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Everything posted by bobbyo

  1. bobbyo

    "Quiet" boot covers

    I have made many boot covers over the years i have experimented with everything and the bottom line is bootless with a couple pair of socks is the best way to go. Watch out for cactus. The commercial ones have significant draw backs. The Baers feet model does mute the noise, but by no means makes you silent so you end up walking as slowly as before and they will pick up vegetation and come off your feet. The felt kind that look like teva sandals are practically worthless in southern Arizona. They immediately pick up vegetation and actually become louder then boots in a short distance and you will never get the burrs out. The best homemade ones were as follows: Three 1/2 inch carpet pads glued together. Sewn tightly in rough cotton material to help keep the carpet pad together. Used this as an insert into a fur boot that was made very similar to the Baers feet, but I used a much denser fake fur that i found in a used fabric store. The fake fur was the secret I believe to the sound dampening. I only found it once and only enough for two boots. On flat ground I could walk nearly silent over rocky terrain. It was completely silent on sandy ground like king anvil. Walking on steep terrain was an adventure that was hard on the ankle due to zero traction. I had the fur feet for three hard seasons and never wore a hole in them. I lost one in a cat claw jungle by Elephant Head and miss it to this day. Now I take off my boots and wear bedroom slippers. I find that if you walk slow enough and have wind in your favor you don't have to shed your boots until your within 125 yards. Bob ps Galiuro mountain man can you post a picture of your set up. They seem to be in my price range. plus i know about that rock. I shredded brand new Bfs on a four day hunt in 32. I know road hunter.
  2. First let me say I love everyone of of you guys and any of you could share deer camp with me anytime, but like a good brother I am going to have to hit you with the truth. You guys are complete Retards on this subject. I think Tyson has been very patient with you guys (bless his heart), so I guess I will have be the bad guy. Just because you don't want to believe 99% of the scientific community, and choose to listen to politicians and radio talk show hosts, does not mean you can't use some common sense. Look at LA, Tucson, Phoenix. All that brown s--- in the sky. Well guess where it comes from? Not the La Brea tar-pits or Mount St Helens, it comes from our Ford Explorers. Now lets take Tucson with 1,000,000 population and see the 60 square miles of crap it produces every day. Now take India with 1000 Tucson's with their 1000 million people who all want to drive and have heated homes then add China with 2000 Tucson's with their 2000 million people. Then take Indonesia with 300 Tucson's ect ect. Get the picture. The world cannot sustain everyone living the American life style. We can't have 6,000,000,000 Ford Explorers on the road. Putting our heads in the sand and claiming all the scientists are greedy bastards after a buck, -just trying to sell their solar panels- is complete ignorance. I know the proposed solutions are complete bulls---. Carbon credits, and florescent light bulbs is laughable, but until we all acknowledge there is a serious problem. Real solutions (sacrifices) will be hard to come by. Love, Bob
  3. bobbyo

    Whats your opinion?

