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Everything posted by bobbyo

  1. These people are not climatologists and probably not scientists. This is a poll, a vote. You cannot vote on scientific facts. You need something called experiments. Then the experiments are reviewed and replicated by other scientists. This is called peer review. That is how science works. This means you don't have medical doctor reviewing climate experiments, You have climate scientist review climate science. How could you believe this cock-a-maammy BS put out by oil companies. Koolaid drinker with no wayvos please, the reason I don't reply is It is hard to argue with retarded thinking Where do you find this s---. it amazes me that in one post you claim that energy companies have a conspiracy to drive up gas prices(agree with you on that one), then in the next post, believe that energy companies would not conspire to deny global warming. You are consistently inconsistent. Plus this 10 year take a break from global warming study was done by three Germans. Makes me wonder if those people that call you a nazi may be right. Where are you reading all this German misinformation. In the Heil Hitler daily? If you can find a study-that is in a reputable scientific journal -that is peer reviewed(very boring reading) -that has data that refutes global warming; I will read it with an open mind. Find just one! Every link that has been put up as "proof" that global warming don't exist are a joke that are probably funded by oil companies. If you want to see what a reputable sight looks like go here. http://www.nasa.gov/worldbook/global_warming_worldbook.html http://www.epa.gov/climatechange/science/s...fknowledge.html http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/paleo/globalwarmi...aleobefore.html Love, Wayvoos Rancheros PS Lark I really don't think you are a nazi, I was just remembering something you said the last time I called you global cooling freaks retards. Plus I thought The Heil Hitler Daily was quite funny. Anyway I know you have much thicker skin then all the other sensitive CW members. Please read the sights I listed. There is some info that could help your misinformed argument.
  2. bobbyo

    Archery Turkey!

    Kid, I think you are the best hunter on this sight, congratulations. What broadhead did you use. Why did you bring so many arrows in your quiver. you only needed one? Bob
  3. First let me preface this by saying I am probably the furthest thing from a gourmet that you can get. I could be perfectly happy with cheerios and milk all three meals. Yet I just made myself one of the best meals I ever had in my life. I defrosted the rump steak from my 06 coues. Jim Heffilfinger himself aged the buck to be 6 1/2 years. You may think not the beginnings of a great meal, two year old meat from a 6 year old deer! Well you think wrong. It turned out to be awesome. Real tender, excellent flavor, bitchin texture. Some are thinking a two week marinade. Nope no marinade, just a spice rub. My secret this time was using a generous amount of lemon pepper spice that really went well with the deer meat. Before I give you the simple recipe let me tell you about meat prep. I cut up all my own meat. I don't call it butchering because I have no idea how to do particular cuts, yet my meat turns out better than any professionally butchered meat I have gotten from others. First I try to only freeze roast size cuts (3 pounds) because I think it keeps better that way. I wrap in butcher paper with packaging tape and double bag in freezer bags. I have never had freezer burn this way. Any small parts I turn into hamburger. Tenderloins are not frozen, but eaten as a victory meal. Now here is how I made tonights awesome meal. Defrost meat in warm water, don't microwave!. I cut the meat when it is still partially frozen. It is much easier to work with. I remove all the white sinewy stuff(what is that called) and cut into 1 inch thick medallions. Lightly flour meat shake and bake style. Make spice rub. One part garlic, one part Lawreys, 3 parts lemon pepper. I apply this to meat shake and bake style in another bag. Saute' in canola oil on medium heat in shallow frying pan. Cook until meat is medium edges of meat may look black. Serve with wild rice and some Red Two Buck Chuck with one ice cube. Walla, food heaven. Bon Appetit Bob
  4. Maybe I should write a book entitled. Tasty Old Meat Bob
  5. I'm like harsh man. What the heck. What better way to stop the illegal border crossing then to let these guys grow it here. Genuine USA natural homegrown, but nooo. Lets pull up the American bud in favor of the paraquated, drug lorded, campesino killing, mofos that ruin my hunting areas in the 36s and send more USA dollars south of the border. I say spread the joy of the drug business to all units! We should all have heart skipping moments in our units that don't necessarily include animals with antlers. Hey DB you will always remember this scouting trip right? Bob
  6. bobbyo


    Jim, True limitations are limitations, but there is a bias that promotes the myth that it is somehow easier to be unethical with a bow then it is with a rifle. I thought your post was continuing that bias. Here is a specific example of what I am talking about. I am hunting archery deer in Utah this year. Before I can buy a tag I have to take an Archery ethics coarse. This is fine. I hope I pass. Yet if I got a rifle tag or even a muzzleloader tag I don't have to take any classes. Why is ethics only needed for archers? Many people think that archers should have to pass some kind of shooting test to get a license. I am not against it as long as there is a test for every other weapon class. Archers should not be singled out as the only weapon class that needs better ethics and or regulations. Bob
  7. bobbyo


