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Everything posted by bobbyo

  1. G+F just doubles the price of tags and licenses and wonders why there is less hunters and fisherman. This is not rocket science. Although there may be less actual license holders; revenue for outdoor sports has increased dramatically. Sporting goods and state agencys are making more money then ever. This confrence is just to find new methods to grow revenue streams(more opportunity) and nothing to to with perserving our hunting heritage. Youth hunters = Money? Lets be real. What would our hunting heritage look like if every child became a hunter? I think it would be a memory.Our hunting heritage cannot support a infinite number of hunters. By the way if there is less people hunting and fishing why am I running into so many people in my secret spots? No more PMS with info. Bob
  2. bobbyo

    2006 Coues Deer Mount

    HunterDan, Nice mount. That deer is a pig! Who was your taxidermist? I think I know since it is done allready. Again, great mount and awesome deer. Bob
  3. bobbyo

    More carp

    It does take a nice picture. Can't wait to see some more. Hopefully of some bucks with non-stunted racks. Bring on the rain. Bob
  4. bobbyo

    More carp

    Desert bull, Can you fix the timer on your camera I want to know when to set up my blind. Bob
  5. bobbyo

    Whats Taking so Long

    Are you kidding, Bobby would start a new web site for that www.BOBBYO'S crying page.com What a great idea. If i start one will I have to give you some kind of finders fee. How did you get an actual picture of me, yellow head and crying that is awesome. LOL Bob
  6. Come on guys. I have had enough! Evertime we have a discussion on any topic, someone just has to slip in how they have an Elk tag. I know I am the only member of this sight without an Elk tag, but do you have to add the fact to every thread on the COUESWHITETAIL sight. Here are some samples I have seen. Coues Biology: Mr. Heffelfinger will the massive expansion of the Coues herd affect my 4 archery elk tags in Unit 9? Thank You, Alwaysdrawn. Rifle Hunting: Mr. Quimby is the 416 Rigby enough rifle to put down an elk? Me and my buddies only got 6 elk tags and we don't want to wound too many. Thank You, Shortpantys Shed Hunting: Look at this massive coues rack I found this weekend. I took the photo with my freshly drawn unit 10 elk tag to give you some perspective on this pig! mattys456784658904873. Video + Photos Of Coues: Hey guys just finished "Bullins" new kick a-- video. You will see the postman drop off the the tag. The hunter recover the tag. See the actual gutting of the envelope and see the premium elk trophy hunt that I drawn. All to some" balls to the wall" 70s arena rock music. Click on the link and let me know what you think. http:/photobucket/Igotdrawnandyoudidnt/hahahaha/ha/ha/hahaha Thanks for looking, Bullsfan Misc. Related to Coues Deer: Flagstaff coueswhitetail get together schedule: 4:00-8:00 Elk scouting for our up coming tags. 8:00-10:00 Elk breakfast 10:00-11:00 Elk recipe exchange 11:00-12:00 Liars poker with our elk tags 12:00-4:00 Elk 3d shoot See you there, Lancer Political The thing I hate the most about the illegal problem is the garbage they leave behind. It makes me sick. Wish i had an actual photo to show their havoc on our enviornment. These photos I have posted are simulations. Me and my family photographed our elk tags on the ground to symbolize the illegals destruction. Dosen't it make you sick all those elkta- I mean garbage cluttering up our desert.. Elkhauler
  7. This guy somehow draws two elk tags and is now busting on us about our age . Makes me want to complain about the crappy service at the Sportsmen Warehouse archery dept. Can't they get any good help there. Bob
  8. bobbyo

    a couple new videos I made

    Awesome footage. poor poor mice. Can't wait to see you on animal planet. Bob
  9. Desertbull, that's the spirit. Don't scout, don't even bring the binocs. Smoke the first antelope you see with your once in a lifetime tag. Full on dude. Score is for geeks. Go for it. Love the attitude, Bob
  10. First it was elk.Now everyone has an antelope tag? Who am I putting in with next year. Lance? Mr. Green
  11. I think the deer is in the mid nineties, but can't be sure. Why don't you tell me the location and I will go get a second look. Is this why you are interested in a groundblind? From the looks of the enviornment I believe a tree stand would be a better (less comfortable) choice. Bob Ps nice picture.
  12. bobbyo

    Blind advice?

    The double bull is the cats meow., but very expensive. I have an eastman's h2 that I paid under $100 for. This blind is huge(84x88x720. You can not pack it far. The case is about 12' in diameter and 5' tall. It has a large shooting window and two hunters a cooler and a dog could sit in it comfortably. Draw backs are that the material is too shiny and noisy when compared with the double bull. Due to this, I will probably have to brush it in more and set it back a little farther then I would have with the DB matrix, but I could buy 4 or 5 of these for the price of a matrix db. I found a web sight that is selling these for 69.70.Believe me, that is less then the cost of materials. You should consider this blind as an option. http://www.sportsmansguide.com/cb/cb.asp?a=277177
  13. bobbyo

    trouble sighting in..

