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Everything posted by bobbyo

  1. Brian, I am not against your trophy hunting ambitions. My post was listing my reasons I don't do it and for a plea for people to keep their perspective and honor all the animals. In addition I have met a few hunters that are probably considered the best Coues deer hunters in the world. Let me just tell you those little grey devils have driven these guys mad. Their whole life, to the detriment of everything else, is devoted to Harvesting A Monster BUCk. Even though they have harvested the biggest bucks ever taken my reaction was not jealousy, but of pity. At the end of the day all they have is some impressive mounts and their name in a book. Big deal. Now for my forked trophy! You may have to reload your cache to see it enjoy. Bob Brian, I probably got that Muley 10 minutes from your house.
  2. "Mama our boy is all grown up." Good post Casey. I think the shooting the skull plate right off a Coues buck could be your personal trade mark. Kind of like a Z with Zorro. Only downside is cape damage, but you can have the cape off my 86" buck if it fits on the monster you get this year. Remember," Aim right between the antlers." I think that should be your byline. Bob
  3. You know what the difference between 100 and 110. 10 inches. 5 inches a side. Big wow! People start obsessing about monster bucks and scouting them and baby sitting them, keeping a code of silence. The worst of human emotions becomes evident. Those one's that are against the commandments. Like do not covet thy neighbors rack! Really if you can keep it all positive. Keep jealousy and greed out of the equation good for you. If you can honestly shake a hunters hand that just shot "your monster buck" then I say you have a good balance. There is the other side. We have heard the stories. The sick ones. splitting the skull for a few points here. Knocking a point off there for a bigger net score. Kicking the wrong deer off the cliff because you thought he was the one. Shooting a deer a week early while your best hunting buddy lie in the hospital. I use to think, that I would like to be a trophy hunter. The challenge of it appeals to me, but the competitiveness of it sickens me. I don't just mean competitiveness between hunters. I mean the competitiveness within the mind. The thought that a 111 inch buck could some how be superior to a 109 inch buck is nonsense. The concept of ground shrinkage is a joke. "I swore he was 115, but he only taped out to 105, so I am disappointed." What? So I have given up my trophy hunting aspirations a while a go. The ironical thing is I shoot larger animals now, when I truly don't care. I hunt for fun and fun only. If it is no longer fun I will quit. Going back to Scott's original post. I would be proud to put my tag around an 86 inch whitetail. I would never pass it up. So my answer to the question "What contributes most to harvesting MONSTER BUCKS." My answer would have to be. WHY? Bob
  4. bobbyo

    7X7 pictures and story

    Now thats funny. Congratulations on a great bull. Bob
  5. bobbyo

    Any Worries?

    Dustin, I disagree with a few of your points. First Success rate for archery deer will never sky rocket in this state. As snapshot pointed out it is hard work being successful at bowhunting. Most hunters are not crazy enough to put in that kind of effort. In addition blind hunting or tree stand hunting is not a "lazy" way to hunt. Ask the guys who have put in 100 plus unsuccessful hours this season if they feel they were lazy. Waiting long periods of time without seeing anything is hard work! Personally, I can't do it for longer than 4 hours. This is why I mostly spot and stalk. My hat goes off to those "lazy"hunters that can sit a stand all day long. They are able to accomplish something that I simply cannot do, so I have a lot of respect for the hunters that can. Bob
  6. bobbyo

    Any Worries?

    We have discussed this before. I think G+F would enjoy an increase in over the counter out of state archery hunters as long as they are not successful. Most archery hunters resident and non resident are not successful. Success rate is 6%. Probably the worst success rate in the whole country. But your right, I believe the big deer being taken by archery may cause changes in archery regulations. Those changes will not be instituted because G+F is worried about extra hunters from out of state. They will be instituted for two reasons. First, There is a gun hunting bias that permeates at the commission and agency level. I believe they are getting complaints from gun hunters and guides stating that archers are stealing their trophies. All these 120 inch bucks that are being killed with a bow are being taken before they have a chance. Right? Second, some outfitters/guides have perfected their archery hunting methods which have significantly increased their success rate to a point that a client is almost guaranteed at least a shot at a Coues and a much better than 50% chance of harvesting one. Of coarse I believe both these arguments are bogus. Most of the Big Coues are being taken in areas that are unhuntable with a rifle anyway. That is why you can find a 120 inch Coues. Duh! The second argument is bogus because it penalizes success, and yet their success has not raised the bow harvest figures significantly. Really I think G+F would like this solution. "Hey Archers, bow hunt all you want, Just don't kill anything!" Bob
  7. Looks like your having all the fun this year. Nice deer. Congratulations. Bob
  8. bobbyo