    I noticed they added rifle tag numbers in 1 and 3a. I'am sure glad they are keeping rifle hunters happy. Don't want them greedy bowhunters shooting all the rifle hunters deer. There is a total of 800 tags in unit 7. So that means Unit 7 has 80 deer for every 100 in Kaibab right. Guess what unit is going to have left over tags, plus with deer and elk right next to each other unit 7 will have a hunter occupying every waterhole for an entire month. I thought 27 was going to a draw also. What happened. Bob
  4. Correct me if I'm wrong, but as I recall from my econ classes, inflation & the unemployment rate usually move opposite one another do to exactly what you said: people stop spending. The law of supply & demand shows that when demand for a certain good drops, so does the price, hence a bunch of people getting laid off might cause havoc in the stalk market, but for those of use with cash reserves who manage to hold on to our good-paying jobs, we'll be able to purchase more goods for our dollar. The u.s. dollar will drop in relationship to the Euro & the UK pound (big surprise) in relationship to the GDP & as a result of our "instability", but will actually end of having high purchasing power in our domestic markets, in the hands of the people that still have money to spend. Matty you must be young. People alive during the Carter administration remember High inflation, High unemployment and Prime interest rates at close to 20%. This was called stagflation. Which basically means a recession with high inflation. Our economy is no where near that now, but we need to be careful because we are having same type of problems due to our global economy, high commodity prices and our falling dollar. Just because their is no demand in the us does not mean there is no demand internationally. Example I lose my job in the US and now i cannot by that Rhino I wanted. This should reduce demand, but here is the problem. Some Canuck just saw the value of their Looney rise 33% to the US dollar, so to him the Rhino is like a 33% discount. They sell like hot cakes in canada and prices will rise everywhere. Mr. Rhino dosen't care where he sells his vehicle. I saw this cartoon and it reminded me of our previous discussion. Pretty much sums it up.
  5. Lark sorry for my tardy response some how your post did not show up between my two most eloquent responses to the issues and then it suddenly pops out of no where. Has this happened to anyone else? Anyway, better late than never. I actually know a little about that "brilliant" electoral college and have even passed actual tests on the subject. Your take on the infamous subject is quite possibly the most positive spin I have ever heard on the electoral college, though you are technically right as far as the electoral college as used today. One state congressman one vote. ect. This is fine in giving the states an equal playing field in electing our chief executive. We could argue on the merits of this or whether it was our forefathers true intentions until we both have worthless doctoral degrees, but this strays from my original point which was quite simply giving Mrs. Quimby an individual voter the go ahead to not vote if her heart and soul was not into it. Why should Mrs. Quimby have to settle for someone she doesn't like, just because the other person may be worse. Is that what our great country is down to. The less vile of two evils. No vote, lets give her a guilt trip. Our country is not only free because we can vote. It is also free because we do not have to vote. Remember totalitarian states require 100% voter participation for their one candidate. Some would argue our two party system does not give one much more of a choice-- two identical candidates that are for and by the corporations. So i believe due to the illustrious beauty of the before mentioned electoral college Mrs. Quimby can with a clear conscience choose not to vote. Because of the electoral college her non vote is not a de-facto vote for the other side. Outdoor writer, great, quote me out of context! What are you a journalists? Bob
  6. Then why is Napolatano a two term governor? Arizona used to be Republican to the core; welcome to Calizona. I never could figure out why McCain failed to sort out if marraige should be between one man and one woman. A friend of mine suggested there should be a new "Conservative" party. Mike Rembrandt, If McCain has to worry about carrying Arizona in the election then he might as well quit now. He won't have a chance. The reason Nappy won the first time was she was running against Salmon, A very capable candidate except he happened to be LDS and many in the so called Christian Right could not support that, so they did not vote and in the reelection the Republicans didn't even put up a fight. Does anyone remember who ran against Nappy in that one? Desert Bull, I believe it is important to vote if you are informed. I am not for 100% voter participation unless their is a basic knowledge of govt and candidates. I would even be for a simple test. If everyone actually voted could you imagine the tickets. We would have Brittany Spears and Paris Hilton vs. Brad and Angelina. Voter participation for the sake of voting bad. informed voting good. Bob
  7. True if it was one man = one vote, but with the Electoral College System, not voting in Arizona will not make any difference. Lets face it, McCain will carry Arizona. The Demo's canidate probablly will not even campaign here. I don't see any downside to not voting. In fact don't vote, it only encoarges them.
  8. bobbyo

    Coues Unit?

    The unit you have a tag in. Bob
  9. bobbyo

    Changes in 2008

    One thing I can see happening in the southern units is actual vacant tent cities in the southern units from August through December. I might get in the used tent business if this happens. Bob
  10. Lance, Totally awesome dude! You really put me in a real nice space with that post. I dig that real positive vibration you and Dreadranger created. I'm like wow! What a trip. I mean HEAVY! We don't need THE MAN or THE PIGS. All we need is each other to make a really beautiful scene. I'm so stoked! I might have to buzz by with the old lady for the gathering on my way to Burning Man. You know. the C.W. happening. I'm like, hold on man--- hope I can make it before naked drum night. Can't miss the group hug. When will the sweat be? I'm like, I want my whole rainbow family to meet everyone (can we get a bluebird bus back there), so they can really experience the great energy from the C.W. tribe. Bob p.s. We will be face painting for a small donation at the C.W. happening. Burning Man is expensive this year.
  11. bobbyo

    22 north?

    If I had this tag I would walk Three Quarters of the way up the rim in the Strawberry area and side hill it all the way around to Myrtle point. You will find a nice bull somewhere in there.
  12. bobbyo

    fall-away rests

    Two guns, Redman ect. My negativity toward the WB was due to how it works (contact with three fletch) and two buddies telling me basically what Younghunter said, harsh fletch wear and diminished accuracy at longer ranges, but this is really hear say, since I have never used them. Quite honestly in hunting situations I am a fan of simplicity and the WB is simple. If it works for you keep it. Archery has to be the worse with the jump on the band wagon attitude for the new 'gooder' products. In fact I have milk crates full of 'gooder products' that were guaranteed to make me the next Randy Ulmer. Some of this stuff is hilarious. Until I add up what I paid for that crap. It wasn't until I really started learning about bow mechanics and arrow flight that I realized I could not buy myself to being a good archer. I now realize that the only way was to have a tuned bow and practice. Knowing how to tune a bow, if it got out of whack is a plus. This is another reason I would not buy a fall away. I don't think I could tune it in a field situation if something went wrong and of coarse that is probably not a problem with the Whisker Biscuit. Two guns, I am not flaming you, but one thing that gets my goat is the mythical I use one pin out to 40 yards. I know you are not saying you can hold the same pin on the bulls eye at 20 yards and hit it and then hold the same pin at 40 yards and hit it. My 7 mag at 3000 fps cannot do this. So when you say one pin to 40 yards do you mean the arrow would be in a kill zone. For example at 20 yards arrow is 3 inches high and 40 yards it is 3 inches low. For a hunting acceptable range of 6 inches? I have been hearing this claim since the 80s and usually the claimers cannot really hit anything at any distance. Which certainly not the case with your fine bow hunting record. 60 and 70 yard shots at live animals is great shooting. Bob
  13. bobbyo

