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Everything posted by bobbyo

  1. bobbyo

    My first archery buck no good

    Get all the kids that are playing in the neighborhood to search for your deer offer a $20 dollar reward........................ Sorry forgot kids don't play in the neighborhood anymore.
  2. bobbyo


    I am confused also. The way I interrpret it. I think building a salt lick for deer would also be illegal: "ingestible material that has been deposited, scattered, piled, or delivered by a passive or active feeder or feed delivery system so as to constitute an attractant, lure or enticement to wildlife and to influence the movement of these animals for the purpose of harvest by hunters." The salt that is legal would be for cattle operations only. If you hunt an area with no cows and have a salt lick would it be legal to place salt? I would like clarification on this from G+F.
  3. bobbyo

    It happened to me!

    Rob congratulations on a nice buck, but your fired for sneaking away from work. Sincerely, Your boss!
  4. bobbyo

    The cold snap buck

    Congrats on a nice deer. I believe I had an oppurtunity at this buck earlier this year. Great to see my new best friend Bubba still getting pictures next to deer. Bob
  5. I am so old I remember actually taking a jacket on the first rifle hunt. The good old days! Have not done that in a while.Sure glad global warming is a bunch of BS. A little hint. Even though it will be uncomfortable I will be glassing at the hottest part of the day. The deer will need a water break. Sitting water bow style not a bad idea in a remote water source is plan B. Good luck to everyone. Bob
  6. bobbyo

    Had a big day last Thursday

    Awesome Casey I feel like I watched you grow up. I'm proud of you. Bob
  7. bobbyo

    AZGF to ban salt/baiting

    RR all apologies brother. Guess i hit a nerve with that "inadequacy" comment (is this comment one of the stupid ones' you are referring too?). I retract that statement completely. Besides from what I hear, size really doesn't matter in anything, but rifle bullets. I believe my reprehensible behavior was caused by my pompous attitude of two non bowhunters hijacking a pretty good discussion on a relevant and contemporary topic on this site. I trust you are absolutely correct in saying that "everyone that is respectable looks at my stupid comments, and thinks wow," why is bobbyo still writing to someone who hijacked this thread? Forgive me, Bob
  8. bobbyo

    AZGF to ban salt/baiting

    And a guy that uses an Ultramag to hunt a 60 pound animal is some how Angelic? I said it a couple years ago and even though it caused a little outcry so I will say it again. A hunter using an ultramag is compensating for other inadequacies if you know what I mean. Same could be said for guys who need bait bobbyo ... and it is less about the gun and more about the load ... 165 gr ... never a shot over 200 yards and no meat loss ... but seems pretty humane to see them drop right in their tracks with no suffering ..un-like running 50 yards with a rage cut through you ... Great point St8tshot, bobbyo this thread gets ruined from self-righteous,pompous, people like you. ReganRanch, Heehee, thanks a lot bro for replying to STR 8s post, so he can't EDIT IT. I want those stupid defensive comments to live on.
  9. bobbyo

    AZGF to ban salt/baiting

    Alright back on topic. The great deer killing over bait totaled 475 Whitetails in 2011 in Arizona. 2.3% success rate on coues deer for every archery tag sold.. Yes more regulation is needed. Don't want to get to 3%.
  10. bobbyo

    AZGF to ban salt/baiting

    And a guy that uses an Ultramag to hunt a 60 pound animal is some how Angelic? I said it a couple years ago and even though it caused a little outcry so I will say it again. A hunter using an ultramag is compensating for other inadequacies if you know what I mean.
  11. bobbyo

    AZGF to ban salt/baiting

    Why don't you guys get an effen room with your RUM. This is the bowhunting section!
  12. bobbyo

    AZGF to ban salt/baiting

    What High Archery success rate is everyone talking about? Man I need a new unit.
  13. I just got back from burying my Beagle with my boys and needless to say I am heartbroken. I came home from work And was fiddling around the house when I noticed something wrong. My faithful shadow was not following me around. I went around looking for her and found her dead in the floor of the room. She was overweight but healthy and showing no sign of sickness at all. She has been eating normally and running around the house and the backyard like usual. My question is has anyone had a dog die so suddenly without warning? After the shock and a bunch of tears my mind started thinking maybe foul play might be involved. So I guess i need somebody to talk me down before I do something stupid with my neighbors. No sign of trauma or bodily fluids. Dog just looked like she was sleeping. Bob
  14. bobbyo

    Has this ever happened to one of your dogs?

