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Everything posted by PelaPapas

  1. PelaPapas

    WTB: Vortex Diamondback Scope

    In the market for a new scope. I wanted to see if anybody has a used Vortex Diamondback they want to sell before I go and buy a new one. I would like the Diamondback model in 4-12x40. If you have a used one in good condition, message me your asking price & pics. Thank you...
  2. PelaPapas

    Dad's 2014 Coues

    Congrats to you and your Dad! Thats a great looking buck! His smile says it all.
  3. PelaPapas

    37B Stinker..... Updated Mule Deer Down

    Nice! Congrats on tagging out on both Javi & Deer, way to get it done!
  4. PelaPapas


    2-3 times a week. I try to shoot any chance I have right after work but it leaves me with only 15-20min or so of daylight to shoot. So I make the most of the weekends with any free time.
  5. PelaPapas

    2015 archery deer is in the books

    Great looking buck man, congrats!
  6. PelaPapas

    New Years Day Buck

    Congrats on your buck!
  7. PelaPapas

    I finally got a great pic of a nice coues buck!

    Wow incredible pics Pixman! Keep up the good work man!
  8. PelaPapas

    Dumb question??? (Archery Javelina)

    Great! Thanks for the input!
  9. Was planning on going to G&F to pick me up a january javi archery tag for 36b. A guy I was talking to today told me I could pick up a archery tag for javi at Walmart. I thought the only OTC tags for javi I could get at Walmart were for the metro units for December hunts? Am I missing something???
  10. PelaPapas

    Please remove

    Please remove ad
  11. PelaPapas

    First coyote with my bow

    Awesome! Was reading your other post on those same yotes. Glad you finally caught up to them. Hopefully you can connect on the others.
  12. PelaPapas

    Little late season freak action!

    Wow what a bruiser! Congrats on an amazing buck. I would've had nightmares if I passed up that buck!
  13. PelaPapas

    Trade: S&W M&P 9 Full Size + Ammo

    Sunday bump, still available for trade...
  14. PelaPapas

    WTB: Badlands 2200

    I found one from a fellow member here. Thanks everyone!
  15. PelaPapas

    WTB: Badlands 2200

    In the market for a used Badlands 2200. Preferably in Max-1 camo, but will consider others. If you have one let me know condition and asking price, thank you... Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays!
  16. Hopefully that will be next month!
  17. I lit up Rudolph's nose at 20 yrds. Looks like he'll be able to guide Santa's sleigh!!! Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays to all!
  18. PelaPapas

    Finished off 2014

    Congrats on the pig!
  19. I don't know why the pic is sideways?
  20. PelaPapas

    Javelina January 1st, who's hunting where?

    36B for both Archery & General in Feb.
  21. PelaPapas

    Another great 10 yr old season

    This ^^^ Great job on showing your son the way! Keep up the good work! Looks like he's hooked!
  22. PelaPapas

    Trade: S&W M&P 9 Full Size + Ammo

    Not looking to sell. I'm only interested in trading at the moment...
  23. PelaPapas

    Texas Hog Hunt - Who Wants to Go?

    Ok got it! I've been reading up on it and a lot of people on different forums say that public land hunting is good (and a lot cheaper) for taking pigs. That's if you know where to go, which in my case I DON'T haha.
  24. PelaPapas

    Texas Hog Hunt - Who Wants to Go?

    Are you guys planning on going to a ranch or hunt public land? A hog hunt is something I've been looking into recently....