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Everything posted by HorseHunter

  1. HorseHunter

    2002 Tacoma or 4runner for sale

    Not sure if you bought a Kia yet. Heads on on some of those Korean car brands if you are thinking of buying a used one. https://www.motortrend.com/news/state-farm-progressive-insurance-kia-hyundai/ Some are uninsurable (by most insurance carriers) due to theft issues. Just incase you haven't seen this in the news. Happy car shopping.
  2. HorseHunter

    Ĵust some humor 🤣

    I am familiar with a "Texas heart shot" on an animal running strait away but what do you call these shot placements? I worked with a guy that was an "anti" and every fall he asked if I was going to shoot an animal in the face. My sarcastic reply changed from year to year. This cartoon made me think of that.
  3. HorseHunter

    1964 (Found it)

    My Dad bought me my first deer rifle (Winchester 30-30 Mdl. 94AE) at Smitty's on Shea and Tatum circa 1984. I think about it every time I drive past that Fry's now. That purchase was easier than buying cough medicine today.
  4. HorseHunter

    Hunting guns

  5. HorseHunter

    Card Hits!

    Same happened here. Kid had Tag #55 and while checking on it again, poof, no tag! Agree, likely the update process as they have my money. I blame microwave ovens for contributing to our societal impatience... Happy hunting!
  6. HorseHunter


    Sorry to hear. I have an 03, same color. Any recs on theft deterrents for these models?
  7. HorseHunter

    Taking Care of Feral Cattle in Gila National Forest

    https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/local/arizona-environment/2020/12/09/feds-start-cattle-roundup-verde-river-amid-environmental-complaints/6486299002/ We had that issue here too! Had a buddy that helped out years ago, he reported they were extra wily and would hold up in the steep, thick stuff requiring dogs to chase them out. They managed to push out the few that cooperated but left plenty behind. I would imagine that strengthens the renegade bloodline in the subsequent generations. I would rather have them on my dinner plate than being picked apart by buzzards. Unfortunately, the reality of a wild cow round up is not as easy as one might think. Still, would be one heck of an experience.
  8. HorseHunter

    Ex NFL Player Takes an Archery Mt Lion.

    That is the first I have heard of a Wolfe killing a lion...
  9. HorseHunter

    Mobile tint

    https://www.vadertint.com/ They have done 4 vehicles for me over a few years. Super convenient. Mobile Service (602) 348-6661
  10. HorseHunter

    Statewide Coues Tag

    Awesome buck! One picture angle would not have done it justice. So much character! Nice work!
  11. HorseHunter

    Stupid hunter

    I heard she drew a coveted cow elk tag in Kentucky back in 2019.... https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-50901159
  12. HorseHunter


  13. HorseHunter


  14. HorseHunter


  15. HorseHunter


  16. HorseHunter


  17. HorseHunter


  18. HorseHunter

    What’s the best camp chair?

    Not saying I need any help napping in the woods but if I did, this chair would do the trick!
  19. HorseHunter

    Best re saw band saw?

    A 12" planer will be handy for this even if you just use it to remove cupping on the wall side of the boards so they lay flat. Of course a joiner will help keep your widths consistent (helpful as you stack your wall) and if you just want the re-sawn look consider a wire wheel on a 4" grinder. Apologies if TMI, but painting your wall flat black before starting will help avoid the wall showing through any gaps. Have fun, sounds like a cool project!
  20. HorseHunter


  21. HorseHunter

    Okay….Who Is This?

    My powers of observation leads me to conclude the following. Likely a firefighter who occasionally pulls a trailer with a 2" coupler. Hope that helps!
  22. HorseHunter

    Don't let your dog eat raisins!!

    Years ago the Lab ate a bag of Halloween chocolate candy off of the counter. Vet said pour some hydrogen peroxide down her throat and stand back! Came in handy years later when the Border Collie git into some d-con.
  23. HorseHunter

    Insurance for low-mileage off-road jeep

    BTW, If anybody sees the 1979 maroon CJ-7 soft top Renegade, I sold in Scottsdale back in 1992, I'd like to have it back.
  24. HorseHunter

    Insurance for low-mileage off-road jeep

    You will want liability insurance for sure (beyond the state mandate) because you will inevitably operate it on unpaved county roads (as stated above). If stopped (or god forbid are in an at fault accident) you will be asked for evidence of insurance. Check out Hagerty and/or Grundy (competitors in this niche insurance space) as they are the largest "collector car" insurance companies. Don't let "collector car" scare you as the premiums are relative to the value of the vehicle for physical damage coverage. They also assume that it's not a daily driver. There are benefits like having "agreed value". You can quote online or call them direct for help. If you have an independent insurance agent, they will likely represent one of those companies too. The above will likely be cheaper than adding to your existing personal auto policy, even with the multi car and low "short" mile discounts. You can get a quote from them to compare. Now what limits of liability to choose? Likely, you will want to match your other personal auto limits (especially if you have a personal umbrella policy because those have a minimum requirement of underlying liability e.g. 100/300 or 250/500 Bodily Injury (per person/per accident)) You will also want to call your "umbrella insurance carrier" and let them know about this vehicle and the carrier you have insuring it. This way that Umbrella liability will sit over your limits on the new rig too. As for physical damage to your jeep, I would also add Comprehensive coverage at a minimum incase it is stolen or catches fire, Collision would cover fixing your vehicle if you are at fault hitting another vehicle or a tree for example. If someone else hits you, their liability should respond unless they have no coverage then it's back to your Collision coverage. Of course you could choose to not insure for physical damage (of your Jeep) and save the $100-$300/ a year that it may cost, but I would get options there too. Pay per mile- This is a newer option since Insur-techs came on the scene but Metro Mile is the one I have heard of. I have no experience with them so do your due diligence and apply the same theory as above if you have an umbrella. PM me if you need more info, clarification on anything stated above, or need a referral to a competent professional, I know several. Hope that helps Have fun with the huntin' rig!
  25. HorseHunter

    Apparent Scammer tbt250602

    and this