunting in the Tucson mountain park. I'm looking for pointers, tips, advice,from any one who has hunted this area? It will be my first time hunting a metro unit. Got my map and stamp.
  23. mulie hunter

    Bowhunting the Tucson Mountains

    I spoke with Game and Fish and they told there has been alot of issues with so called hunters,going thru peoples yards and road hunting.... I couldn't believe that, but they told me there are guys dressed in camo cruising neighborhood streets in thier vehicles with thier bows looking for deer! The meeting held last night was not to stop hunting but to work out a plan to create buffer zones of no hunting around Homes. Wow! I'm having second thoughts! They did share with me some areas I could hike into to avoid the craziness!
  24. mulie hunter

    dad not letting me hunt

    I just want to say a BIG THANK YOU to all these great responses! My son told me last night he had posted this topic, he thought since it was a hunting forum the responses would side with him and then I would let him go. He knows the rules, good grades or else! weatherby1 I like Africa hunting trip idea!
  25. mulie hunter

    3C Mule Deer Sucess!

    Congrats! That is a beautiful buck! Go with the Shoulder Mount.