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Everything posted by bobbyo
You complete me. Please no video of this EGHYUCK!
Great planning and preparation on your hunt! Oh yea real nice buck. Congratulation, Bob
To me this buck signifies everything that is great in a Coues whitetail buck. The circular main beams is what does it for me. It makes a Coues buck a Coues buck. I think this should be the next CWT t-shirt. Really nice brow tines. The trash points on the G2s seem to be symmetrical(really rare). Carries mass throughout the length of the beam. When you see it, even though it is massive, there is no question it is a Coues. What a specimen! Congratulations, Bob
Randy Ulmer KIlls Another GIant!!!!
bobbyo replied to Buckhunter's topic in Bowhunting for Coues Deer
oops -
That buck is incredible. Congratulations. How many score able points. Is there trash on both sides like it looks in the picture.
This thread has just gone beyond good and has become sublime. I am really LMAO. I mean gosh you guys really really take hunting seriously! The sound bites are so insolent and overbearing....." legitimate trophy...Ethical.... Fairchase...Undermine your credibility..... Slander their name.... my own personal standards.... Entering the record book..... Respect for not entering the record book.... Respect for the animal....Card carrying member......" What really cracks me up is the " I choose not to enter my 'trophy' in the record book." Like most of us really have a choice. Don't you have to actually kill a trophy sized animal first to get it in the book. There is many really nice deer pictured here, but how many would net out above BC minimums? P+Y minimums are too low for Arizona. Do people really pay the entry fee for a 72" coues or a 283" Bull? It also amuses me, how indignant some people got at Redbeard for using Mr. Ulmer as an example. Getting mad, like your first name was Rusty. Would there have been any response if he 'called me out'. " How does Bobbyo do it. Every year he kills a forky with character. I hear he may be aided by electronic devices." Don't think he would of gotten the same response. If this thread has gotten you in a tizzy I have some advice. Go out hunting tomorrow shoot the first deer you see. Yell like a caveman with joy. Say a little prayer and take a little nibble out of the heart. Hunting is suppose to be fun. Lighten up, Bob
Which rifle is best for coues and psossibly elk?
bobbyo replied to BIGBUGPETE's topic in Coues Deer Hunting in Arizona
All this fancy smancy short mag and ultra mags. I guess everyone likes paying $2.00 to $3.00 a shot. A good ole 7mm remington mag would meet all your requirements. A 270 would be fine also with even cheaper bullets. Some say a 270 is too light for an elk, but it has killed more elk then all these new fangled short and ultra's combined. 30 06 is a great round also,but like RR said is not as flat shooting as others. Bob -
IF RANDY used a Mathews it obviously would not be fair chase. One of the best archers in the world with the most accurate, most forgiving on top of being the smoothest and quietest bows ever made. Imagine the uproar! Bob
Dang i have been hunting and miss 4 pages. My comments. 1. Randy is a public figure and of coarse it is ok to call him out in a public forum. Open Cabela's there is Randy with a big Nevada deer and a Cabela's t-shirt " that I have wore for three years." He uses these deer to sell Archery s---. Be like Randy, shoot a deer like Randy. Buy the s--- he promotes in the magazine. He is selling a false image. He could kill a deer with any brand of bow, any brand of broadhead and any kind of arrow. In fact on kills he takes pictures with multiple product placements from competing brands. Picture with three different bows ect. If he was trully honest and wanted the average Joe to have the success that he has, maybe he should come out with his own signature brand: The Randy Ulmer Radio, The Randy Ulmer Chute plane. He writes articles telling us nimrods how to hunt, but he never mentions these other tactics. But I guess it is just business. 2. Redbeard, Now I see the whole reason for this discussion is to slip another picture of your dump bull into a thread. You are darn sneaky . 3.I think there are many on this sight that are too sensitive and overreact to a difference of opinion. Bob
Good idea! That is so arrogant I would probably take a Nixon right in the blind.