    Monster Archery Buck *UPDATED*

    Lets just make this puppy its own SUB-FORUM. It will not die. We can put it right under Coues Biology so, I can see it as soon as I log on. Bob
  14. bobbyo

    Out of state Bowhunts.

    Bob, You sound so bitter when you say it like that.... Why don't you tell us how you really feel about it..... Does anyone know if Bitterness & Jealousy are the same thing?? Just Kidding!!!!! No bowin' up! CnS I think my new screen name will be Bitterness and Jealousy. I believe they are different. Jealousy is an unrequited longing and bitterness is resentful pain. Describes me perfectly. Great ideas so far. Missouri and North Dakota sound interesting. Plus is North Carolina the state you can harvest up to five animals or is there nothing but rednecks wearing powder blue sweatshirts with UNC lettering on the front in that state? Tam, I have been on the Utah hunt twice, I have a mossy antlered forky to prove it. I didn't realize there is otc tags there. This hunt is a lot of fun and I would recommend it to beginning bow hunters or to nimrods that want to get their hands bloody. Great way to start the year! Does anyone know about hunting in the national forest by San Diego. I believe it is one of the earliest seasons, yet could not figure out the California regulations or get a unit map from their web site. Almost made me appreciate AZ. G.F. Almost Bob
  15. bobbyo

    New Member seeks advice

    My advice is to thank your wife profusely and put the toilet seat down. Bob
  16. bobbyo

    fall-away rests

    Call me old fashioned, but I don't see the need for a fall away rest unless your arrows have radical helicals. More moving parts equal more noise and a greater chance for something to go wrong. I never could figure out the appeal of the whisker biscuit either, unless you were going to shoot under 30 yards or upside down. I have used a cavalier prong rest for years. I only need to tune with every string change. The rest of the year it is locked down and ready to go. No worries.
  17. bobbyo

    salt and feed no more in 2009

    "Ya officer that white crater in the ground that my stand is exactly 20 yards from is one of those naturally occurring salt craters. Yea it is right next to that naturally occurring Apache corn. " Are you being serious or just being a funny man? off a game trail. They won't have a hard time proving/enforcing the Apache corn though. Like I said way to many variables! IMO I was trying to be funny, but the point is once you get a ticket the burden is on you to prove yourself innocent. You have the ticket. You have to go to court. How are you going to prove yourself innocent? There were many incidences in the midwest when the waterfowl baiting ban went into effect of people getting ticketed for baiting waterfowl when they are hunting on working farms. where there is stuff like corn grown on it. Where can you hunt in Iowa and not be over corn? You can be completely innocent. There could be many variables, but if the Game Warden dosen't like the way you hold your mouth, you are screwed. Bob
  18. bobbyo

    salt and feed no more in 2009

    What is the rationale for the bait ban again? Maybe it is because Baiting is not fair chase. What about Rifle Antelope hunting? Talk about not fair chase. An absolute guarantee that you will get an animal. A near 100% success rate is not fair chase under any definition. How is that fair. How about a ban on all rifle hunting Antelope tags. GF could make the 504 rifle tags into 5000 archery tags where antelope hunting is truly fair-chase with the 10% archery success rate. 500 hunters or 5000 hunters still only 500 dead Antelope bucks. Now that is increasing opportunity and eliminating hunting tactics that are absolutely unfair. Maybe it is because of public perception. All those letters to the editor. Those TV. ads from the humane society. The presidential debate questions about deer baiting. Sorry I missed the public outcry against baiting for deer. I believe they are even suspending the federal ban on waterfowl baiting due to the over population. How many people actually bait anyway? I am sure it is in the hundreds not thousands. Baiting with corn or any food substance in 95% of Arizona public land is laughable. You would be spending thousands of dollars feeding cows on our beautiful cow pie decorated open range before a deer would even show. This brings us to salt and CW.COM. The members have been tracking them and whacking them and doing it on the 23rd ranked hunting web site. People see the trophy deer on this sight. They get jealous. Spot and stalk outfitters get nervous. When Ward outfitters clients' fill over 80% of their archery tags while drinking beer and martini's in a blind. It makes rifle hunting outfitters furious! I am FAT CAT deer hunter from the east. Gee I could climb 1000' vertical and sit with a redneck glassing for countless boring hours or I could sit in a comfy chair, watch Bruce Willis on a lap top, have some pops and whack a Coues with a bow. Hard decision. I don't believe this law is not going to be instituted for some higher order reason. It is not a better sportsmanship law. It is not about fair chase. It is about two things greed and fear. The greedy ones don't want baiters shooting all their trophy deer and outfitters are fearful they will lose some clients. Like I said in an earlier post. Would there be a law against baiting if you only got spikes and forkys over them. Bob
  19. It is really great PSE has great customer service. I have had three Mathews over the past ten years and have no idea what their customer service is like.
  20. bobbyo