    Heck, 80 yards is the new 50 There are a bunch of folks out there right now that "launch" arrows as soon as they near that 100 yard mark It sickens me to see it or hear about it........total lack of respect for the animal and the image of bowhunting, and is only done becuase people are so eager to impress and be successful...regardless of how they achieve it! I do know a few folks and have guided a few that truely are capable of taking a 80 yard shot. These folks practice religiously and can group arrows tighter at 80 than most can at 30. Like has been said before, sometimes that once in a lifetime buck or bull may hang up at 80 yards........if that's within your range and you're confident, consistent and are able to range the critter.....then take the shot. OTHERWISE letdown and get closer....no reason to chance wounding a critter......and if you still feel like flingin' an arrow just to see where it hits, then you need to take up bowling and get out of my woods! What it all boils down to is that we all know deep down inside what our limitations are and each one of us knows when we are exceeding our own limits and taking a chance at wounding an animal.......it's not fair to the animal or the sport by taking chances like that. There's my $.02 JIM> Hold on their partner. Why would a 80 yard bow shot sicken you more than a 500 yard rifle shot? There is a bunch of people on this very sight that fire away as soon as they get to the 500 yard mark or more. They even brag about it. What is the wind drift on a 500 yard shot? What about all these volleys of shots that I consistently hear during early deer rifle season. 4- 5 quick shots. ARE THE DEER RUNNING, ARE THEY AT THE SAME DEER? Slob hunting is slob hunting. It is safe to say there is more slob rifle hunters then bowhunters, yet I sense there is more outrage at the so called " unethical bowhunter" This is hypocritical and I 'm sensitive. Bob
  8. bobbyo

    Who to vote for?

    Now that is funny. Bob
  9. I think Tyson's point is, the humans are getting rid of themselves.
  10. bobbyo


    Great hunt, I grew up in Bullhead and the best place to hunt is the Colorado River. You probablly will want a speed boat. I'm not talking a gay bayliner or something I mean a SPEEDBOAT. Picklefork with a fuel-blown-hydro will do the trick. Un cap the headers and let it rip south of town. You will need one of those pendulum sights on the muzzy to account for the bobbing of the boat due to some un forseen wakes. Do not show the gun around FT Mohave because I know only too well that a certain indian policeman(AND I EVEN WENT TO HIGHSCHOOL WITH HIM!) will confiscate your rifle. Good luck Bob
  11. bobbyo

    arrow fobs

    Hey I'm back. More questions for the fob experts. What would be the best dropaway to use with this and what is weight difference between say three 4 inch AAE vanes and the FOB.
  12. bobbyo

    arrow fobs

    Wondering the same thing. plus mesquite and catclaw. Bob
  13. bobbyo


    Lark, That is a fine Eulogy. I think you have done Dan proud. My Condolences, Bob
  14. bobbyo

    New Magazine

    Dang I stopped reading hunting magazines years ago. I didn't know you could get good hunting spots from magazines, wow! I thought hunting sites with chat rooms was the only place to get good hunting spots. I need a subscription! E-scouting Bob PS PM me your honey holes now! So you can show off that you knew about that great spot before it gets published in the magazine. I will give you proper credit, otherwise no one will believe you when you claim the article ruined your favorite area.
  15. Just helped my friend sight in his new DXT. He got it with a WB. I was very skeptical at first. Not any more. The WB performed perfectly. accuracy, noise ect were right on no noticiable difference then any other quality rest.. I will never say anything bad about The WB again. On the other hand the Spot Hogg 7 deadly pin is an overpriced piece of you know what. Had to crank the sight down to the last thread and move the 20 pin significantly lower in the sight window (note my friend is average draw length 29 and has an anchor point under his ear) which leaves very zero play in elevation. Also, adjusting the individual pins is a cluster reproductive act. Plus I think Cameron Hayes is a poofter. "Pick a Spott." These should be thrown in the garbage heap next to all the trophy ridge dog doo doo, crappy, over priced sights. Of coarse, this is, in my opinion only. Bob
  16. No problem Become Gay and you are a minority Problem solved P.S. I hope your not on Coosefans Email list I'm looking into my options and that one's about last so far. (read with lisp please) Hey Darry come to our deer camp this year and we will solve all your problems. If I crawled into your sleeping bag in the middle of the night would you tell anyone? Bob
  17. bobbyo


    Matty thanks for sharing this. I feel it is real important to hear from the hero's who are doing the real work. This also saddens me that the resistance they face is still so strong. Why arn't the Iraqi's patroling their own roads?
  18. bobbyo

    draw only deer hunts

    Couldn't of said it better myself. Create more opportunity by increasing tags for low success rate hunting methods instead of protecting one method (rifle hunting) over another. Bob
  19. bobbyo

    Montana Decoys

    I think a decoy would be a waste of money. Get a call and get in shape. Once you hear the bugles you will need to move quickly into different positions. You will not want to carry a decoy around with you IMO. Bob
  20. bobbyo

    3 UTAH residents

    I think you guys are too harsh. This is how I learned to hunt. Except it was surplus 30'06 steel jackets out of surplus Springfields. Fix your bayonet's! This story brings back some good memories. I am also positive that many of my fellow red necks did the same thing. Sure glad my kids won't learn this way, since now I have turned into Mr. Ethics. Still the bear poaching penalties should be much harsher then poached Jack rabbits. Lets call AZGF the "No Fun Agency." Bob
  21. I was wondering which states still have otc bow tags for August-September deer hunts. Any experience and advice would be greatly appreciated. I am curious for two reasons. I probably will not be drawn in Arizona and I am tired of seeing that monster archery buck thread. Bob
  22. There is a consensus. references to above footnotes are at: http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/306/5702/1686 All references are from peer reviewed publications not blogs or political organizations. These are facts on scientific consensus. Bob
  23. Dang Lark you need a complete overhaul. Hopefully your covered on Hillary's health plan. Bob
  24. What do you mean by people. Scientist don't even question whether there is global warming. The evidence is overwelming. They may argue about effects or causes ect, but they are pretty unanimous on the earth is getting warmer thing. Your arguments against global warming remind of the same one's in the early 70s about tobacco. "There is no evidence that tobacco causes cancer. There is no direct link. I'm not going to believe those pinko commies who make up lies about my Pall Malls." Blah Blah Blah. Man I need a smoke. Bob
  25. What part of the state is cimarron. Bob