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Everything posted by PelaPapas

  1. PelaPapas

    Christmas came a little early!

    Whoa! That is one heck of a gift!
  2. PelaPapas

    All sighted in for Saturday

    Good luck out there! Post up pics when you tag out!
  3. PelaPapas

    The start of a great hunting season!!!!

    Congrats on your buck, he's a bruiser! I can't wait until my kids are old enough to head out on a hunt with me!
  4. PelaPapas

    2014 left over hunt

    Great write up & congrats to the both of you on those amazing bucks!
  5. PelaPapas

    ar 15 for sale

    Great looking AR!
  6. PelaPapas

    Trade: S&W M&P 9 Full Size + Ammo

    Glock 17 is the only thing I'm interested in trading for. I just miss my old G17 and want another one...
  7. PelaPapas

    2014 OTC Urban Javelina

    I was planning on heading out this past friday for a day hunt but ended up working that day. Now your pic is making want to head out even more! Congrats on the Pig!
  8. PelaPapas

    Archery Yote!!! (VIDEO)

    Awesome video! They were really goin' crazy at the beginning of the video! Was the e-caller in the chollas?
  9. PelaPapas

    My new whip

    I really dig this no cam bow. It's one great looking bow!
  10. PelaPapas

    Friday - who's hunting piggy

    Could you post up a link please? So is it a OTC tag for the metro units? I would like to head out this Friday for a stink pig if possible.
  11. PelaPapas

    Had a Successful Year of Hunting

    Wooooooow! Those are some great trophies! Great job on that buck, he's a toad! What Vortex scope are you using, if you don't mind me asking?
  12. PelaPapas

    Havalon knife, which one?

    As others have said above, Piranta model is the way to go! My wife got it for me last Christmas and it is scary sharp! I Might have to try out those 22xt blades.
  13. PelaPapas

    Court's November buck

    Way to put em down! Congrats and GO CATS!!!!!!!!
  14. PelaPapas

    Bigger Than Last Year?

    Wow congrats to your daughter on her trophy! Good job to you as well! I can't wait until my daughter is old enough to hunt! Counting down the days...
  15. PelaPapas

    Ross Outdoors Burglarized

    Wow really sorry to hear that! I myself have never been to Ross Outdoors but I've only heard super positive things about them here on the forum. I hope they catch these guys and recover their stuff. Best of luck!!! I'll keep my eye out down here in Tucson...
  16. PelaPapas

    First coues is a stud!!! 103 4/8

    Sweet Buck! Congrats!
  17. PelaPapas


    I shoot exact year/model. Its a great bow and super accurate for me! I don't see a need to upgrade this one anytime soon...
  18. PelaPapas

    Results are up

    I am going to pick me up a leftover for 36B. I want to try to put one down with stick & string first! :D
  19. PelaPapas

    My Mexico "Double-double" bucks are back

    Amazing work done on that display! Congrats to you on those two trophy bucks as well!
  20. PelaPapas

    Got it done on Veteran's Day

    Whoa! Looks like waiting it out paid off! Congrats on your buck!
  21. PelaPapas

    Solo pack hunt

    Man that looks like a great time!
  22. PelaPapas

    Coues and Effect

    Congrats on a great buck! Great write up, vids & pics!
  23. PelaPapas

    Full Draw Film Tour- Tucson

    Does anybody know if they will be selling tickets before the Tucson show on Friday? I want to go, but it all depends on my work schedule on Friday. So I don't want to buy tickets online and end up not going. I would rather buy in person right before the show. Any info is appreciated...
  24. PelaPapas

    Few more skulls

    Awesome work! I love the velvet on that skull!
  25. PelaPapas

    Full Draw Film Tour- Tucson

    I'm glad for once I don't have to go to phoenix to attend something like this Haha very true!