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About tomuchworking

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  • Birthday 06/28/1976

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    My 4 boys and their Mom. Being in the woods.

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  1. tomuchworking

    Funny video

  2. tomuchworking

    What State

    Where are your kids? For me that would be the decision maker. As far from them as possible. JUST KIDDING. I would be near or between them.
  3. tomuchworking

    Sleeping in bed of truck, insulation

    I've done the same as biglakejake with a platform. It makes your sleeping area bigger and gives you room to store stuff under the bed. Only down side is losing a bit of headroom.
  4. tomuchworking

    Fire Ban

    Let's get that jackass from Heber on here and tell us what we should do. He knows everything.....
  5. tomuchworking

    3C Rodeo

    Ya Delw, some day when I get the dishes done and carpets clean, maybe I could have you teach me how to be a bad as*.
  6. tomuchworking

    3C Rodeo

    I wasn't road hunting you jerk. You must not have kids.
  7. tomuchworking

    3C Rodeo

    This weekend 3C was crazy with traffic. The Arizona ATV riders planned a ride the same weekend as the youth elk hunt. I sent them a very kind email letting them know my feelings of their horrible timing. I encourage everyone else here to do the same. Please be respectful, but let them know this was a youth hunt with many hunting elk for the first time. Google Arizona ATV riders and find their website. There is a quick link to email. Thanks.
  8. tomuchworking

    Youth 243

    There was a Rem. 600 or 660 on here a few weeks ago. I have one of those for my boys, and it has done great. Check the classified section on here.
  9. tomuchworking


    Dang nice piece, I have one in a .243. Been a great gun for my boys. Wish I had $600 sitting around. Very nice.
  10. tomuchworking

    First Elk Down!

    That is great. I have met your nephew before. One heck of a guy. Always has smile. Congrats
  11. tomuchworking

    People and game cameras.

    That right there is why you should have a blut in your quiver!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. tomuchworking

    Best Velvet mule deer taxidermy work

    Richard Owens, Hunter's Lair in Show Low. He is a heck of a guy as well.
  13. I am looking to sale an English made bamboo flyrod. It is a 7', 5 wt rod. I also have a Hardy Bro. reel. It is "The Perfect" in the 3 1/8. Please text me at 928-242-8766.
  14. tomuchworking


    I agree, 100%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. tomuchworking

    Forum is censoring cute kittins. Even in pms. Wth.

    Ya, just remember that we are the weird and crazy ones because we own a gun or ten!!!!!!!! Scary to think what this place is going to be like in ten years????