I think this has been a great discussion and probably the most interesting thing all summer. Redbeard you did a great job presenting your argument and I think it is very healthy for us as a hunting community to have a friendly debate on fair chase and ethics. Just because we all are not going to agree does not mean the Anti's are going to get the upper hand. Ethics is the way we police ourselves. I will admit that I use radio's and I must say they have probably cost me more trophy's then I could count on both hands and feet. Let me explain i hunt with my life long friend and as what happens in these situations we often end up like a bickering married couple on the radio. Our arguments probably break many FCC rules. Not only am I unethical by using a radio I am also committing a federal offense. Anyway this stupid radio and my stupid friend have caused blown stalks in every conceivable way from Earbud being pulled out by brush at critical distances to just making me rush on the stalk because I know I have an audience. Now when i draw the short straw and get to go on the stalk there seems to be a radio malfunction a couple hundred yards from my glassing knob . I must say that a radio probably saved me from breaking major ethics and game laws. On a rifle hunt. We glassed a nice buck a thousand yards away. I was able to get to 500 yards(probably not ethical either right Redbeard? We had this discussion a few years ago.) for a shot. I shot and by the time I got the scope back on the animal a deer was standing very close to where I shot along with a herd of pigs and coyotes running around. I probablly would of shot that deer thinking I missed. If my best friend was not screaming at the top of his lungs how I smoked the original deer on the radio. Now I am pretty sure that in Redbeards book I committed two hunting sins, long range shooting and radio, but i feel since I had a radio spotter i was able to absolve myself from any indiscretion. So am I a slob hunter, a sportsman or in some sad gray area? Bob
In my opinion both units are equally good and I would be happy with either one. I do believe that both units issue too many tags over the three early hunts, but hey thats why there are leftovers and its all about opportunity. Bob
Couesdog, First off welcome to the sight. I thought your argument was measured and well thought out and frankly not very radical. 1.Keep cows out of certain sensitive areas. 2. There are much better areas then Arizona to raise cows, where they undoubtly have less impact on the enviornment. I agree with you. Even Lark himself backs that up. If you suggest some areas should be, forgive the indescretion, "protected", then you obviously want the whole state to be a wilderness area. You might be saying to yourself, W.T.F. Don't despair we have a certain political correctness on this sight and if you diverge in the slightest from the status quo you are branded as a tree hugging, kool aid drinking, liberal, pinko, commie freak. We need to all think alike and have no divergence of opinions. In essence we need to be the Stepford Hunters. So to help you along on all future discourse on this sight I came up with a primer to help you follow the party line. Good Rednecks Roads cows Elk Christianity Lead bullets Expandable Broadheads 300 mag and bigger right wing talk radio Chewing tobacco Global warming Other states Game and fish trophy hunters getting drawn Blaming illegals for all our problems driving Making fun of Casey Bad Hippies Wilderness areas wolves Condors Science Alloy bullets Expandable broadheads 7/08 and smaller Mr. Janet Napolitano marijuana stopping pollution Arizona Game and fish slob hunters point system Blaming Bush and republicans for all our problems Walking Not making fun of Casey Please help Coues dog out and come up with your own, so we can be together on everything. Bob
I think they got their tactics from some outfitters I have heard about. Bob
Dallas, I didn't want to be a party pooper and in a way I thought it disrespectful to my friend. Because to his friends and family he meant so much. I didn't want to turn him into just some dude who died because he liked to chew tobacco. I will say, that you chewers need to be honest with your doctor about chewing and at the very least get a thorough screening (not the H.M.O.look see) every 6 months, just like I do on my pasty white skin. Bob
Great buck! I was just wondering if the 300 ultra Mag broke your arm. Bob
I was just funning with you. Billy is a nice goat and I am jealous of your tag. I am fortunate enough to have gotten two nice Arizona antelope, but nothing with prongs like billy's, so I would harvest him without hesitation. Besides if TLH says he's a shooter. I would listen. just need to keep him out of 34 A and beware of them pesky crude rings from 777. Good luck, Bob
Nooo thats Billy our friendly Sonoita antelope. Don't shoot Billy. I also believe Billy would score under 80. Billy has small ears which gives the impression of more length.. Billy does have nice mass though. Bob
In the dry areas (units ) that I hunt it is very comforting for me to see cows, because I know the deer have a water source near by. I have also used walking cattle to mask my own noise on stalks. Overall I feel cows have little effect on Coues behavior, unless it is a very large herd in a smaller pasture or canyon. Besides don't whitetails stay in their designated territories whether it is hunting pressure or moo moo pressure? Bob
You could say that about any mechanical blade head. Bob
Eric, I think that is the nicest collection of desert mulies that I have seen. You are the Man! Bob
Walmarts here do not carry any kind of black powder or primers. The only sure bet would be sportsman warehouse which is unfortunately 20 miles in the wrong direction and will not open until 9:00. I would help you out on Christmas, but I will be out of town. If you have to do that, you will probably have a hard time getting to your unit before 11:00 breaking speed limits.
:lol: Bob
Proud of your new crop Desert Bull? Bob