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Everything posted by bobbyo

  1. bobbyo

    My Dec Hunt Pics!

    Awesome buck That is one tallllllll rack! congratulations. Bob
  2. bobbyo

    .270 vs. 7mm

    Flight of bullet and drop are nearly identical. Footpounds should not be an issue on a 100 pound max animal. Go with the lighter kicking, lighter rifle with the best scope. I think you are comparing apples to apples. Bob
  3. I got this photo in an e mail. The buck is supposedly from IDAHO and a typical world record, But it did not say which book. I am skeptical because i don't see how the deer could hold up his head. Oh ya a 48 inch inside spread.
  4. I am not a good enough hunter to have antlers to fondle, but my first cousin has a nice rack that I somtimes fondle during Star Search! Bob
  5. bobbyo

    Hunting Partner

    Great everyone is packing in. Now i will have the road all to myself. Bob
  6. I was wondering if anyone hunted coues with a muzzleloader tag in 35s or 34A this year. Bob
  7. bobbyo

    hunts in 35 and 34a

    Well you can't shoot a big one if you shoot a smaller one. Way to stick with your goal. usually I start with high standards and revise down by the hour. "Boy that spike has charachter". Did you see any Coues? Bob
  8. Doug, Your honesty makes a good story a great story. Bob
  9. bobbyo


    Congratulations, Love the night photos. Good job blood trailing. Bob
  10. I AM HAPPY ANYWAY. You have to be a pretty bad hunter to have a viable tag on 12/28, but maybe Tom Petty is right. Even the Losers Get Lucky Sometime. On a whim, I decided to take my bow on a run to the dump for some quick, post-dump hunting and ran into this guy with about 9 girls. After several blown stalks, I was able to out flank him and get a fifty yard shot.
  11. bobbyo

    My 2007 December rifle buck

    I LOVE BUCKS LIKE THAT! Main beams like that, are almost exclusively a Coues charachteristic. Congratulations. Bob.
  12. I appreciate all the congratulations. It is almost embarrassing because I know how much luck played into it. Hope I am as fortunate next year, I mean tomorrow. Bob Hey Casey why 36b? I hear the deer down there only grow to 99 and7/8. .I guess you could round up.
  13. bobbyo


    I use a pair of old grandma slippers. Soft fabric bottom. The bunny ears do pick up a lot of cactus though. Bob
  14. bobbyo

    2007 Archery Coues.

    Congratulations, Too me you did get the big buck. Bob
  15. Nice story. Great deer. It sure is neat meeting friends out of the blue. Congratulations, Bob
  16. bobbyo

    New to Forum

    Nice blacktails Stalker. I have heard they are as hard to hunt as our beloved Coues. Are you hunting the pines so you can use a tree stand? How many deer do you see in a day? You might want to try oaks, Mesquite areas. Of coarse it will be hard to find a tree to put a stand in. If you like being up above you might consider a tripod stand. it will allow you to expand your hunting areas and still use methods you are use to. Just a thought. Bob
  17. Wow I am really bummed. I really misjudged this sight. I thought we would be at least 13 or fourteen. This is five more then my goal. Man I am depressed. Congratulations Amanda, I am actually with 25-06 This sight is number one. Bob
  18. Cory, I have sad news to tell you. Ty did the same thing to me in 2002. They have a weird sense of humor in Payson. Next thing you know, you will be Snipe Hunting. Good Luck, you will need it. Bob
  19. bobbyo

    Anyone Heard From The Super 80

    This whole thread makes me sick. Trophy hunting is bull s---. Where is the respect for the animal. "I thought it was a 98, but it was only 93. wawa." As i said in a previous post the difference between a 93 and a 98 is 5 inches it is just a number, a stupid number. So you were off less then an inch per measurable point ( maybe if you had a $2000 spotting scope?). A 100 inch buck makes me happy, but a 95 inch makes me sad . Lets have a big PITY party. I thought hunting was suppose to be fun. I am tickled to death of any animal I harvest. I am happy if I don't get one. The only time I am unhappy is when I can't recover an animal, because after all, it is about the animal, not the hunter. Bob
  20. bobbyo

    This ever happend to you?

    I believe the only difference between a 100" and a 95" inch is about 5". Just because it is a late hunt does not mean it is a rutt hunt. I would think twice or three times before passing up a 95". Just messin with your mind. Stick to your guns. You will know the right deer for you when you see it. Bob
  21. bobbyo

    hunts in 35 and 34a

    Wow you guys have planned the weather perfectly for your tag. I am jealous. The Mule's should be out, but don't overlook the WT. Good Luck, Bob
  22. bobbyo

    Help me name my new dog!

    I have had a few goldens over the years and they had various names, but after a little time, ended up with the same one . "DUMMY". Sit down Dummy. Off the couch Dummy. Stop barking Dummy. Give me the bird Dummy! If you named her Dummy right now it might save her mental anguish of having her name change for a third time. Bob
  23. bobbyo

    2007 Late Rifle Bull

    congratulations nice bull. Bob
  24. bobbyo


    Jim, Thank you for reconfirming what everyone on the sight all ready knows. I am an idiot. I apologize to anyone for prepetuating myths that I have claimed to be debunking. In addition, all apologies to game managers every where they obviously know more than me. My new enlightenment has brought up many questions that I hope you could answer. 1. What is the incidence of 3/4 hybrids in the wild coues whitetail population?( possible computer projections) 2. At what point would a male with partial mixed genes have viable sperm? Would it be 75% 90% ect. At this point wouldn't there be logrithmic pollution of gene pool, due to the virtual unlimited offspring a male could produce. 3. Does the correlation between a metatarsal gland and hybridization carry over to 3/4 and greater hybrid? Would a 3/4 WT have a 1.75 metatarsal. 4. Will Coues bucks with partial hybridization be disqualified from the record books? hence, your below quote. Thank you, The Idiot.
  25. bobbyo

    Lucky to get Two Animals In Two Days

    Troy, Great post I enjoyed reading it, brought back some memories for me. Congratulations on your trophies' and keep writing some posts. Bob