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About prescottbowhunter

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  1. prescottbowhunter

    Amazing Mule Deer Rut Footage and 4 Kill Shots!

    Great hunt..thx for sharing....run and gun bro, run and gun!!
  2. prescottbowhunter

    Trashing the Forest

    +1 Trphyhntr
  3. prescottbowhunter

    help track a lost buck

    Way to stay after it!!!!! heck of a buck! And for the record: whitesnake is nothing more than a Led Zep rip off!!!!
  4. prescottbowhunter

    My Muzzy Muley

    That is a fine smokepole buck...congrats
  5. prescottbowhunter

    help track a lost buck

    Here we go again.....
  6. prescottbowhunter


    I was out today. Saw over 30 deer 8 of those were bucks. 5 were shooters. All the groups of does had a buck with them just hangin around. Very early rut IMO. Headin back out tomorrow to try and seal the deal. What a great day in the woods nonetheless.
  7. prescottbowhunter

    2013 archery elk hunt (video)

    Sweet video...awesome bulls!!!! Thanks for sharing. I do have a question for u. Is the video we r watching made from the footage taken by the go pro cams u r wearing on your heads? If yes how do you achieve the zoom feature? Editing ? Thank you again for the video. Incredible!!!
  8. prescottbowhunter

    Found Achery Kill 23N (UPDATED)

    First off....congrats to the hunters and this site in helping a hunter find his bull...that right there is TEAMWORK!!! Way to be lookin out....now for the hard truth...there have been Wayyyy to many wounded/lost bulls this season (so far). I personally think this in not only sad as others have stated, but just BS. Yes we all know it happens every year. Read the posts just on this forum alone. I think each hunter has the responsibility to know their own effective rangeand stick to it. Dont let "the fever" overcome you and take a shot you nomally wouldn't!!!! Some of u may not like what I have to say but we DO have a problem going on here and it NEEDS to be addressed again and again. I know each and every one of you work your a$$es lo ff for these hunts. We all do. Just think before you shoot and dedicate yourself out of respect for the animal you r hunting and all hunters. Aim small miss small..... just sharing my thoughts. This is still a forim right? Stay safe out there and hope each and every one of you have a successful hunt!!!!
  9. prescottbowhunter

    Javelina and mule deer skulls

    Can u please PM info and pricing on camo dip on elk skull? Thank you
  10. prescottbowhunter

    First Bull Unit 6A

    Nice lookin bull right there!!!! Way to go
  11. prescottbowhunter

    Prayers Answered

    Great looking bull and story....I love that neck of the woods.
  12. prescottbowhunter

    The first pile of blood

    These kind of stories make me sick. YES it "happens" but don't we owe it to the animal out of respect to find it and make sure its cared for properly? Most of these stories end with the hunter tagging ANOTHER animal. How many chances should you get ethically??? Its up to us to minimize this somewhat acceptable practice within the hunting community. I'm sure my statements may ruffle some feathers, oh well. I speak the truth and if nothing else these words may be remembered the next time we all have a "questionable" shot opportunity. Just my 2 cents. Have a great rest of your hunts people. Ps...I truly hope that those of you that have lost bulls, find them
  13. prescottbowhunter

    16yr old Andrew's first bull

    Sweet bull.....that is gonna be a tough act to follow. Its like having a supermodel take your virginity. All the one that come after....just come after....no pun intended hahahahah congrats Andrew
  14. prescottbowhunter

    opening day Bull/ 1st Bull ever

    Found this bull in the aftenoon of opening day. I saw him pushin cows out of a drainage. Planned a stalk on him and headed after it. I circled a little knob and was able to find him raking a tree to shreds about 150 yrds below me in the flats with his cows. I tried a few cow mews before I was able to pull him from his cows and begin making his way up the hill in my direction. Slowly but steadily he made his way to within 40 yrds annd popped out behind a juniper opposite from where I was positioned. I drew back and set my 30 yrd pin on him and let er fly....I watched as my arrow went right under his belly and the elk startled and ran back down the mtn. After 40 yrds or so he stopped and looked back up in my direction, I cow called again and he came back towards me on a MISSION!! He stopped at 20 yrds 1/4ing towards me. I was at full draw already and this time put my 20 yrd pin right where it needed to be. I Saw my arrow hit him deep right where I aimed. He took off down the hillside and piled up 50 ft from the tree he was trashing when I first saw him. Then the work began. 4 hours later with the help from 3 great bros I was proudly dropping my first bull at the processor. I usually hunt solo, but qhen the bull hit the ground, and the calls were made, they showed up and we handled business. I can't thank Nathan, Randy and Jeff for being there when I needed them. I will forever be thankful. Epic day, epic memories, epic hunt....great F'n Bull.