Hey guys - I have been a lurker around here for a while now, but thought I would register. I have found you guys and the site to be very helpful.
A little about me... My family and I moved to New Mexico just over two years ago. I lived in Nevada, Utah, and Colorado before coming here and have hunted in each of those states. I drew a deer tag for unit 22 in NM last fall and it was my first time hunting in New Mexico. I had a great hunt, learned quite a bit about the area, but came home empty handed. It was still great to get out and stomp around the hills, though! While we were there, I saw a couple of Coues does one evening. I had heard that they were present in this unit, but didn't go out of my way to find any. Seeing these two has piqued my interest, though. From searching through the archives here I see that several of you have successfully hunted this unit for both coues and mule deer in the past. I'm wondering if anyone is willing to share some pointers to a newbie? Like I said, I hunted there last year so I am somewhat familiar with the unit, but have never hunted coues before. I'm equally interested in hearing any tips/advice you may have about hunting muleys here as I think I'd be happy with either this go around.
Thanks, in advance, for the help. If you'd prefer to PM me, that's perfectly fine as well as I am one who appreciates the value of information.
Happy hunting!