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Everything posted by bobbyo

  1. bobbyo

    Unit 36A Lets do our part

    Lets kill does then and just leave the antlered bucks to pass on the good gene's!
  2. bobbyo

    2011 Rifle Coues

    Are you kidding me. Whine about a unit and end up shooting a 4X4 trophy! Probably the biggest deer that came out of that unit during that hunt. You should be ashamed of yourself. What a PIG. I'm happy for you. Congratulations, Bob PS What is your favorite unit now?
  3. bobbyo

    35A first ever coues buck

    James are you kidding Me. That buck is a monster. WOW.
  4. bobbyo

    Let's Hear It For The 35's!

    Jim, You promised pics and write up! I'm sure with your picture taking ability and your standard 10 feet behind the animal the thing will look like a 90 for sure. Come on lets see the little bugger. Don't be that trophy guy.
  5. bobbyo


    It is the toughest of the 36s. Pockets of deer instead of throughout the unit. Are you still going to hunt?
  6. bobbyo

    Our First Coues Bucks

    Awesome awesome Job. Me and my buddies always talk about taking a double, but after many many years of hunting have never done it. Also impressed with your hunting method. Sitting water is a great way to get a good shot at a coues. With real young hunters it is my favorite way to go. Deer will still come to water even in the middle of a 700 tag season. Bob
  7. bobbyo

    Coues Paradise

    PD you have earned my respect calling those mountains Coues paradise. One only needs to look at the success rate of that unit to know that it is the toughest hunt in southern Arizona if not the entire state. If you have taken studs off that mountain I have nothing, but praise. I have gone entire hunts without seeing a single deer. I hope it never happens, but if I get a tag in that unit again I will be PM ing you. . I will stick with 22 as much as possible.
  8. bobbyo

    33 coues deer

    No actually this year me and my cousins Are finally going to make that DRIVE hunt a success down south ( MORE COWBELL!). Its going to be a stampede of coues and we might hit one this year.
  9. bobbyo

    Sunday smoke fest....

    Geewiz VJ, you get my hopes up for a smokefest and all you are talking about is stinking food! You should be ashamed. Another question why would anyone need to scout 22? There is a 100 inch buck underneath every pine, juniper, oak and cactus in that unit. Is it really an accomplishment taking a nice buck in that unit?
  10. bobbyo

    7mm rem mag rifle rounds

    thats one of the bullets going through the gun tomorrow morning. I bought 5 different brands.... $200 in bullets. ill shoot 10-12 bullets through and cool down session in between. once dialed ill see which ones are best I bet the 150 grain corelocks will group the best and will kill anything in North America.
  11. bobbyo

    the boys 2011 bull !!!

    Wow how did they shoot that bull in a cave? Was it hibernating.
  12. bobbyo

    Ron G's 2011 AZ Archery Elk Hunt

    Dang Ron, You trying to get me fired for trying to read your entire post at work? Had to just view pictures. Very good pictures. I will read the story later. Congratulations on a nice bull. Bob
  13. bobbyo

    Whats going on in 10 this yr.

    We thought about coming back with laterns, but we knew the blood trail was fading fast and made a decision to wait until the next mourning. If we still couldn't find it the next mourning in the daylight and giving him all night in his bed, do you think we could have really found him that night? Not rubbing salt in your wounds and not knowing the exact situation, it is often times easier to pickup a blood trail or blood speck trail at night with a good lantern. blood will reflect off the light. Personally i like trailing at night better than day light. Overall i feel for all the crappy circumstances you endured and I commend your overall attitude of staying positive. If you can't get out this year Hopefully Karma will give you a tag next year.
  14. bobbyo

    My brothers 4A bull

    nice job
  15. bobbyo

    My old man finally made it happen

    Is it just me or are those G2s a little odd. Great bull congratulations. Bob
  16. bobbyo

    does anybody know this person?

    Rich, You are using false analogies. What difference does it make if he is the CA elk dude from that other awful sight. The defense is simple. 1. Your buddy did not molest the wounded bull or 2. Unknowingly molested the wounded bull and if so should of done everything in his power to help recover the animal or 3.knowingly molested a wounded bull because he promised his client this bull and he probably put in many hours and gas dollars babysitting the bull and got pissed off some other ya hoo out flanked him to get the shot or 4. The shooter did something unethical to begin with to get the shot so he molested the bull as a revenge thing. Calling someone out for posting on a really crappy website does nothing to defend your friend.
  17. bobbyo

    does anybody know this person?

    Another thing about poor ole 400" bulls. Not only are you about guaranteed to get wounded, It is almost certain you will be wounded in one lung. If you are a 400 inch bull you can kiss one lung goodbye for sure. You don't have to worry about your shoulder, neck. or leg. It is always one lung that is taken out on wounded 400 inch bulls. What a rotten fate those poor 400 inchers have.
  18. bobbyo

    does anybody know this person?

    I always wonder why wounded bulls always measure 400. All my wounded bulls went at least 450. I swear.
  19. Gee wiz all you East Valley people should have a group hug and smooch session. Then drive up to 22 and steal each others cameras and piss in your neighbors salt. I'm just saying, I'm touched.
  20. bobbyo

    My Last Chance Coues

    Sweet buck congratulations! Bob
  21. bobbyo

    140-130 inch buck

    Wow, what a nice Hybrid! LOL. Incredible deer, As always jealous as heck. Congratulations.
  22. I know a couple guys got some nice deer, but when you consider there is easily 100 dudes to every lady bowhunter you got to admit they are putting us to shame! I'm thinking of getting one of those "operations" just to get a shot at one of those midget grey devils. Ladies I'm open to any advice you can give. I mean the deer not the operation. heck I will take advice on either. Love Bob.
  23. I think your unit is better than mine. 100 inch buck and passed. Isn't that an OXYMORON?
  24. bobbyo

    Ideal Range for Glassing w/ 15x Binos

    My favorite distance is where the deer are at. Time of day and type of light will be the the limiting factor. Morning hours with sun at back I think you can glass much farther than 600 yards. Then as the day goes on the heat wave distortion will start to limit effectiveness.Wind can be a limiting factor also. I like to glass side to side on one plane. Starting at the nearest plane then tilting the binocs up or down to see farther out when dissecting a hill. When I first got my 15s I started the farthest possible and stayed there. A big mistake. if you are in good country a deer is just as likely to be 300 yards as a mile and a half. Like you said it is easier to pick up bedded bucks at a closer distance.