    salt and feed no more in 2009

    "Ya officer that white crater in the ground that my stand is exactly 20 yards from is one of those naturally occurring salt craters. Yea it is right next to that naturally occurring Apache corn. "
  21. bobbyo

    salt and feed no more in 2009

    Great the commission needs to address public input. What I don't understand is how A PROPOSAL IS ORIGINATED TO BEGIN WITH? WHO DOES THE ORIGINAL INPUT THAT ACTUALLY CREATES A PROPOSAL? Once a proposal is made anyone that is against it is two steps behind. People against the proposal need to get info out and motivate people to go to meetings ect, but the proverbial cat is out of the bag and unless there is an overwhelming outcry proposals usually become policy. I see the real power is in the actual creation of the proposal. What are the guidelines, scientific basis, need analysis or political connections that are needed for a proposal. Who has the commissions ear? Probably not a bow hunter. In other words who is yanking the chain of game and fish to MAKE CHANGES to any policy. I believe their needs to be more transparency at the beginning of the proposal. Does the GF and the commission have a top down approach; have a desired policy and then come up with reasons for it. "Gee those guys are whacking all our trophy deer over salt. What reason can we come up with to outlaw salt." Or is it bottom up, "Our scientific studies have proven without a doubt that the deer cocaine is effecting the sperm count in all the deer on the rim. Maybe we should outlaw salting." Which method is most likely. Bob
  22. bobbyo

    salt and feed no more in 2009

    I feel this issue is unique in that it is really not anti hunters vs. hunters, but is obviously brought on by rifle hunters vs bowhunters. Let me be more specific. This is trophy rifle Coues hunters vs. trophy Coues bowhunters. This would be a non-issue unless someone was complaining about this method. Who might that be? Possibly Rifle hunters that are seeing all these out-sized Coues being taken over salt. The 741 number is proof. Bowhunting and salting don't seem to be putting undue pressure on the deer population, yet there is controversy. It is obvious to the rifle hunters and to myself, that if salting continued the bowhunters would rewrite the record books. The majority of B.C. deer will be taken with a bow. The horror! Would there be a problem with salting if you could only get a forky or a spike over salt. You know the answer. Bob Ps. Lark that is the first time I have ever read a post from you that was so thoughtful, balanced, with the ability to see both sides of the argument while still supporting your side. Great job. I give you an A on your essay. You haven't been taking a coarse at that Scumdevil community college have you?
  23. bobbyo

    Swaroviski 15x56 and minox 15x58 BR

    Hey Devin your name came up in another thread about that tempermental rifle you have. http://forums.coueswhitetail.com/forums/in...?showtopic=8154. We were wondering what happened. Also a belated congratulations on your November whitetail. I somehow missed it. Bob
  24. bobbyo

    Swaroviski 15x56 and minox 15x58 BR

    I think the main reason Swarvos out sell leicas and zeiss on the 15x size glass is the lack of a decent tripod adapter. Those companies are retarded for not coming up with a decent light weight streamlined adapter. They are probably losing millions of dollars. Pedro, As for specific answers to your questions on CA, Color saturation, depth of view and focus point questions you would probably be better served going to a bird watching site. On this site, as you can probably tell, we don't like over intellectualizing our optics. "Swarvo good, Leica suck." "Leica good Swarvo Suck." " Pay $1300! more for Swarvos you won't be sorry." "Pay the extra $1500! for the Leicas, sure you will have to carry an Okie rigged contraption to attach it to a tripod, BUT YOU WON"T BE SORRY." Nope Pedro, No one here is going to say the Swarvos are worth the extra money due to their superior resolution to the edges, their exquisite depth of field (the ability to view objects in space from foreground to background without having to adjust the focus) or Swarvo's ability to generate an image that has remarkable contrast and color accuracy with a high twilight factor. That crap is for the birders. Of coarse no birder is going to tell you the best loads for shooting a Coues or how to sight in your rifle. That is our forte'. BOB ps I don't know anything about the Minox, but if weight and size are not a factor for you I would suggest checking out the fujinon 16x70 they are about $600. The image quality is just as good as Swarvos and are far brighter on cloudy days. Yes, I just said that. Please don't ex-communicate me CouesWhitetail nation.