    Pack weight

    How are you planning on hunting? If you are chasing bugles. I think you are way too heavy. This is going to be the funnest, but yet most strenuous hunt you will ever have. I lost 18 # in 6 days chasing bugles. Bring water, knife, possibles bag,snacks, bow, field binocs, and a hyper hot call.I like wood wise. I can fit this all in a Camelback like pack with two pockets about 10 pounds including binocs around neck. If you are hiking in a ways you might want to bring pack frame with more equipment and stash it somewhere. Just remember you could end up miles from where you leave it. Seems like you already know, but water is the most important thing. If you are in an area with running water you might want to substitute one bladder for a water filter, but the risk is those dang bugles could lead you away from water sources. Good luck. I'm really jealous, Bob
  9. bobbyo

    In the Mode for a Tear Jerker

    That's funny right there. Bob
  10. bobbyo

    In the Mode for a Tear Jerker

    Mike, What the heck! If I wanted to read Old Yellor or Where the Red Ferns Grow. I would of. Dang that's cruel. Good story though. Thanks, Bob
  11. I would say that is a 95 " 3.5 to 4.5 year old trophy. A real no brainer. Congratulations on a awesome buck. It is really easy to score yourself. Amanda has a link I believe in the front section of the sight. You should really add the tracking part of the story to the patient after the shot section. As I'm sure you learned a mortally wounded deer never goes the logical route and rarely in a straight line. You should always have a person stay on the blood trail no matter how hopeless it seems. Bob
  12. You should be arrested for that joke. Bob
  13. All I can say is that bulls head must be huge. A world record head. Looks to me like a 360 frame with 25/30 points of trash. For a bull of that caliber the mass and the fronts look weak. Main beams are exceptionally long though and the trash certainly adds points, but I was under the impression to break the 400 mark you needed exceptional score in all areas. Wrong again. Bob
  14. Ya 445 and its not about the size! He just liked the look of his beady brown eye's. Come on I think most people would shoot a 445 elk for the "looks". Bob Big Jim, I apologise for my smart butt remark. I know what you mean now. I would not of guessed that bull to be that large and I am sure your team had others that you thought scored higher, so the hunter chose him on his charachter. Again, all apologies. Still his beady brown eye's were attractive. Bob
  15. Ya 445 and its not about the size! He just liked the look of his beady brown eye's. Come on I think most people would shoot a 445 elk for the "looks". Bob
  16. bobbyo

    Being patient after the shot....

    Thanks C+S that is the most useful thing posted on here in months. Bob
  17. bobbyo

    Odd buck Pic

    So its an optical conclusion!
  18. Sorry for your loss, but all us swishy tree huggers will be happy. We need new recruits. Bob
  19. bobbyo

    late November hunt 36a

    Muley Hunter, I assume you mean the hunt after the junior hunt. Anyway I will throw this idea out there for you. i believe my organization AZSCI along with other partners is going to have a youth hunt camp for the NOV 20-26 youth hunt. Instead of driving down multiple times for scouting you could attend the hunt camp with your daughter and help out with other youth hunters. You would get to go out with people who are very experienced in that unit and I am sure you would get great ideas for your daughters hunt. In addition your daughter will get to socialize with hunters close to her age. Bob
  20. bobbyo

    Poached Elk and Stolen Apache Trout

    All right i will bite. How do you steal a large amount of trout? They are slippery. Bob
  21. bobbyo

    Semi-new hunter

    Cusca, This may sound like odd advice, but here it goes. Best way to get better at rifle hunting Coues. Buy a bow. Your story is similar to mine. Started hunting rifle with little success. After a few years of sucking I decided to get a bow to extend the sucking and what do you know, the extra time in the field allowed me to find spots with bucks. If you know bucks are there you have the confidence to sit all day on the hill like C+S. In fact if Oct is as hot as the last three or four your scouting should include looking for spots to sit and glass all day. Also do not overlook sitting a water hole between 10:00 and 2:00 in the thick stuff. Many rifle hunters overlook this method, but it worked with my son last October. Bob
  22. bobbyo

    Trouble with Illegals???

    Thanks C+S. It is good to know I can make other people laugh. I thought I was only amusing myself. Really the IA are not a problem at all down here. In fact they can help you immensely. Last hunt I hired a couple to pack out a deer and some others to cook my meals. Practically a fully outfitted hunt for five dollars and a plastic jug of water. If you want to do the same, just camp right on a major travel corridor like the Elkhorn. Don't worry. Their trails are easy to find. Look for an endless line of backpacks and water bottles. Once you set up camp, place a sign at the closest water source. Trabajar Aqui! With a map to your camp. If your lucky you could hire enough IA's to turn your little boring Coues hunt into an African safari. I like to have a gun bearer and trackers. I make the others carry all my gear on their heads just like a Tarzan movie. I also tell my newly hired servants to call me Papa like I'm Ernest F---en Hemingway. So you can see the IA's really add a special quality to a hunt that you just can't find in any other unit. Everyone should hunt the southern units to get this unique experience. Bob
  23. bobbyo

    New mounts

    Mike great looking trophy's. I think something is missing. Oh ya, you need bright red walls like Matt. http://forums.coueswhitetail.com/forums/in...showtopic=14141. Congratulations ahead of time on the 360 ELK. Bob
  24. bobbyo

    What would you do?

    Dad is that you? I beat you to the spot. Mom even said so. Get over it will you. Bob