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Everything posted by PelaPapas

  1. PelaPapas

    New hunting sight

    Like some mentioned above ^^^ Black Gold Ascent is what I use and really like. I have the 3 pin model and its been a great sight for me! You can find some deals on used ones here in the classifieds and on archerytalk. I found mine here last year for like $70.
  2. PelaPapas

    Yellow ferret in the woods?

    Do these run around in the southern units too? This past August a buddy and I were heading back from a scouting trip. We were on Arivaca highway when something ran out in front of the truck and then disappeared into the tall grass. It had a long body, short legs and long tail. It didn't really have the color of that marten in the pic that ruffcountry posted. What we seen was a lot darker...
  3. PelaPapas

    Usery today

    Nice shot man! I've always wanted to check out usery range when I'm up there. Just haven't had time to stop by.
  4. PelaPapas

    Christmas Gathering

    Nice lights Kidso! I bet you light up the whole block!
  5. PelaPapas

    My grandfather in late 40's

    Cool pic man. Love seeing these old pics!
  6. PelaPapas

    My 1st archery kill

    Yeah I remember it being posted back a few months. What a monster! Congrats again on your buck!
  7. When I head out for coyotes I almost always take the AR. I want to try my hand at getting the dogs to come in closer for some shotgun hunting. Only problem is I have my mossberg 500 that is smooth bore. Would this be ok to use? If so, what would be the max distance I should try taking a coyote at with my setup and what load would be best to use? Never tried predator hunting with a shotgun and wanted to see what other hunters prefer when hunting with shotgun...
  8. PelaPapas

    Preferred Shotgun Setup...

    Thanks everyone for the info!
  9. PelaPapas

    New tech for smartphones- Beartooth

    Hmm looks nice. I wonder how much it will cost?
  10. PelaPapas


    Why do these threads/topics always expire? I've seen many when looking up my posts that say expired. Is it the moderators closing them?
  11. PelaPapas


    Just wondering what show (city/town) had a disappointing turn out?
  12. Nice bucks! Congrats to the both of you!
  13. PelaPapas

    Respect the Coues!

    Congrats! That's one nice buck!
  14. PelaPapas

    1st deer

    Nice man! Great looking buck, congrats!
  15. PelaPapas


    What show was this?
  16. PelaPapas

    Paul's Buck

    Heck of a buck! Congrats!!!
  17. PelaPapas

    WOW really?

    Dang that sucks man!
  18. PelaPapas

    Spring results

    Thanks for the info! I only ask because a few years back I got drawn for my 3rd choice javi tag when there were left over tags for the first two choices. Thanks again!!!
  19. PelaPapas

    Savage Axis??

    My brother in-law has an axis in 25-06. Pretty nice rifle that came with a nikon 3x40 scope. I believe he paid $300 new for it couple years back. Not bad for a good rifle.
  20. PelaPapas

    Spring results

    gotcoues - So I read/understand it right, you can put your first choice number in 1st and 2nd choice box?
  21. PelaPapas

    Custom Smoker/Grill

    I'm really surprised no one has picked this up! That is a sweet smoker. Its hard to find a smoker like this one at that price!
  22. PelaPapas

    Anyone free tomorrow?

    Bird killing machine!!! Good luck out there man!
  23. PelaPapas

    Tagged out opening morning in 22n

    Oh ok nice! Haha I was about to start taking my game to bashas!!!
  24. PelaPapas

    Pheasant tortilla soup! Yummmm

    That looks good!
  25. PelaPapas

    Tagged out opening morning in 22n

    Nice! Congrats on filling the freezer! Did Bashas process your game meat for you?