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Everything posted by bobbyo

  1. bobbyo

    Hunt Sucess

    Redman. That is incredible! Your family is raising the success rate for the whole unit. Maybe more people are going to put in for that 'desireable' deer unit next year. Congratulations. Bob
  2. bobbyo

    36C AGAIN!!!

    Ernesto you actually owe me a thank you. As anyone can see those are mountain pigs. Me and my friend spooked the herd down to you guys(actually true) on Friday from the tippy top of the mountain. Congratulations to your brother. He has a nice buck. Hopefully he didn't get too Pissed.Off. at us on Friday in the side canyon. We didn't mean to crowd him, but other people had our spot at the top. Next time i will wave when I drive by. Bob
  3. bobbyo

    New record??

    Check this out on that other site that CHD loves so much. Possible archery record. http://www.azodchat.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=12950 Bob
  4. bobbyo

    36C AGAIN!!!

    Ernesto, From the looks of it. I must have been camped right next to you. Now I know who was doing all the shooting. Congratulations to you and your family. Bob
  5. bobbyo

    Got My First Buck

    Looks like a trophy to me. Congratulations. Bob
  6. bobbyo

    Opening Day Success

    I know it does not count for score on a normal buck. Why on the computer version for B+C scoring do you even take the tip to tip. Bob
  7. bobbyo

    Opening Day Success

    Being such a freakish buck it is actually quite symetrical. The brow tines look to be the only really huge difference. Can anyone tell me would their be a deduction for tips crossing or is the tip to tip measurement to see if the antlers are bowed out too far. Anyway who cares. What an amazing speciman. Forget numbers. Just show people the picture. That should be good enough. Congratulations. Bob
  8. bobbyo

    New bow hunter

    Mark, Sorry we kind of highjacked the thread being goofballs and were not that much help with specific information. First off you do not need a top of the line expensive bow to go hunting or to shoot well. In the late 80s I shot the fastest bow at the time I think it was a pse Mach2 with STEEL CABLES, HATCHET CAMS AND A OVERDRAW REST. It went 195 feet per second. it weighed about 8 pounds and sent a mean vibration throughout my body everytime I shot it. Most serious archers walked around with an ice pack on their elbow. Still, this setup would go clean through an elk at 50 yards. Today, an intoductory new bow would blow my Mach 2 away in every aspect. You could probably find a pse nova or a browning adreneline set up ready to shoot for under 300 dollars at archery shops.. Add another 100 for arrows and release and you are hunting.(Archery is expensive) The most important thing to consider for beginners is draw length. The shop will measure you, but this is just a ballpark figure. Once you develop a shooting style. you will know your true draw length. So for beginners you need to make sure your bows draw length is adjustable. Many of the high end bows are not adjustable. In your situation I would contact your local guy first. He could measure your draw length and might have a loaner or used bow laying around, just so you get use to pulling back and flinging arrows. He also might have a line on any used bows that are for sale. I would say a 2002 or newer bow in good shape would service you for a few years until you know what you want from your bow. Check out ebay to see if they are selling the bow for a fair price. Forget about what the seller paid for it. Bows go down dramatically in value. Similar to computers. If you just have to have a new one find a reputable shop that will set you up right with what you need. In Tucson it would be Jesse at Sahuaro Bait and Tackle. Jesse is humble(rare for a archery shop guy) and make you feel comfortable enough to ask any question, plus he will not rip you off. My last and most important advice is don't go to the darkside and buy HOYT. Bob
  9. bobbyo

    New bow hunter

    I will make elmergoo's target bigger I will add another $20 to that. Iam IN!!! Mark, What everyone else said learn as much as you can and buy the one that fits and feels best for you. You can not beat a great archery shop for the info you need. I would like to get in on this, but I only have a 150 yard pin. Bob
  10. bobbyo


    I believe it is a myth that deer feed more during full moon ect. I think they can see fine with no moon at all. What do deer do in places that have constant cloud cover? Are Arizona deer fatter than Washington deer because Arizona deer have bright full moons and Washington has cloudy skies? I think it is best not to worry about the moon at all. Solunar tables are fun, but completely worthless, much like astrology. Now for fishing that is a different story. Bob
  11. Four branch antlered and a kitten that is a great hunt. Congratulations. Bob
  12. bobbyo

    New bow hunter

    Before buying any expensive set up I think you sould try an inexpensive used bow or even borrow one. of coarse you need a friend or mentor to help you get set up. If you absolutely don't know anyone that shoots archery hang out at the range and you will quickly meet people. Archers are free with their knowledge and like helping others. Remember there are only two type of archers; beginners and experts and you can't be an expert unless you teach a beginner. Please follow the the number one rule in archery. Avoid people that shoot Hoyt. They are complete freaks. Bob
  13. bobbyo

    Higher or lower in Nov

    Casey I am beginning to think Epperson is right. You need to take it easy on the pipe. How can you shoot a coues on the last day of November. Unless maybe a youth hunt, but it couldn't of been in this unit. Do we need to do an online intervention. A coues hunter is a terrible thing to waste. I say the Coues will be both in the lower and higher elevations unless they are in the middle. Bob
  14. bobbyo

    Josh's Buck

    Josh congratulations, I lost my wallet after getting my deer last year. It is hard keeping it all together out there.I guess 93. Length over mass. Bob
  15. bobbyo

    Bear Wallow trip.

    Dan, Really enjoy your reports from the SC rez. Please keep posting. Bob
  16. I was wondering if anyone is going out for coues with a 34a or 35 muzzleloader tag this weekend. Bob
  17. bobbyo

    Campfire smoke

    I couldn't of said it better. Bob
  18. That is a nice buck. Congratulations. Bob
  19. bobbyo

    Hunt Sucess

    If it was 30b it is as close to undesireable as you can get. Awhile ago I glassed for a week and saw nothing I mean nothing, nada zilch. Not one WT deer. Success rate was well below 10 %. In my mind, Redman has one heck of a trophy there. Of coarse as already stated a WT tag is better than no WT tag and I still put in for 30b as my last choice. Bob
  20. bobbyo

    wish me luck!

    Did you get a tip. Bob
  21. bobbyo

    NICE BUCK...

    Another nice little buck from the Res. congratulations. Bob
  22. bobbyo

    Hunt Report

    Oh my gosh! Scotty you must scare the crap out of the I.A.s. Not to mention the beach vendors. Bob
  23. bobbyo

    35a hunt

    Mulie hunter, You have a great attitude! Hunting is about having fun. Don't feel too bad, I know some great coues hunters that are having tag soup in that very same unit. This weekend in my unit, I saw many hunters getting frustrated. They did not look like they were having any fun. I think they would be better served to have your attitude. Filling your tag is really not that big of a deal. Good luck on the youth hunt. Bob
  24. bobbyo


    I think that buck is pretty. Remember the drought. There will be a lot of bucks that will look similar. It is not all about the genes. The enviornment plays a role. Congratulations Youngbuck. Bob
  25. bobbyo

    Air rest

    I have heard about this rest. I believe you need a magnet placed in each one of your arrows. It works by the magnet on the rest and the magnet in the arrow repelling each other. Can you imagine the new tuneage nightmare this could cause. Weight forward-spinechange-magnetplacement how much would your arrows cost? Bob