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Everything posted by bobbyo

  1. bobbyo

    Archery Proficiency Test????

    Exactly TAM, There is a bias against archery. Test for everybody or test for nobody. I was out this weekend for the early rifle hunt. The majority of the time when there was shots, it would be three, four, five shots in a row. How proficent are these rifle hunters? How many people out there can hit a running shot at a coues with a rifle at 200-300 yards? Alot of people were trying. Bob
  2. bobbyo

    what sucks more

    I despise road hunter, but really hate e-scouters. Whatever happened to the satisfaction of doing it yourself. Is there no more pride! By the way I am new to unit 36c. Does anyone know a good road where I might get a shot at a nice buck. I'm not looking for a trophy, anything in the 95-100 range would be good enough. PM me if you like keeping secrets. Bob
  3. bobbyo

    2004 bow face offs

    Dave if the handshock is still too much you might want to sacrifice fps and get softer cams. I don't really know hoyts, but they must make a cam that is more friendly . That bow is too unique and beautiful to be replaced by something off the rack. Bob
  4. bobbyo

    2004 bow face offs

    Beautiful riser Dave. That brings me back to the 80 's. Centershot is obviously not a problem. I don't understand how you increased the brace height without changing the geometry. How did you move limbs forward/handleback? Did Hoyt make the riser for you or did you design it yourself? I really like that shoot through riser. Bob
  5. bobbyo

    Archery Proficiency Test????

    First if you do it for archery, you need to do it for rifle , muzzleloader ect. Why does everyone feel that archery needs extra regulations? I am always sensitive when archery is portrayed as being less ethical then say rifle hunting. Is there more animals wounded and unrecovered in archery? Maybe. Does anyone know for sure? No. Second I don't think it will help much. There is a big difference from shooting at a target and shooting at a real live animal. Bob
  6. bobbyo

    CHD Spotted

    My, My. All this good sentiment and cheer is bringing a tear to my eye. I am trully getting misty. I guess we all can get along. See what happens when we play nice. Lets have a group hug. Bob
  7. bobbyo

    Different Tactics

    I feel that many coues bucks live in the flats year around and are not necessarly pressured there. I base that on seeing low land bucks during both the early bow and late bow in the same area. I also feel that real mature bucks do not move far out of their home range even when hunting pressure is high. I believe they have a secure thick area that has allowed them to live through many seasons. I of coarse try to find areas with the least amount of pressure, but really don't plan on other hunters pressuring animals to my position. I want to hunt unpressured deer. Of coarse if you send one my way. I will take it. Bob
  8. bobbyo

    Is this the Brag Board???

    I think you were quite modest. Show some enthusiasm that is a great bear. Really start bragging. Congratulations. Bob
  9. bobbyo

    Voting for a new Govenor

    Az4life good to see you are adapting to your new life I suspect you will be posting more than ever come December and January. I think you need a new screen name. How about "arizonan on ice." We will all be jealous of the huge racks you will be posting soon. Stay warm. Keith and Dave, I really respect your views and try to understand them the best I can. I know you are both passionate and true to your beliefs. I would vote or nominate either one of you to the G+F commission. I just feel that your fear of the tree huggers is not justified. I have had great hunts on nature conservatory land, in wilderness areas and on refuges. I have never had a good hunt in a subdivision. I might be bitter because some of my favorite spots around Tucson have been bulldozed in the last couple of years and probably more will be bulldozed next year. I guess this is progress. This will be my last post on this topic. As you can tell i like to share my view, but my hunt starts in nine days and I have to help fill alot of tags. Bob
  10. bobbyo

    Voting for a new Govenor

    Dave, On your 106 post I said that I was voting No on 106 and urged others to do likewise. I feel it does not conserve enough land. I even said you were right. That is not likely to happen again. It is apparent that you are displeased with the current G+F commission. I would like to know when have we had a good G+F commission? Is there a golden age of G+F commissions? Did Fife Slimington appoint the one you liked best. I feel the best thing to do would be to abolish the G+F commission. It is too immersed in politics. The duties of the commission should go to a panel of scientists from our three state universities. G+F policies should be based on science not politics! You might not agree with this solution, but at least it is an alternative. What is your solution Dave. Vote in Republicans and bring back the less wildlife more cows policy's of the Chilton commission..
  11. bobbyo

    Voting for a new Govenor

    Another hunter that realizes are biggest threat to hunting is not the tree huggers. I am encouraged. Pinko Lefty Bob PS that is an impessive spread on the deer in your avatar. Can we see a bigger picture.
  12. bobbyo

    What should my name be?

