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joey lvr

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Everything posted by joey lvr

  1. joey lvr

    Unit 27 rut info

    My Tio has the late hunt up there and he hasent seen much activity. He also rides in on mules so its not like he's hunting off the road or anything. Seems like there's some cold weather coming in so maybe it will get them started.
  2. joey lvr


    Glassed this 4x3 with 8 does two days ago. Was cool seeing him push them around.
  3. joey lvr

    my cousins 2013 archery coues deer

    Congrats to your cousin. About time someone post some archery kills.
  4. joey lvr

    Need some opinions on these 3 packs

    I just ordered a tending 2220 day back that can hold a bow or rifle. I threw a post up if anyone had any experience with it but no replys. From what I've seen threw videos it looks promising.
  5. joey lvr

    What to do... what to do

    I say hold out a few more days. Sounds like your not a trophy hunter or a horn hunter by any means but not sure how you would feel if you killed that spiker and you spooked a decient buck after you shoot. I'd would never let myself let that one go. But that's just my 2 cents. Good luck on your hunt!! I would give anything to have this hunt!
  6. joey lvr

    tenzing 2220 day pack

    Just ordered this pack and wanted to get some feed back from whoever would like to share there experience with it. Thanks in advance guys!
  7. joey lvr

    The boil out ...

    That's a heck of a buck!!!
  8. joey lvr

    made it happen!

    I can't wait for this weekend when archery opens up!
  9. Buddy and me went out and got it done and he made a heck of a shot. Man I couldn't do anything more fun then hunt with friends and family!
  10. joey lvr

    yuma az ram

    The client just killed a decent bull which again was with my Tio and after the late bull hunt went straight into this sheep hunt. Lucky man!! Met him at elk camp and hes a heck of a guy. I'm blessed to have a man like my Tio to show me everything there is about hunting and the outdoors! He's been hunting and guiding his whole life and every time I get to spend the day with him I am trully thankful. Thanks for the comments guys!!
  11. joey lvr

    yuma az ram

    46A or 46B not sure what one. They said they had to go threw a ton of regulations and permits.
  12. joey lvr

    yuma az ram

    Qernosoutfiters..coues,mule deer,elk...ect
  13. joey lvr

    tough year

    That buck is one of a kind and I'd be proud! Congrats!!
  14. joey lvr

    made it happen!

    Thanks guys!
  15. joey lvr

    made it happen!

    Found that skull right were we killed the buck. Today was a blast!
  16. joey lvr

    made it happen!

    My buddy doesn't have a truck so we tossed him in the back of the excursion. Not sure how many wives would let that happen.
  17. joey lvr

    made it happen!

    Thanks guys for the comments.
  18. Can't wait for me and little lady to start hunting and shooting together! I'm fourtanate enough to have a girl that likes the outdoors and the hunt.
  19. joey lvr

    getting her started out right!

    The package deal is pretty great for the price. 15 to 70 pound draw weight is amazing. Can wait tell it comes in.
  20. joey lvr

    getting her started out right!

    Hoyt ignite...of course she wants pink string and pink accents. Going to come just like that tho. Went in looking for a new bow for me and ended up getting her one.
  21. joey lvr

    calling in the rut

    Has anyone herd a coues grunt? Buddy of mine bow hunts and he swears by the grunt call. Said it got them close enough to get a shot off.
  22. joey lvr

    Mule Deer From CO

    All great bucks. Congrats to the hunters and guide.
  23. joey lvr

    Big Muley!

    I'm going to say mid to high 190s. Anyone else???
  24. joey lvr

    Brothers first deer!!!

    I couldn't be more proud of my brother and dad for taking this buck on opening morning. I missed the hunt due to work but shared the rest of the weekend with friends and family! The feeling of accomplishment is overwhelming.
  25. joey lvr

    Anyone harvest a Rocky in AZ

    dang...so close to home.