    Thanks, for all your comments. They help bring peace of mind. I just never had and really never heard of a dog passing so suddenly. My google search said it is exstremely rare. Thanks again, Bob
  15. bobbyo

    AZGF to ban salt/baiting

    Sun Devil, Good point I was using scare tactics. We both know it is much easier to kill an Elk in the rutt then it is to kill a Coues over salt, So any arguments used against hunting coues a certain way could be used against Elk hunting. Lets ban hyper hot calls and waterhole hunting for elk and we could probably double the tags in unit 10, In addition, I would only count the 33% increase in bull tags.Do you think 33% more bulls were killed in unit 10 this year? The cow tags in that particular unit because of the open terrain will probably have a much lower success rate then a unit 1 or the 6s or 7s. Which goes in line with my argument that G and F loves archery hunters, just as long as they don't kill anything.
  16. bobbyo

    AZGF to ban salt/baiting

    Its not just a " FEELING". Its a FACT that Archery hunters are second class hunters and targeted by Game and fish. Archery is the Red headed stepchild to rifle hunters. This law is nothing more than rifle only hunters and rifle only guides that are pissed because archery hunters are killing more trophy deer than rifle hunters. In addition the success rate of some archery guides that happen to be sponsors of this site is also a major reason. Game and Fish is fine with archery hunters just as long as they don't kill anything. I predict a major reduction in archery elk tags in the future. Archery hunters please stop stealing the rifle hunters animals. Please.
  17. bobbyo

    6 Yard Bull - video

    Great footage. I for one know I would of missed that shot. Way too close. Was suprised that there was not full penetration of the arrow. Bob
  18. bobbyo

    36C help.

    Don't have time to scout. Would really like all your good spots, preferablly areas with 100 inch or better. Don't want no dinks. Feel free to PM those coordinates. Only your best areas please, because I don't want to waste my time. God Bless America, Bob P.S. Please don't say look at the GF web site for unit info. That is real lazy on your part.
  19. bobbyo

    36C help.

    May I say my fellow hunters have let me down. Really bad advice from my CW brothers. Very disappointed. Had an extended labor day weekend thank's to all my compadres here on the board. Need I say it ? You are all off the team! Seems that there is a certain group of people with their own police department and their own jail that feel like " WEST of the Fence--- home of the bigguns" is their own country. WTF is this country coming to. They act like Texans, wanting trespass fees in addition to trophy fees. That ladies and gentlemen is not my idea of western hunting.Luckily I have some scouting photos. This guy has some special tracking powers with a really special name, so he followed my prints across the fence. He is a SHADOW WOLF. Wow! how mystical. I had no chance. Really ? Do you see the wake in the sand my clumsy fat butt self left. Was a superhuman tracker from another dimension needed to hunt me down? Don't think so. A pot-bellied, 300 pound, BP agent with bad acne and a case of bud light in him could of done the job. Please! My new friends asking me some personal questions. Seems they did not know where the bigguns were, but insisted on me spending a few nights with them. Very minimalistic accommodation, but I am not complaining no where near as bad as the Holiday Inn Express in Phoenix and continental breakfast was included. Really had a good time with my friends on Labor Day in the yard. Did get nicked up a little hope there is no scar. All is not lost. At least I got this great photo for my match.com profile. Ladies don't be shy. You can PM me.
  20. bobbyo

    New Rifle Question

    YES!!! BOLT ACTION haha :) :) MAUSER 98 so 18 hundred. All you need is a good scope and it will be accurate.
  21. bobbyo

    Need a shoulder to cry on

    I think space aliens are as likely as the truck. Sorry for your situation. If I were you and the area was glassable I would climb the biggest knob and glass for a morning.I also have had friends glass up dead deer. Dark blood could be a muscle shot and the deer may still be alive. The proverbial liver shot is a concept that gets too much attention and is a hunting myth in my opinion. It is nearly impossible to only hit a liver on a coues deer or mule for that matter. A liver shot will usually include lungs or guts because to hit a liver you would have to hit a very narrow strip only and the deer would have to be a perfect 90 degrees broadside. Yet I have read the same "dark red blood equals liver" in the blood trailing guides also. Gridding around water source is another idea if area is unglassable. I would give it another try with a set amount of time for looking, so you can have peace of mind, that you did all you could. Again sorry, been there. It sucks. Bob
  22. Amanda WOW. I have never seen any site on the web that is so well indexed and user friendly. The variety of categories at the click of a button is incredible. Having created a few web sites i know the time put into this is astronomical. I am astonished really. You have set the standard for hunting sites and doubt many others would put in the work that you have done to accomplish this. Other web designers will be pissed, since you set the bar so high. An incredible achievement that you should be commended for!!!!
  23. Dillon, Congratulations on a nice buck. The bigger ones will come. This weekend I was shaking myself even though I am old. Really strange how I still do it even if there is little chance I would shoot. Also remember to stay with school. You don't want to be a stupid redneck that cannot even spell Dillion.LOL. Awesome job! Bob P.S. GC ask those tree stand guys if they found my cameras like they found your spot.
  24. bobbyo

    ARCHIVES older than 1 year?

    Since the same topics repeat over and over I think it would be real convinent to access some of my masterpieces from the past to repost. Hopefully there is a way. I would hate to think all my BIG THOUGHTS are lost forever. What a shame for future generations.
  25. I like the payson golf coarse. The # 13 dog leg left has been a good producer in the past.