    How about "effen younghunter" I feel that effen jeff has the best handle on the website. With your new name, you will be second best. If you don't like that maybe "El Lobo" for a southwest feel. Bob
  13. bobbyo


    Maybe the cards can hire Mike Stoops? Bob
  14. bobbyo

    Different Tactics

    Tatics and areas I hunt stay the same no matter what tag I have(glass,glass, glass). Success rate if you averaged over ten years would proably be nearly identical for the early hunts. I feel they are both difficult hunts. Bob
  15. bobbyo

    Lark's antelope

    That is a real nice goat for colorado, for anywhere, and that is a beautiful rifle. Bob
  16. bobbyo

    Big White Muley Pic.

    That is incredible. Nice picture. Bob
  17. bobbyo

    CHD Spotted

    CHD! CHD! CHD! I have a confession I believe I had one of the last chats on this site with CHD. he got really obnoxious and I felt out of line with Arizona Guide with a very personal attack on him. I really drilled him with a well thought out (in my own mind) diatribe. Then Arizona Guide defended himself and I think CHP responded back to Arizona guide. Probably no one saw it because we then had one of those mysterious site outages right after our posts. I haven't seen him post since. I admit I miss his controversial posts. He was talented at starting topics that would go on for pages. Hopefully he will come back and leave the personal attacks in the whiskey bottle. Bob P.S. CHD come on and slam me. You owe me one.
  18. bobbyo

    Early 36c

    Hey Ichi, what do you guys have in your kegs. Bob
  19. bobbyo

    Prop 106

    Prop 106 is a no vote for me 105 is worse. Went to Az state land site. Looks like a real estate brochure. See for yourself http://www.land.state.az.us/report/report2005_full.pdf. There is 9,269,723 acres of state land and they are proposing to set aside 690,000 acres. It seems to be a bait and switch scam. What are they going to do with the other 8,500,000 acres? Dave is right there needs to be a comprehensive plan for the entire State land trust that is transparent.
  20. bobbyo


    Got mine in at 5:30 PM am I a procrastinator. Bob
  21. bobbyo

    Prop 106

    Maybe. Where commission meeting.
  22. bobbyo

    Prop 106

    Dave, First, I did not edit any post. Second I don't know what the CBD is. Maybe a mental institution? Third I wanted clarification on your statement that we have too much wilderness. I understand what you meant better now. I think you mean designated regulated wilderness. I misunderstood your comment and thought you were using a more general definition of wilderness. We have too much open space in Arizona. Hence My october hunt comment. I will probably miss a few times this October. Bob
  23. bobbyo

    Prop 106

    Dave, I completely agree with your sentiments about protecting the land and the buzzards swarming. You know and I know that both Republicans and Democrates are in the pocket of some Fat cat who will manipulate the system ( politicians) to get the state trust land for a song and then flip it for development and make millions. These are the buzzards you are talking about. These propositions are suppose to take the power to sell the state trust land away from politicians and give it to the so called "independent board of trustees" and supposedly get a fair value price for sold land and set aside 690,000 acres free of development. Of coarse they never say how much state trust land there is. If there is 2,000,000 acres of state trust land then we are only preserving 1/4 of the land. I don't know if I will vote for it or not. I will research it some more. You are probably right a better plan can be made,but on the shallow surface this proposition looks to be a better system then the current free for all that is going on. Bob P.s. Thanks Dave for getting me going. I just did my 100 post. Am I an advanced member now?
  24. bobbyo

    Prop 106

    Dave, I love literary references, but I guess my old testament is rusty I still don't get what you mean. Are you saying we should see the forest through the track home development. Bob
  25. bobbyo

    Prop 106

    Dave I don't mean to be an a-hole, but what the heck does that mean. You must never hunt in October. Also I think the deer, elk and other critters would be fine without some more management from humans. Bob