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Everything posted by PelaPapas

  1. PelaPapas

    Full Draw Film Tour- Tucson

    Thanks for the heads up! Might have to go check it out!
  2. PelaPapas

    So I went hunting this week

    Way to put em down! I like that color on your AR, looks good!
  3. PelaPapas

    My Dads first buck

    Congrats to your dad on his buck! Awesome display, I really like the AZ state shaped plaque.
  4. PelaPapas

    Isreal's Buck

    Great job to Isreal on his trophy! Also a shout out to you for being a great mentor to Isreal! Keep up the good work...
  5. PelaPapas

    Bows legal in Mexico?

    Nice! Have fun & be safe out there!
  6. PelaPapas

    Bows legal in Mexico?

    Perfectly legal and good to go! My wife's grandparents have a small ranch and my brother in laws and I take out bows whenever we go visit. Never had a problem...
  7. PelaPapas

    Camper Shell for F250

    Bump for a great looking truck! Good luck on the sale!
  8. PelaPapas

    Metate Found

    A Metate is the "base" section and a "Mano" is the hand-held part, they can seen in different sizes... The round hole type of metates were used to shell and grind acorns, grass seeds, etc and are usally found in large boulders/bed-rock... The more common type seen are the ones that are "portable", flat stone with one(or both sides) deeply worn, rectangle shaped, used more for corn and grain grinding... The ones I found were on a bed-rock on the base of a hill side. I figured that's what they were just by looking at it, even though I've never seen any of that shape. I remember growing up my Grandmother had a metate just as you decribed above ^^^ that was passed down from her great grandmother. She never used it, just something she had on display in the house.
  9. PelaPapas

    Great WT Hunt

    Big congrats! Amazing buck!!! B)
  10. PelaPapas

    2014 leftover love

    Dang that's a heck of a buck you got yourself! I'd hang up my bow every once in a while to try my luck at a buck like that ! Again congrats to you & your brother on tagging some amazing bucks.
  11. PelaPapas

    My 2014 Coues Buck

  12. PelaPapas

    Got it Done!!! #2

    Dang, congrats on that sweet toad!
  13. PelaPapas

    Metate Found

    Do these vary in sizes/shape? Last Feb on our Pig hunt in 36a I found two of what I thought to be metates not too far from our camp. They were on the base of a small hill side. Only thing was these one were maybe 4" wide and maybe 2" deep. So they were more "hole" type. So I wasn't sure if they were metates or not?
  14. PelaPapas

    Score one for the good guys

    Awesome! One more bad guy off the street!
  15. PelaPapas

    T minus 2 hours....

    Good luck, be safe out there!
  16. PelaPapas

    Backpack Coues hunt

    Very cool story & pics. Thanks for sharing & congrats to the both of you on tagging out.
  17. PelaPapas

    4x5 Non-Typical

    Whoa! What a beauty! Love the color of the antlers.
  18. PelaPapas

    Finally Tagged out

    Congrats on that great buck!
  19. PelaPapas

    Big Buck!!!

    Such a beautiful buck with lots of character. I think I know the guy who took this buck, looks familiar . Big Congrats!!!
  20. PelaPapas


    Pm sent
  21. Way to go man! Congrats on your buck!
  22. PelaPapas

    137 5/8" giant

    Jeez that is one nasty buck! Congrats to your buddy!
  23. PelaPapas

    3C Elk Poaching....what a waste!

    Wow that's a sad sight and such a waste. If it was poached, I hope they catch the person who did it!
  24. PelaPapas

    my wife's buck

    Congrats to your wife on her buck! Great to see pics with the whole family in the field!
  25. Just thought I'd post these up to see if anybody would be interested. Got these in a trade and have no use for them on my rifles. Looking to trade for a B-Stinger Stabilizer sport hunter in either 8" or 10" & maybe half dozen arrows cut 29" (340 spine)? - RRA "Half-Quad" mid-length, free float hand guard. (retail: $150 new) - Good condition. Small scuff/scratch in middle of hand guard, You can see in the pics. - RRA Gas block/front flip up sight (retail: $100 new) - In great condition. These both came off a RRA Elite Operaor 2 rifle (They were on the rifle for 2-3 months before being removed). Thought I'd throw this out there. Let me know if you'd be interested, thanks.