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Everything posted by bobbyo
Because of a good upbringing and many life lessons I have developed four rules that help me get through life successfully. 1 Don't cheat the Government. (pay your taxes). 2. Don't cheat the lord.(Follow the commandments) 3.Stick with beer only. (No Jose or Jack) 4. Don't get in Archery competitions with guys named BOWNUT, who have caddys, even if they shoot bows that are made in Malaysia. So as you can see I will have to respectfully decline your offer. I would like to suggest that we do have a friendly hunting contest this January as long as you Hoyt guys don't use chute planes or employ 50 guides like those famous hunters who endorse Hoyt. We might have some fun. One request though, Dave can't be the official measurer since he still insists his 29" draw length is 32" Bob
I have traveled many places in the world and extensively in Mexico. I have never felt uncomfortable or nervous. I have found the Mexican people to be friendly, generous and hospitable. I have had the great honor of eating dinner in the homes of complete strangers. Mi casa es su casa. How many of you guys have had a complete stranger over for dinner? Let me qualify this by saying I am also one of the whitest people in the world and sadly can only speak three sentences in Spanish. The recent kidnappings are a cause for concern and can obviously make Mexico very scary. So if you have already booked and paid for your hunt down south don't despair. I know a poor guy who is willing to take on the burden and worry of your hunt for you. He is prepared to be put in harms way, so you can live out your dream of a Mexican hunt through him. If this sounds appealing to you please don't hesitate to PM me. I will even send a post card and a couple of pictures of your trophy buck. Bob
Why do you guys keep wasting valuable space talking about Hoyts. Isn't there an inferior bow chat line somewhere, so you can continue this conversation on how Hoyt ripped you off. Isn't Hoyt made in Indonesia now?Is that why it takes two months. Bob
Tyson, What is all this positive attitude stuff. What are you a Zen Buddhist? Don't you know a disscussion board is made for whinning and negativity . So come on, join the crowd and complain about something. Bob
Savage 110 takes a likin and keeps on ticking. Bob
Great story and really good job controling the shakes. I do the same thing when I see a nice deer. Even on deer much smaller than yours. Congratulations, that buck is what dreams are made of. Bob
I am new to picture scoring, but I think I was conservative and got close to 135 inches gross. Am I close or is it some camera angle. Whatever the score that is one heck of a buck. It might be one of the biggest killed this year. Congratulations. Both G1 10 G2 18 G3 20 G4 14 G5(kicker) 3 MainBeams and spread 42 Mass (very conservative) 28 Total 135
Chief can I be your friend? Bob
Actually Bill, this is worse than high fence hunting. The deer in the Coues Sanctuary are not Coues deer. They are glorified domestic farm animals. They are born in pens and live their whole life on a farm. If some nimrod gets his yaya's by overpaying for a farm animal that he gets to slaughter, so what ,it really is not hunting. In the case of free ranging animals being handed on a platter by any means necessary is hunting. Completely unethical hunting, but still hunting. We hunters are suppose to be SPORTSMAN and follow the rules of fair chase! In addition these high rollers which seems to include our most 'esteemed' bowhunting writers( supposedly the purest form of hunting) get to list their "trophys" in the only record books that count BC and PY. Well maybe the books souldn't count. This trophy hunting is getting to be completely bogus and will give all hunters a bad name to the general public. I harken back to when I was 12 and the winner of the deer pool at the MizPAH in Tonopah was not the hunter that got the deer with the biggest rack, but to the hunter that got the deer that weighed the most. There was even a prize for the tiniest deer. I miss those days. Bob
AZONICE I politely disagree. The source is not Mexico the source is the jobs right here. I believe these people are not blindly walking here with a hope and a prayer. They are coming here because a job is waiting for them. When have you ever heard of an employer being fined, arrested, anything for hiring an illegal. It does not happen. If by some miracle we stopped immigration from our Mexican border, we would get illegals from elsewhere. We would have tankers full of Chinesse, jumbo jets full of Indonisians and trucks full of Turks( really bad pun.) All these people need jobs and work for less than a dollar a day in their home country. I feel one law that is stringently enforced would cut illegal immigration immediately without the need for more borderpatrol or a ridiculous fence (Ever hear of the Great Wall of China. That didn't work). Here is what you do. You make it a RICO violation to hire illegal aliens. Rico violation were instituted to fight organized crime and Drug lords. It allows the government to seize all assets, all assets of people who are convicted with this law. So Lenny the landscaper is popped with a crew of illegals. The govt seizes all his trucks, tools, house, personal vehicles, his deer rifle. Everything. The logic being he used ill gotten gains from illegal activities (hiring illegals) to acquire this stuff. Faced with this I think employers would be real careful. I mean real careful, that they hire only legal people. The upside of this plan is there would be a mass exodus of people heading south instead of north. No job no want to live here anymore. The down side is it would cause major economic turmoil much like what Bill and I discussed above, mainly inflation. I will just say your welcome ahead of time for solving illegal immigration. Tomorrow I will solve the IRAQ problem. Bob
Mark: That is not exactly a great defense. Chuck lovers might say," At least Chuck dosen't hunt from the air! Plus I don't recall any article written by Randy that opened with" On my third pass of buzzing the saddle I finally saw ole MOSSY ANTLERS." I thought Randy was in a league of his own and I admired him greatly. To me this is like finding out that Superman is on crack. Younghunter: He is not flying around looking at the lay of the land or to see if the acorn crop is coming in. He is looking for only one thing. 220+ inch deer! With this type of plane he can fly real slow and get real low and see the deer in their bedding areas. See one, the GPS comes out. He could cover a mountain range in half a day. There is no way you can convince me this is fair chase. Members of this site are up in arms about The Coues Sanctuary. They claim it is a travesty to hunting. This makes their blood boil ect. How is finding isolated bucks that have never seen humans by air any different? How many guide services and individual hunters are going to start using the same methods? Will there be crowded skies around every hunting spot? I can see what the hottest new hunter toy will be this Christmas Season. Everyone wants to be like Randy. Introducing the "Randy Ulmer Camo Paraplane: Where no trophy buck can hide." Bob
