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About bigelk

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  1. He told us we were about a week from starting and wanted skull cap in like 2020, which was 2 yrs later and we were hopeful, here we are mid 2024.
  2. Yeah I saw that as well. He is working out of another shop, he sent us a picture of him working in a shop that didnt look like his in mid June.
  3. Anyone know where Gametrail Taxidermy (Bret Prentice) went to. Im still waiting on a 2 good bucks from 2018. Dude used to do great work but you cant get your stuff. He told me was working out of another guys shop to catch up on backlog, now ghost. What sucks is he says he has my skull cap and cape, but I cannot believe a word he says. At this point I just want my cape and skull cap back.
  4. bigelk

    SWARO STC for sale $2100

  5. bigelk

    SWARO STC for sale $2100

    Yes they are
  6. bigelk

    SWARO STC for sale $2100

    Bump 2K final price before I just keep it
  7. bigelk

    SWARO STC for sale $2100

  8. bigelk

    Looking for a Swaro ATC Spotting Scope

    I have an STC if interested
  9. bigelk

    WTB Swarovski ATC spotter

    I have an STC for sale if youre not stuck on the ATC.
  10. bigelk

    SWARO STC for sale $2100

  11. bigelk

    SWARO STC for sale $2100

    Swaro STC, took it on one hunt for javelina, looked thru it for a minute or so, shot a javelina and put away. Face to face only, im in Phoenix area but travel AZ alot for work. $2100 firm or trade and I kick in cash for NL Pure 12s. I have the box and receipt.
  12. bigelk

    NL Pure 12s wanted trade

    SOLD Please delete
  13. bigelk

    NL Pure 12s wanted trade

    Sorry I just got back and havent updated, SLCs are sold sorry for the inconvenience
  14. bigelk

    NL Pure 12s wanted trade

    PM sent Arizona 79