    If you sight in 1/10 of an inch high at 25 you would have this Yards inches 100 3.3 200 2.7 250 0 300 -4.5 If you sight in 1/2 inch high at 25 you would have this. 100 4.8 200 5.7 300 0 350 -5.8 These figures are with a 165 grain btsp with a .347 BC shooting 2800fps. As already mentioned you need to shoot these distances in real life. Every gun is different. . Here is the web sight with a ballistics calculater. Hard part is finding the ballistic coefficent for each bullet. It makes a huge difference at long distances so make sure you match the right BC with the right bullet. http://www.biggameinfo.com/BalCalc.aspx Bob
  14. Ok I am over my bitterness. I realize that I am not the only one who will not go elk hunting this year . You lucky guys that have a tag I hope you shoot a monster. Also please let us all know about your good fortune in every single post. All those other poor souls with 8,9 or more bonus points; next year will be your year. Hunting coues (4 tags in a row) I can't really say how I trully feel on this sight. Your taxidermist must be a happy guy. Reminds me of a joke. You know you are a redneck when your taxidermy bill is more than your rent. Bob
  15. bobbyo

    best all around tripod set up

    Doc, You probably already know this, but I think it is important to get a tripod that you are able to glass with standing up. This infinately increases the areas you are able to glass from and makes changing angles easier. Many light weight tripods are light weight because they are shorter. Less material less weight. Bob
  16. bobbyo

    Got My Bow All Setup

    Thanks bownut I thought that neon orange gave it the extra power. If he only has 70 lb limbs might he run into trouble down the road. just worried he might hurt himself and not be able to use that tag. Bob
  17. bobbyo

    Got My Bow All Setup

    Younghunter, Wow what a nice tag! I have a question, how can a string increase the poundage on a bow by five pounds? Again what a nice tag. I am glad you showed everyone. Bob P.s. Is that neon orange
  18. bobbyo

    270 WSM or 257 WM?

    Grim, Unless it is on a real heavy frame I seriously doubt a 270 short mag will kick less than a 7 mag. I believe it is a trade off. You can have a magnum that is light that will kick hard. Or a magnum that is on the heavy side that will kick moderately.A muzzle break is always a possibility. I remember when the short mag first came out they were marketed as lighter kicking. This may be true to the physics professor.Trouble is they are also marketed as a lighter rifle. The less weight in the gun means more foot pounds in the shoulder. All the short mags I have shot were on light frames (under 8#w scope) and felt recoil was significantly more than my heavy 7mag. I am no expert, just my experience. Bob ps Did I mention I did not get drawn for Elk.
  19. Just sent out my tag applications to the bank of Arizona Game and Fish. It totaled well over $1000 dollars. Since I have a relatively small family I was wondering what kind of capital out lay some of you guys and gals had to send off? Bob
  20. bobbyo

    trouble sighting in..

    Tony, I use 150 core-locts in my 7mag for deer. My gun likes them and they are the deadliest mushroom in the woods. Bob
  21. bobbyo

    trouble sighting in..

    Tony, If I raised my 25 yard zero up 3/4 of an inch it would zero my rifle 7 mag at 400, but I would be 6" high at 100 and 9.4" high at 200 yards, 7.6 at 300 yards. Trajectory would be very similar for my 270 and 243. That would be too much thinking for me and why I prefer to print Dead center at 25 yards which gives me a 0 sight in at about 250 yards and a hold on the body out to 325-350. For farther shots I have hold overs written on my gun.
  22. bobbyo

    trouble sighting in..

    Devinv, I have had similar problems as you sighting in. My symptoms were identical to yours. After many different rounds, bruised shoulders and expensive scopes. I realized that the wandering was due to an over heated rifle. I don't think you will find a magic round that will fix the symptoms you describe. I have two suggestions. First, as already mentioned(azforlife), you need to take time inbetween rounds. I shoot three round groups then let the rifle cool for ten minutes. This is not very time efficent, but you will notice that the bullet will not wander. Second I think the wandering may be due to stock contact after the barrel heats up. Getting your rifle bedded and your barrel free floated or Pressure bedded could solve the problem. I believe you can still get a bedding job from a reputable gunsmith for just under a 100 dollars. Which in the long run will save you money on ammo. You could do it yourself. There is alot of info on the web. The sight below explains what I am trying to say a lot better. http://hunting.about.com/cs/guns/a/float_bed.htm Also like ichiban43 i sight in at 25 yards for all my rifles. I don't move it once it is. I do this for three reasons. 1. makes sighting in easy. 2. Twenty-five yards will put most rifles close to their point blank range. 3. When i ride my rifle down the hill out in the field it is real easy to resight in my rifle. This has eliminated the ballistic chart in my head when the moment of truth comes.
  23. bobbyo

    Unhappy with my new coues mount

    Bowsniper, I am just going by your pictures, but the mount looks much like the picture of the freshly killed buck. The only difference I can see, and it may be due to lighting, is the brow bones look more pronounced on the "real deer"than on the mount. The eye's seem to be wider than your other mount, but not wider than the actual deer. My personal opinion is that it looks like a good mount to me. Bob
  24. bobbyo

    Summer sucks

    Ernesto, Why are you wearing your swarvos on the beach. What are you scouting for? Your sister is very pretty. Godbless, Bob
  25. bobbyo

    Tree Stands or Ground Blinds?

    Ground blind is the way to go. You can drink beer. You can have a big lunch. You can take a nap lying down. You can stay much longer. You can shoot from different positions. You can take pictures. Ect. Why is it as soon as I'm in a tree stand I have to take a pee? Even if I just went. Bob