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Everything posted by bobbyo

  1. bobbyo

    Rattling Coues....Pros and Cons

    I really think that calling deer works best on solitary bucks. I usually only try rattling or calling bucks that I can visually see. I have never been sucessful at getting a buck to leave does. They usually just ignore the commotion or run in the opposite direction. Needless to say I don't even try anymore. I have called in single bucks usually dinks that looked like they were smelling for hot does. They are usally walking erratically with their nose to the ground much like a hound dog. These deer will usually come running when you call them. I have had pretty much the same experience with Carp also. This being said I have never been able to arrow any of these deer. They were either too small for January or so nervous and jumpy (probably worried about Mr. big coming out and kicking their butt) that I couldn't get a clean shot off. I think the best set up would be to have a partner, one calling and one shooter. They are good at picking up the exact location of the calling. I was wondering if anyone has had any luck blind calling for Coues in a ground blind.
  2. Come on Scotty, Iowa is a heck of alot closer than B.C. if you are filing alphabetically. Anyway who believes the boone and crockett sight. I choose to believe my thrice passed e-mail where I got the posted picture. Below I copied the story that came with the e-mail. It is much better and more believable than that stinking Boone and Crockett story. Now this is an Iowa "cow-corn fed"mountain lion! Looks like Iowa deer hunting just got a little more exciting. This mountain lion was shot north of Villisca, Iowa. Close to Morton Mills. The man pictured was going deer hunting when he heard his neighbors cows making noise. He discovered this cat attacking some calves.He shot and reportedly the cat jumped eight feet into the air, ran about 100 yards and died. The man in the picture is over 6 feet tall and the cat weighed over 200 pounds. Tenville and Morton Mills are tiny little towns in rural Iowa. If you blink you'll miss them while driving by the towns. Tenville has a population of ! 8? Tenville is located between Morton Mills and Villisca.
  3. Has anyone seen this picture before. Is it a real Mountain Lion or a photoshop job? It was supposedly shot in Iowa and weighs over 200#.
  4. Would you guys hunt with Cheney?
  5. bobbyo

    Effect of wind

    The wind could cause the arrows to fly off center, but if you are grouping them I would suspect that your rest in not perfectly centered. A slightly off center rest would allow you to be dead on at 20 yards, but gradually off to the side the further you go back. For example you could be on the bullseye at twenty, 3" right at 40yards and then 6" right at 60 yards. Another explanation could be, as Noel said, you are canting your bow. You might be holding your bow crooked so that your pins are not at 90 degrees to your target. This is why they have the level bubble on most sights. Or it might be the wind. Welcome to the wonderful world of archery.
  6. bobbyo

    Sitting water!

    Come on guys you need to give Rey a break. He is enitled to his opinion. First I don't believe he criticized the houndsmen themselves, but the paying clients. The guys who brag about getting a lion with their bow/pistol/muzzeloader ect. "It was a really difficult shot because of that big branch in the way." Plus if it is so hard following the dogs there is no way that 100% of the clients are physically capable of staying in pursuit of the hounds the entire time. "I will be in camp/ hotel drinking martinis, give me a call when you get a big one treed." No that never happens. Secondly, his point that it does not take much hunting skill to sit water could be easily defended, although I don't totally agree with it( I can't master it myself). There is definately a hierarchy of skill levels to hunting. Sitting water is probably near the bottom of the pyramid and stalking a Coues on a cactus covered hillside in socks is probably near the top. If you paid money for a tag and are able to fill it legally you should not be too sensitive to anothers(Rey's) opinion. Yet, it is ridiculous to say that someone should not express his opinion because all us hunters need to stick together. What are we a bunch of Commie's.
  7. bobbyo

    Unit 37 A & B?

    I apologize for my smart alec answer desert bull. I am just bitter that my dove/duck/ feral pig/ javalina spot was completely bull dozed last year. You raise a good question that I think spotlights a bigger problem. Shouldn't game and fish give a unit by unit account of why they do what they do in each unit. They are a public agency and there should be some tranparency to their decisions on hunts and tag numbers for each unit. I can't think of a good reason to limit the 37s to winter only except that they consider these low desert units like the 40s. Then I believe the reasoning is there is just a limited number of water sources and it would not be fair-chase to allow hunting during the hot summer when you just have to sit the (scarce?) water. Bob
  8. bobbyo

    Unit 37 A & B?

    The hunters will get in the way of all the bulldozers that are flattening those units for developers. Bob
  9. bobbyo

    Scent Cover-up Quesition

    Great, What should I do with my $500 worth of scent Lock/blocker/asorber activated carbon guaranteed to make my scent invisable to my quarry. I guess I just needa 1.00 bic lighter. Bob
  10. bobbyo

    NM Unit 24 buck

    Great buck. I wish a scoring system could better represent nice palmated bucks like this one. Congratulations. Bob