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Everything posted by gixxer

  1. gixxer

    2018 Swarovski 15x56 HD's

    I might pick up when you come to the valley
  2. gixxer

    WTB - Swarovski 12x50 or 15x56HD

    I have a pair of 15x56 hd swarovski if probably let go for 2k thanks
  3. gixxer

    Vortex Razor 27-60x85mm gen 2 spotter

    I have a swarovski rangefinder if interested
  4. gixxer


    Did this sell
  5. Selling manfrotto tripod and panhead 280$
  6. I might pic up in a week or two if available
  7. gixxer

    Eotech for sale

    We're you located what's lowest you'll go thanks
  8. gixxer

    1990 Jeep Wrangler - Islander Edition - $4250 (Flagstaff)

    When can I go see
  9. gixxer

    1990 Jeep Wrangler - Islander Edition - $4250 (Flagstaff)

    Very interested
  10. gixxer

    Vortex Razor 10x50

  11. gixxer

    blackGold bow sight adjustable

    Still available
  12. blackgold adjustable sight 5 pin adjustable over 100yrds pins are micro adjustable pin sizes .19 .19 .10 .10 .10 also has 6 inch dovetail
  13. gixxer

    Vortex razor 10x50 hd for sale 850obo

    Any pics thanks
  14. gixxer

    Kahles 8x32

    They still 375$ were you located
  15. gixxer

    blackGold bow sight adjustable

    still available
  16. gixxer

    blackGold bow sight adjustable

    sorry price 220$
  17. gixxer

    need a commercial/residential electrician

    Pm me I'm a journeyman electrican doing electrical 18yr
  18. gixxer

    Swarovski Tripod Adapter with Stud

    Did you send yet thanks
  19. gixxer

    Swarovski Tripod Adapter with Stud

    I sent the money to youread PayPal thanks
  20. gixxer


    I take also I just had shoulder surgery need to start pulling thanks I live close to chandler
  21. gixxer

    Kahles 8x32

    How is glass any pics thanks
  22. gixxer

    Kahles 8x32

    I'll take them
  23. gixxer

    Kahles 8x32

    Were you located thanks