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Everything posted by couesmagnet

  1. After watching the video 25 times i agree he's at least 385, and maybe more. The only thing that hurts him is his 1sts seem a little short, but he makes up for those with his 3rds. In my opinion bulls with genes like this seem to have shorter points on every year with heavy mass measurements. I saw a picture of the identical bull killed in 2010 on another site from the white mountain area. This bull is identical to mine and that bull in your video, and it goes 394 gross cause he has about a 5 inch cheater coming of his 5th point on the right, and that's the only diff. How much mass do you think that bull has in your video, mine had a little over 31 inches a side. Jay you know my email , send me a preview video of that giant you filmed there.
  2. This is my buddy jay's post and i wasnt trying to high jack it. Just wanted to second how cool that bull is he posted. Besides i dont post pics usually of anything me or my family harvests. Sorry luvcoues.
  3. couesmagnet

    Feelin' Out The Competition - video

    Very nice bulls for sure!!!
  4. Jaybird, hey bud, i killed this bulls brother this year with my bow. I think the bull in your video has a mid to high 350s frame with each kicker he has being around 12 inches in length for a dandy grand total of 382. i love the character of that bull you have there on video. My bull is almost an exact copy of that bull, and with a 362 frame and his two kickers both being over 14 inches , he goes 389 gross with 3 inches broken off. Thanks for posting such a cool bull and keep up the good work bud. do you have any more video of this bull to post , i would love to see it? We nicknamed my bull "captain hook" for obvious reasons. Can you imagine having video of captain hook fighting handlebar J!!!