So let me get this straight. it has been bothering me. Randy uses this flying kite to scout for deer? Disappointed in Tucson, Bob
[The "status quo" for the past 6 years is good? Where have I been? I was being sarcastic Dave. The president and congress have done nothing to stop illegal immigration the last six years. So the status quo is to do nothing except play this stupid game that we have on the border right now. If the IA can transverse the 60 mile buffer zone then he is home free. If not he is sent back to try again the next day. Meanwhile our desert gets trashed. How much effort is made to catch illegals once they make it to phoenix, LA etc. Bottom line is business and corporations want these cheap workers and there seems to be no consequences for hiring them. Our goverment does what business and corporations want. I know both political parties will do nothing. Lets stop the hypocrisy and save our desert. Let the illegals in at the port of entry and the free market will sort them out. Then our desert will be spared anymore devastation. Bill It is funny you mentioned the minimum wage increase. I was going to write about the same thing. One point on inflation. Yes, seniors need to fear inflation, but us wage slaves should be afraid, due to rising health care costs. My actual take home pay has not increased in five years even though i get a 3 to 5% raise each year, so it seems like I am on a fixed income. I could not imagine what might happen if we had double digit inflation for a year in this country. We might all be bankrupt. Bob Ps Dave maybe a grey crushed granite would accent your neighbors terra cotta yard nicely. Just a color tip. I know a guy who does landscaping cheaply, but he dosen't speak english too good. Let me know if you are interested.
Well said Travis. The focus should be on the deer not the hunter. Still you should feel pride in accomplishing your goal and having hard work pay off. Congratulations. Bob
Bill, I agree with you that the economy is as good as it gets now. I wonder how much of that is due to the massive undocumented labor force in this country. Would inflation be as low as it is if companys did not illegally hire these people to do the jobs that are needed in agriculture, construction, food service, hospitality ect? If suddenly we were able to deport every undocumented worker from this country everything would become more expensive immediately. Inflation would rise and the economic outlook would be much more bearish than your dire outlook. Good thing we have "W" in office for two more years, to protect us from this economic upheaveal and keep the status quo we have had the past 6 years in regards to immigration. Bob
Stop being humble Travis. That buck is awesome! Bob
Why do you guys care if The Coues Sanctuary is a sponsor of the site or not. This forum is a business. The people who run the site need to make money to keep it running. Every species of animals can be shot behind high fences and entered into the SFI book. If you want to get mad at somebody get mad at them. I agree this is not hunting and it barely even simulates hunting, yet there is a big market for this type of "kill". How about the whole state of Texas. Nearly every animal in the state is taken behind a high fence. Would you guys get mad if one of those ranches becomes a sponsor. I think not. Bob
I also was lucky enough to get a bear tag in a southern unit. Like Desert Bull I have never hunted the spring and don't have a clue about their habits. Do bears even hibernate down here? Is predetor calling the best method? Any input will be appreciated. Desert Bull I am helping fill some elk tags in 22 with some knowledgeable locals and will pm you with any info I get. Bob
Nice bucks they look bigger than the given scores. Are those scores net. How did you skull them out so quick. Bob
This essay will be easy to find information on. Ecological benefits(animals at carrying capacity) will be well substantiated with scientific studies. Govt agencys benefit from taxes and license fees collected. Economy benefits from all us nimrods spending so much to go hunting. The individual hunter benefits spiritually/emotionally for spending time in the woods and getting back to their primal roots. Hopefully this helps and good luck on your essay. Bob
Congratulations, I am getting hungry just looking at him. Bob
Statistically speaking you have a much greater chance of getting your vehicle broken into or stolen at Sportsman's Warehouse then you do by the mass of illegals crossing the borders. I am more frightened in my own neighboorhood then when I am hunting at the border, which I do quite often. There has been four house's broken into within 100 yards of my house. The media has labled the neighborhood next to mine Meth central. I am looking into home alarm systems. So when I am glassing tomorrow in 36b I will not be worried one bit about lions or IAs. My thoughts will be on who might be watching my own house. Hey AZ-ON-ICE. Is there any lots available in Wyoming? Bob
Dan, Awesome experience, and a really nice buck. Congratulations. Is there brow tines on your buck. I cannot tell from your picture. Bob
This chould go species wide. Is an october Coues tag worth as much as a December. How many would spend $100 on a December coues. I would apply. How about $200.I would apply. Of coarse this logic could lead to a rate based on drawing chance. Harder to draw. larger the price. Then hunting will be just for the rich. This state could easily get $25,000 per Bighorn, $10,000 per Bull and antelope tag. I am going to stop this before G+f get any ideas. Bob
About 1000 people hunt 34a in each of the early hunts. At one time 34a had more whitetail then any unit in the state. I doubt that is true now.I feel G+F should of limited the amount of tags when the success rate plunged in this unit. Every unit in the state has large bucks and 34a has more than its fair share. The trick is actually passing on all the other bucks you might see before actually seeing a large one. Az G+F has good info on the unit. Bob