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Everything posted by HorseHunter

  1. HorseHunter

    Rotomold Coolers

    +1 to pre cooling. I keep a gallon jug frozen for just that purpose. Throw it in the night before and you are ready in the am.
  2. HorseHunter

    Red Heeler

    http://www.ranchworldads.com/classified.php?listing=126457 It looks like a litter with 3 red males in MN.
  3. HorseHunter

    Red Heeler

    http://www.azblueheeler.com/product/deets/ This younger rescue has a red face. Good luck on your friends search.
  4. HorseHunter

    New to Arizona

    Welcome! You will love all of our public land. Your new hobby involves staring through expensive binos for hours on end. Lots of good (and knowledgeable) folks here to help you. May be an adjustment for the Mrs but it will grow on her. For some reason after two years they won’t want to leave Az but it can be a bit of an adjustment at first. This is based on two of my personal observations that include my Mom’s reaction in 1981 and my Wife’s reaction in 2015. oh, and they don’t seem like it but those Eegee’s drinks have way more calories than they seem.... Enjoy the Old Pueblo!
  5. HorseHunter

    New to Arizona

  6. HorseHunter

    Tactical Naps - It's about time

    For sure, naps in the field are the best especially if you can avoid the unseen ant pile.
  7. HorseHunter

    Legacy Pointer 1000 20ga o/u YOUTH shotgun 3”

    Great looking o/u! Will make a great partner in the field for a young person or small framed adult. I learned to hunt upland game with a side by side. Nothing makes you focus more than knowing you only have two chances! Unless you only have one..
  8. HorseHunter

    Any tips/tricks for boots?

    My boots are Danner too but I think it’s in how you lace them. This has ruined more hunts for me than I care to admit. Wearing sneakers on day two sucks. I need to experiment with lacing strategies like the ones at the 8:00 mark on this video. I have also gone to superfeet (Green) insoles too and now use the white base layer sock at REI also. I also bought ArmaSkin anti blister socks but haven’t tested them throughly yet. If you solve this issue keep us posted. Also, there are lots of other boot lacing videos online. I need to try these and go hit Black Mountain to test it. Good Luck!
  9. HorseHunter

    Hiking Adventure

    Awesome taking the family out. Sounds like they learned some things and will have a story to tell their friends. Before you know it they will be grown and off on their own adventures. Keep it up and thanks for sharing.
  10. HorseHunter

    WTB 14' UTV trailer

    Sounds like you are hoping to buy used. Lots of folks out there selling their trailers don’t know what they are worth. That can work for you or against you if you don’t educate yourself. Think about what you’re going to use it for and then think about what else you could use it for. The more versatile a trailer the better, for ownership and resale. For example, A car hauler will certainly carry your utv but the utility trailer will not necessarily carry a car or truck. You can often find someone selling a 10,000 pound GVW trailer priced like the 7000 pound GVW trailers that are most car haulers. You can see that by looking at how many wheel lugs are on the rim. Five (3500# axle) versus six (5000# axle) in my example. My other tip is know your budget and have cash on hand. Good deals don’t last long, if you see an ad go up at 7pm, try to get there that night. I recently told a guy I was on my way and texted a pic of the cash so he knew I was serious. He actually cancelled other appts as he knew I was not kicking tires. My buddy bought a PJ dump trailer from a guy that didn’t know what he had and my pal recognized the faded upside down triangle sticker as their logo and got it for $2500 (a $5-7k trailer). Echoing PJ, they are the highest quality trailer I have seen, I’d buy any PJ with confidence. They will be a little heavier than other trailers but that’s just because they use more material. They sell and resell for a premium. Personally, I would not make the 24 hour round trip to Amarillo and unless I was pheasant hunting to in Kansas too. You can also get a good deal if they need a new floor Or need new wiring, these are pretty easy jobs. I have done 3 trailer floors myself. I saw that Lamar markets to hunters on their website. I like companies that don’t shy away from us sportsman. pm me if you want to chat more good luck and have fun!
  11. These are Spoken For- Free Camo Package deal 5-Jacket and Pants Pair (4 woodland, 1 desert) size large and smaller If you have a pile of kids (Or just 1 or 2) come grab these before they out grow em like mine did! Take them all and regift To others. Again, these are free but will consider trade for 6.5 creedmoor with high end scope. North North PHX
  12. Great meeting you all. What a great family! Glad they got to meet the ponies and Ellie the wonder dog!
  13. HorseHunter

    German Shepherd pups

    Congrats on finding them homes. Your male looks to be from Czech working lines. Great looking dogs!
  14. HorseHunter

    Flagstaff Meat Processing

    Would it be weird if I “loved” this statement? Chicken Fried Steak sounds amazing right now. Must be close to dinner time! Congrats on the bull!
  15. HorseHunter

    Ammo shortage

    I can do more damage in an Ace Hardware than my Wife can do in a Kohls. Seems like I always find stuff I didn't know I needed. Staff is always helpful too.
  16. HorseHunter

    Flagstaff Meat Processing

    Casey's is a well regarded shop http://caseysprocessing.com/
  17. These are gone pending pick up! I have two takers. Hopefully the young hunters have great success with this gear!
  18. HorseHunter

    AND...The Winner is....

    Yeah, thought there was enough distance for him to get outta town. That river trick might have worked for him with wolves in the past but looks like it made the griz’s job a little easier.
  19. HorseHunter

    Gaming Keyboard and Mouse for sale

    Too soon?
  20. You got it! Text me tomorrow and swing by when you can.
  21. HorseHunter

    Good Remington 1100 gunsmith?

    Joe, would you mind posting a pic of the two gas ports next time you get the 1100 out? I’m curious about the size and location relative to the original gas port in the new hole he drilled. Thanks!
  22. HorseHunter


    Cheers to our women not realizing they could have done better, or putting up with us anyhow. Oh, and I’m pretty sure he was just joshing you, but good for you coming to her defense as she would you. As you know, in life, if your spouse won’t have your back, no one else will.
  23. HorseHunter

    Good Remington 1100 gunsmith?

    Also when you clean it, hit that gas port on the barrel with a pipe cleaner. Physically cleaning it out. My 1100 did the same thing until I started paying close attention to that. Shooting high base loads helps too. I was told the newer ones have two gas ports like Joe said.
  24. HorseHunter

    Time to cross UPS off the list

    By that definition I guess they can’t ship a toothbrush either, with duct tape you can mount anything to anything and anything can be fashioned into a weapon. At a certain point, what is that phrase about arguing with an idiot?
  25. HorseHunter

    Backcountry coffee

    Thank you for being the first one to mention egg shells in this thread! I was thinking I was on the REI site for a second (not that there is anything wrong with that). I wish I would have bought stock in Medaglia before this thread went live. Apparently there are two things we like here, panic buying ammo and coffee! Like moths to a flame or a duck on a June bug as they say. Seriously , I am ordering that D’Oro stuff too.