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Everything posted by bobbyo

  1. bobbyo

    Off To Kill A Carp Deer!

    Wow, That is a management buck! oh ya only a three point, but holy cow, that is truly a neat buck, congratulations. Bob
  2. bobbyo

    Off To Kill A Carp Deer!

    What do the deer eat out there Tony, red rocks? Bob
  3. bobbyo

    Another Nice Buck for Dad!

    That is a standard model 95 inch buck made in the coues factory by ACME. A trophy for sure. Congratulations to your father. Bob
  4. Wow that buck looks big even without the camera lens inches from its antlers. Congratulations. Bob
  5. bobbyo


    Where was his camera. Brazil. Bob
  6. bobbyo

    Guess the score.

    Jim, You are certainly taking a picture of my next spike. I knew that camera lens was a MM away from that rack. 9 inch g2 ugh. Bob
  7. bobbyo

    My Best Buck Ever

    That deer is a pig!!! Congratulations. Bob
  8. bobbyo

    Late bloomers.....

    Wow that is neat. Maybe it has to do with global warming or some hormone imbalance, yet it looks like a healthy buck that should of been arrowed Sept 1. Congratulations on an exceptional and rare trophy. Bob ps. nice caliber by the way.
  9. bobbyo


    Other then the split G2s there is nothing to indicate that this deer is anything, but a whitetail. The size and configuration is all whitetail ( I am really jealous of both these deer by the way). I believe antlers in both MD and WT are so varied it is probably the worst possible indicator of a hybrid buck, yet used the most to discount big coues whitetails as not being the real McCoy. Bob
  10. bobbyo


    Some game wardens don't know much about hybrids themselves. Jesse(pictured) was going to get a full body mount of this rare trophy. He showed the deer to a game warden. The warden said it was not a true hybrid but a 90%/10% mix in favor of mule deer. Dejected, Jesse threw out the cape(kept the tail), since as a mule deer it was not big enough to be mount worthy to him. Two days later Heffelfinger ,I believe, calls him up wanting to see his hybrid and sets him straight that there is no such thing as a 90%/10% hybrid since they are sterile. A hybrid can only be 50% MD 50%WT genetically. Phenotypically(looks) the deer will be dominated by one species over the other, but genetically it can only be 50/50. As far as I can tell, Jesse holds no bitterness toward the original misinformation which makes him a much better man then myself. Bob
  11. bobbyo

    Guess the score.

    I am wondering if you guys have figured out the gross score! My ten year old is available if you need help scoring or adding. Please hurry up and award me the winner. You guys that have over-cut me and under-cut me by an 1/8 of an inch are dirty. Bob
  12. bobbyo


    No more picture. Oh OO I have heard about a hybrid from reputable people in this exact same spot. From my experience this area is mostly Mule until you get to the big mountain. Here is a true hybrid. notice how it looks almost completely like a mule except for..... You figure it out! : Bob
  13. bobbyo

    Tent Scandal

    I think it is bulls--- to do this! I have seen this the last 5 years or so and have seen certain outfitters that do this in 36c at the gate to the no vehicle areas and they don't actually even camp or use the spot. They are trying to limit traffic in these areas by preventing others from camping there. Yet to combat it I did it myself this year. Yes adding to the problem. I put a tent out a week early. The camp next to us was out at least two weeks early. This practice is going to get ridiculous. Are we going to have an empty tent in every wide spot in our units months ahead of the hunts? Maybe a tent robbing Robinhood is needed. Bob
  14. bobbyo

    My 2007 "rifle hunt" buck

    Now there is a true bowhunter. Notice the bow he shoots. Congratulations. Were you sitting water? Congratulations again. Bob
  15. bobbyo

    Guess the score.

    I'd say 56, since the camera is right up against his RT G2s. Just kidding here is what I got 1 1 5 9 8 6 14 14 Main beams 13 spread 30 points of mass for a grand total of 101 Long tines can make up for a lack of main beam length real quick. Bob
  16. bobbyo

    My 2007 Coues Buck

    I think it is great that you and Little Bear are so close that you can shoot a deer together. What do you do--- 1..2..3 fire? Or maybe someone looks through the scope and the other pulls the trigger.Or even if you are real close you sit cheek to cheek look through the scope together, inter-lock fingers and boom. How do you decide who is going to tag it? Congratulations on an awesome buck. He is a beauty. Bob
  17. Poor thing . I am suprised it can keep his antlers on his head with those spindely bases. Bob
  18. bobbyo

    Caliber preference

    You guys are some real freaky gun nuts. What could possibly be different from a .260, 270, ect. Lets see a 6mm(243) is not enough, but a 6.5(260) is perfect, but a .270 is too much gun. 50 dollar bullets? Try out all these repetitive calibers to see which one fits you best? A caliber has a fit like a t-shirt? What the heck? You guys obviously scared away the poor dude who started this post. The question asked that started this gun freak circus was "what should I take hunting for Coues a .243 or a 300 mag." The obvious answer is--- take them both. Bob
  19. Kevin, Congratulations. I would be proud to put my tag on an ancient one like that. Plus as a bonus, you can rag on your friend's great guiding ability for years to come. Bob
  20. bobbyo

    Howdy Boys!!!

    Wow That is gods country. i can't Wait for the CW get together at your place. Bob
  21. bobbyo

    Caliber preference

    This thread is great! It is just what I needed to hear. I plan on taking my son's 243 on the early hunt, yet I plan on only taking shots in the 500 to 600 yard range. So I guess you could say I agree with everybody on this issue. Bob
  22. Friend of mine just bought one. Too expensive for me, but I am excited to try it and will give a field report after the first hunt. Bob
  23. Ok boys and girls need some expertise on this question. Bought some standard Leupold rings for a one piece base at Sportsmen's whorehouse today. I try to mount my scope, but the front ring the one you twist 90 degrees seems to have one of the torx screw holes machined too big! The included screw just pushes through. There seems to be threading in the hole, but all included screws are the same size and too small for this one hole. I think I know the answer to this one, but I am hoping someone will say you idiot Bob! Trying to save myself a 20 mile trip in crappy traffic to S.W. Bob
  24. bobbyo

    Long Range Animal Recovery

    I like to run over as fast as I can whooping all the way. Get lost for a while, walk back to where I shot the animal. Have a hard time finding that spot. Circle around awhile until I find where I shot from. Get my bearings. Take a direct route. Search the wrong ridge for a half hour. Go back to the shooting spot. Get my bearings. Go to the right ridge, find my buck immediately, knew he was there all along. Hey it works for me. Bob
  25. bobbyo

    The "Wrongway" Bull

    Redbeard, I am just kidding you. If I were you I would be flying too. You obviously worked hard for that amazing bull and it may be the biggest accomplishment in Elk hunting this year, IMO. Heck if it was me I would of placed a picture of that Elk in every topic on this site. Congratulations. Now bring on Ocho cinco or what ever his name is. Bob