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About Rharris

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  1. How do you expect to ride one of my mules and follow my hounds with me way over by Prescott?
  2. Rharris

    Petition To Prohibit Hound Hunting In Arizona

    I want to publicly commend Hoss50 for walking up to the podium and speaking to the commission. Hoss50 and I arranged to meet there so I could purchase a pistol from him. My wife, a rancher friend and myself drove from SE Arizona to speak to the commission regarding the petition. Hoss50 is not a houndsman, birddog hunter, or any other type of canine hunter. He is a hunter that understands that even if its not his specific outdoor passion or what i refer to as my way of life, we all need to step up and come together on these issues. We are all being attacked!! Hoss50 stepped up to that podium, unprepared as far as i know and did a great job with his 2 minutes of time. Hoss50, Thank you sir!! I was a nervous wreck, I am not a good public speaker, and did not make the best use of my 2 minutes. I was not able to get all of my speech into the time frame. Here is a copy/paste below. Commissioners, thank you for the work you do to up hold the North American Model for Wildlife Conservation. In response to the petition to ban hunting with dogs in Arizona. This petition is an anti hunting agenda, make no mistake with what their end goal is. I am opposed to any changes in the current rules regarding the use of dogs and hunting in Arizona. The petition trys to create a scene depicting animals such as jaguars, wolves, Ocelots are in danger when hounds are used in those areas. This cannot me further from the truth. There is no documented evidence of coyote hunters using dogs that have killed a wolf in inadvertently nor has their been any jaguars or Ocelots killed by houndsmen inadvertently in our state. To say that this COULD occur is like saying the sky could fall at any moment and what are we going to do about it. The use of tracking devices on dogs in no way manipulates or guarantees the outcome of treeing a lion or bear. Tracking devices do however help insure the safety of our dogs. Hounds Risk to Public Safety- There are more dog attacks on a daily basis across the US that are non-hound related encounters than there ever will be with hounds used for hunting. As a matter of fact I would bet my paycheck that if you tallied up the breed of every dog attack in the US for one yr you would be hard pressed to see where a hound was involved. I occasionally encounter people while hunting and the most my hounds want to do is lick them and be petted. Hunting with dogs has been a part of our ancestral roots dating back thousands of years. The partnering and training of a dog is the epidemy of fair chase. If you have never trained a dog to scent trail one or two specific species please do not make accusations you know nothing about. Again the use of tracking devices does not manipulate or increase the probability of catching game. God made man the apex predator- Its sad to see how our society had detached themselves from god, nature and the land. Hunting and specifically hunting with my hounds is not only an ancestral tradition but is a god given right that is being threatened by people that believe its ok to let their kids stare at their phone for hours on end or don’t let little johnny know that someone killed that chicken he is eating for dinner. Where is the outrage in society that allows these people to slowly kill their children? In closing I would like to reach out to the people on the petition and tell them lets do something more productive with your time and money. Lets join forces and remove all the feral donkeys and horses that are killing thousands of acres of habitat and stressing the native wildlife here in Arizona. Lets join forces and fund projects that removes invasive junipers from our public lands. Lets join forces and remove salt cedars from our streams and rivers. Our wildlife is a god given renewable resource, and thanks to hunters, houndsmen, and fisherman is thriving today, don’t infringe on my ancestral heritage and my god given rights.
  3. Arizona's hunters are now in the cross hairs of the anti-hunting agenda. Please take the time to read this petition and please take the time to attend the meeting on December 6th. You can attend at any one of the regional offices. We need everyone one of us to attend and step up to the mic and make a statement (respectfully). This is not just an attack on houndsmen and women, its a flat out attack on our hunting rights. Here is how this will work, the December 6th meeting is our moment to speak up about the petition. The commission will not openly discuss it at this meeting. They have 60 days to respond to the petition. Most likely at the January meeting they will respond with either rejecting it or with some other unfavorable response. Upload: Arizona Hounding Petition 11/25/24 Support AZ Wildlife Management
  4. One female left 6 weeks old on 5/15. Ready to go, first shots and wormed twice. $250.00 Call or Text 928-965-3191 for details and pics
  5. If anyone has this book about Dale Lee I would be interested in buying it. Ralph Harris
  6. I would highly recommend you all pick this book up. If you think you are a hardcore outdoorsman read this book then ask yourself that question again. I have slept out on a lions track with my hounds, and hunted a lot of other game. I would call myself a rookie in his presence. R Harris
  7. Rharris

    2022 Chiricahua’s Goulds

    Here is my wife 2021 Goulds from unit 29. Fun hunt plenty of birds. Hopefully I can draw in the next few yrs.
  8. If you are looking for tenacity, loyalty and intelligence without the size of an Airedale look up the Welsh Terrier breed. Welsh Terriers are also hypoallergenic. Born on 4/30 we have six females and one male for sale. The parents are AKC registered. they will be ready in 6-8 weeks. $2500.00 each. Feel free to contact us by PM or 928-965-2933
  9. Rharris

    WTS 7MM Mag Ammo

    55.00 per box or 450.00 takes all. Can deliver to Safford Az.
  10. Rharris

    Gear Dump

    ADL's long action
  11. Rharris

    Gear Dump

    2017 Kuiu Ultra 4000 small/medium waist belt. One worn spot my wife patched it on the inside see pic. This was her pack. 300.00 plus shipping SOLD 2015 Mystery Ranch Dragon Slayer Pack, Wifes pack as well, Good shape. 200.00 plus shipping SOLD 4 Wildgame Innovations Trail Cams Model W5i2D, 3 lock boxes and one larger lockbox which I dont remember what it fit. Make offer plus shipping. Easton Blackmax stabilzer make offer plus shipping Hunters advantage gun sling- make offer plus shipping 2 model 700 gun wood gun stocks- make offer plus shipping 1 ruger 10/22 plastic stock- make offer plus shipping
  12. Rharris

    Sheep charges

    I drew 24b wilderness, with one less than max. Anyone willing to talk to me about those superstition sheep send me a PM, much a appreciated!
  13. Rharris

    Dead Heads

    Im blessed to be able to roam gods country on my mule following my hounds. I run into these kills probably more than the average hunter. Here are a few from 2020-2021 for you Coues nuts.
  14. With the deer populations the way they are (declining) specifically mule deer, it has NEVER made sense to have rut hunts. This does nothing but disrupt the critical breeding time and remove genetically dominant bucks from the gene pull. Getting doe's bred in short order is a vital part of fawn survival. This puts fawns dropping nearly all at once basically flooding the market so to speak when it comes to predation. good move G&F!