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Everything posted by PelaPapas

  1. PelaPapas

    Tagged out for the year!!

    Congrats on your pig! Mind me asking what call you used to call them back in?
  2. PelaPapas

    Lions in 37B???

    Thanks to everyone for the input. I'm going to pick up a tag.
  3. PelaPapas

    Handgun Javelina

    Congrats on your success! What distress call did you use to call them out the brush?
  4. PelaPapas

    Tessa's first javelina

    Congrats on a great looking pig!
  5. PelaPapas

    JAred's 1st archery javelina

    Congrats to your son, Great shot!
  6. PelaPapas

    WTB: E-Caller

    I'm looking to buy a used e-caller. Something like the Foxpro Spitfire or Wildfire but open to others. This will be my first e-caller so I dont want any high end model right now. If you have anything to offer please PM me. Thanks!
  7. I'm wanting to buy a new pair of binoculars soon. I wanted to know if there is a certain magnification for best all around use. Not looking for something to be mounted on tri-pod. Any info/tips on what you think the best magnification is, will be greatly appreciated!
  8. PelaPapas

    Archery desert buck down

    Congrats on your buck.
  9. PelaPapas

    ** Updated with more pics ** Nice Neighborhood Buck!

    Updated pics! The pics added were sent to me from the same uncle, but he said these pics were taken from another driver on route in Saddle Brooke.
  10. My uncle took these pics of this nice toad of a buck last week. This was off of La Cholla in the Tortolita Mtns. **UPDATE** The pics added were sent to me from the same uncle, but he said these pics were taken from another driver on route in Saddle Brooke.
  11. PelaPapas

    ** Updated with more pics ** Nice Neighborhood Buck!

    I'm not too sure if its in la cholla park? My uncle is a UPS driver and took these pics while out on route.
  12. PelaPapas


    Dang, nice buck man! Congrats!
  13. How's it goin everyone? I was looking to get a used bow for hunting. nothing expensive right now as I am new to bow hunting. I have a guy offer me a PSE Citation II. he sent me pics and it looks good. He said its about 3.5-4 years old and has been restrung 2 times (last time in Nov.'11). I tried looking up some info on it with no luck. Can anyone tell me about these? Are these any good? How much are worth? Any help is greatly appreciated!
  14. PelaPapas

    Info on PSE Citation II?

    I was looking to trade a LNIB Itac Defense light/laser for the bow. Should I do it? Is it a fair trade?
  15. PelaPapas

    Info on PSE Citation II?

    Ok. So is the $200-250 price is how much it cost new , or is that the value you would say its worth right now? I'm looking to trade a tac light for a handgun rail for it, should I trade?
  16. PelaPapas

    Just back from Sonora

    Wow, that sunset pic is really nice! Congrats on the bucks!
  17. PelaPapas

    Another school shooting

    This is crazy. Prayers to victims and their families.
  18. PelaPapas

    My first archery Javelina

    Congrats on that nice pig!
  19. PelaPapas

    Are these lion tracks?

    I was walking near a wash near this past weekend and found these tracks. They were a little bigger than my fist. Was wondering if these were lion tracks?
  20. PelaPapas

    Question About Lion Tag?

    I have a question about buying a Lion tag. Is it valid for all year or is there a certain time/season it can be used?
  21. PelaPapas

    Are these lion tracks?

    Thanks to everyone who replied. I thought they were lion tracks. They were huge, but in the mud things can be harder to read.
  22. PelaPapas

    First Buck!!!

    congrats on your buck!
  23. Sorry if this is the wrong place to post. I wanted to know if there is a specific season to hunt coati? Season or year long? Special tag needed or is my hunting license all I need? Any help is appreciated.
  24. Great! Thanks for all the help! I'm going to check out some vortex diamond backs, seems like everybody who has some are very pleased. I will also check out others in that proce range. Once again thanks again for all the help you guys have given!