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Everything posted by PelaPapas

  1. PelaPapas

    Tucson Rifle Club Closed Due to Fire

    What fire? I didn't hear anything about a fire out there.
  2. PelaPapas

    Please Close

    Please Close
  3. PelaPapas

    Please Close

    Cool I'll check em out, thanks
  4. PelaPapas

    Bass fishing for a beginner...

    Dang, thanks everyone for all the input! I forgot that I do have a spin cast rod/reel as well. So either the spinning reel or spin cast would be good to go right? As for the line test, I'm not sure whats on them right now. It's just the line that came with the combo when I bought them new. So I'm guessing 4-6lb test? Would that be ok to use?
  5. PelaPapas

    2015 Opening Day Success

    Congrats on the great bull man!
  6. PelaPapas

    Any difference in Vortex Kaibab models?

    Got it! thanks for the info DM21!!!
  7. I am looking to buy myself a used pair of Kaibab 15's. Is there any difference in the older models vs. the newer ones? The only thing I see different are the boxes/packaging. Other than that they look to be exactly the same. Binos themselves look to be the same. Would I be ok with picking up an older pair? Both HD glass and same in all aspects? Any input is appreciated...
  8. PelaPapas

    big bull

    Wow! Congrats to him What a monster!
  9. PelaPapas

    Archery Bull

    Congrats on that great looking bull!!!
  10. Yes!!! Congrats to your son on getting it done!!!!
  11. PelaPapas

    Bucks & Bulls

    Great looking pics man! Thanks for sharing!
  12. Nice!!! Looking forward to some pics and a story! Best of luck to you guys!!!!
  13. PelaPapas

    hunting pack was stolen

    Keep an eye on your neighbors! Maybe somebody in your neighborhood knows what you had and swiped it when they had the chance. Sorry for the loss of your Dads ashes man...
  14. PelaPapas

    hunting pack was stolen

    Jeez! ! I will keep my eyes open here in Tucson!
  15. PelaPapas

    Please delete...

    I can add cash on top for a pair of Kaibabs...
  16. Wondering how you all lock up your ice chest/coolers in the back of your truck? I was looking into a padlock with 2.5" shackle that will go through lid hole on the corner of a yeti with either a 1/4" or 5/16 chain. The only problem I run into is that I believe the chain won't go through the anchor points I have in my truck bed. So some sort of cable lock might be the only way I can go? Does anybody use the wire cable to lock up their cooler? would 1/4" cable or the python cable do any good?
  17. PelaPapas

    Replaceable blade knives

    Havalon gets my vote! Great knives and they are scary sharp! Replacement blades are cheap too!
  18. PelaPapas

    How do you lock up your Ice chest/coolers???

    Same here but with all the people out there saying people have stolen their coolers, I rather not take a chance!
  19. PelaPapas

    How many use scent lock/blocker clothing?

    That's what I've heard from many people on all different forums. But Scent lok technology is not what I'm interested in. I want to know if it will be durable for me on my hunts and not only last me a single season. The fit and material seemed very good, just wasn't sure on durability. It had a softer feel to them so it seemed like this material would be a magnet for cat claw and thorns.
  20. PelaPapas

    How many use scent lock/blocker clothing?

    The reason I am considering some scent lok/blocker is because of the comfort (not really for the scent blocker technology ). I tried on some pants and I really liked the fit & tricot material.Compared to my jeans or carhartt pants I could see it being a lot cooler hunting in these kind of pants. I just was debating if this kind of pant would get tore up down south. So what I'm trying to figure out is... 1. Scent Lok/Blocker pants - Staying cool with the tricot material, but with the chance of it getting tore up down south or 2. Jeans or Carhartt's - Somewhat hotter to hunt in, but can withstand the Southern unit conditions alot better? Like I said I have no idea if these pants can hold up to thorns/cactus very good, so anybody with input is greatly appreciated!
  21. PelaPapas

    How many use scent lock/blocker clothing?

    The problem I have, is that I walk! I don't sit in blinds or tree stands so I'm not sure if i should buy or pass?
  22. PelaPapas

    Nikon warranty work

    I had sent in my spotter to Nikon because I had dropped the spotter and something was off a little bit when looking through the scope. I sent it in and they emailed me informing me that they were going to replace my spotter for a brand new one rather than repair it. It was out of my hands for about 4-5 days. I guess it would depend on what kind of work you are needing on your glass.
  23. PelaPapas

    Dove Hunt 2015

    That dinner pic made my mouth water!